What $1,000 in solo ads and 5 e-mail marketing courses taught me...
The result, learning from 5 different e-mail marketing courses (probably a lot more) and spending $1,000 in solo ads.
So now I have about 2,000 people on my e-mail list, I've made about $500 back... this was over the course of 2 months.
Of course, I can still make money off of the list, but that's how things are as of now.
Now I haven't gotten rich off of list building yet, but I'm building some momentum and I'm sharing what I've learned with you today...
1) Don't follow garbage advice of sending to your list every day and sending them offers. Maybe this worked a few years ago, but now EVERYONE is on someone's e-mail list. The same concept of ad blindness occurs on e-mails.
2) Don't adswap aggressively. This will dilute your list, pretty soon your list will be on 10 other lists and your open rates will sink like the titanic. Its a multiplying effect t0o, because your adswap partners will do the same thing to the subscribers they got from your list and pretty soon its 10x10 and now your subscriber's inbox is flooded to hell.
If you do it, be very selective and make sure the free offer the adswap partner is promoting is of HIGH QUALITY and its someone who is super careful about building a relationship with their list.
3) Want a secret to easily DOUBLING your e-mail open rates in just days? Take the subscribers that didn't open your last e-mail message and save them as a segment. Then copy the same e-mail and send it to this segment. The ones that didn't open out of this segment, save it as another segment and send the same e-mail to them. Cumulatively, you will have double the open rates from your original broadcast.
4) Tip about SLO offers: Video sales letters that autoplay work the best and it needs to be super targeted to the lead magnet.
5) Focus on building a relationship with your list and pitching offers should come second. However, when you send out your value e-mails, it should build up to your offers, like a movie that has a climax and conclusion. The best example is a soap opera sequence by Andre Chaperon.
6) Its more important to paint a story and entertain your list than it is to splash them with bland facts and how-tos all the time.
Hopefully I can return to this thread after making my millions through e-mail marketing. That would be awesome

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