Can you give me a suggestion on creating my own free offer?

2 replies
I have lately just started to get more seriously into network marketing. I have been purchasing products, and researching since around 2009.
I was wondering what is the best way to create a free product, what are some ways to go about creating a free offer so that I can collect leads. Later on I am also going to consider creating my own products, but I am not sure what direction i will go with that. For now I am looking for some good ways to create a free offer, something I don't have any experience in doing. Thanks
#creating #free #free offers #give #lead generation #offer #production creation #suggestion
  • Profile picture of the author djax3000
    Most people including top internet marketers usually offer plr that they have modified to some degree. Usually they will go to a site like or and find products in their particular niche.

    Make sure your rights allow you to give the product away. Someone on this forum or on fiver can create a new ecover for you. Upload revised ebook or report to your site and drive traffic to your squeeze page. I know it sounds simple, but that's how it's done. I over-complicated the process too at first instead of just following my instinct and ended up wasting a WHOLE lot of time when I didn't have too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Terry Kyle
    Look at the "Most Viewed" and "Most Replied" threads on forums in your niche and discover the 'hot button' issues that you can base a free offer around (video/PDF etc).
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