Best membership plugin for wordpress

39 replies
Hey what's up all.
I'm adding a membership option for my readers to my site now. I'm trying to find the best one for wordpress. Any suggestions?

My goal is to have protected video content that only members can access on my site. I also would love for it to integrate w/ Paypal pro.

I tried getpremise and it seems to create more questions than it answers. Not enough tech support. Fail....
#membership #plugin #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author David-JP
    Please read:

    Wishlist or amember are my preferred methods.

    Free Report: How IM Gurus Pull in 100k-$2mil A Year (Its Not What They Teach You)
    The Nuts and Bolts of Starting-Up and Running a Successful Membership Site
    ==Membership Academy== aMember/Wishlist Hacks and How To Videos
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  • Profile picture of the author drr
    I've used amember in the past, for WP though I use Memberwing. Here's one of my Memberwing based sites if it helps -
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  • Profile picture of the author gpwilson
    The best membership plugin for Wordpress is memberwing.
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    • Profile picture of the author locke815
      Originally Posted by gpwilson View Post

      The best membership plugin for Wordpress is memberwing.
      Memberwing is really not bad
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    • Profile picture of the author roblawrence
      Originally Posted by gpwilson View Post

      The best membership plugin for Wordpress is memberwing.
      The Google First Click free feature of Memberwing has been broken for over a year now and doesn't work. Yet, it's a big selling point on the website?! The developer still hasn't gotten around to fixing it yet (after a year).
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    I've used wishlist memeber for all of my clickbank products.

    It takes some time to setup, and if you have like 100 pdfs you're sharing can be a real pain.

    BUT, it's powerful as heck and will protect your stuff down to individual files...

    Could be worth it depending upon how robust you want your protection schemes to be.
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    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      Originally Posted by Sarevok View Post

      I've used wishlist memeber for all of my clickbank products.

      It takes some time to setup, and if you have like 100 pdfs you're sharing can be a real pain.

      BUT, it's powerful as heck and will protect your stuff down to individual files...

      Could be worth it depending upon how robust you want your protection schemes to be.
      I second this!
      >> 2018 Money Making Method Video Guides [NO OPTIN] <<
      80% Of These Proven Guides Are Free... ]
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  • Profile picture of the author idoitbigtime
    I am using WISHLIST in more then 20 Sites
    i belive it's had all the Needed Features
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  • Profile picture of the author bamstk090
    i will give a try for amember
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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    I have been successfully and happily using Digital Access Pass (DAP) for quite a while, on a variety of sites. WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Script For WordPress Blogs And HTML Web Sites

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author magnificent
    I've found the following link about membersip plugins.
    5 Best WordPress Membership Plugin To Start A Membership Website

    As far as I know, Magic Members DAP plugins are integrated with Paypal Website Payments Pro.
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  • Profile picture of the author Baadier Sydow
    I purchased s2Member® | A powerful (free) membership plugin for WordPress® on the recommendation warriors in my mastermind group. i'm quite happy with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketingMinded
    Definitely Wishlist Member by a landslide...
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  • Profile picture of the author copilu0
    you can use s2Member like Baadier Sydow said.Is the best option to integrate paypal and add restrictions to your pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    I have been using fast member for the last 3 months in combination with optimize press

    this works great for me and it is really easy to maintain

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  • Profile picture of the author bamstk090
    thanks guy,,
    i have created it with amember and happy with that
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    I use Wishlist and now it's all I use.

    There is a learning curve, and it can be a hassle to setup for just a .pdf download, but once you get the hang of it you can crank out securing your membership sites in a few minutes
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  • Profile picture of the author wsmreviews
    I think you will be very happy with your decision. Ive been tremendously happy with the amember features. However, Ive never used the amember for a wordpress site, but I know they have a wordpress plugin.
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  • Profile picture of the author weston2012
    Finally I think "Amember" will be great for my site. Really last 3 days I am searching best membership plugins for my business website.

    Thanks all of my friends in this thread for discussing about this plugins voting.
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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    Oh never mind wrong post. lol, but good luck with wordpresss. Lol sorry.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel B
    I use wishlist member WF plugin. It's easy and efficient.
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  • Profile picture of the author julesw
    DAP has a lot of cool features if you need them, plus in built affiliate management
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  • Profile picture of the author howtogurus
    I've had good luck with s2member, along with a good customizable theme. The theme needs to be able to show/hide individual elements on a page by page basis, the more customizable the better.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Hessler
    DAP Digital Access Pass. From warriors recommendations and great customer support. It's not expensive and there are others that may be less expensive but will do all you want. I have it on two sites. Still to flesh them out but had questions for Rav and his team and always got the support I needed.

    The BEST web TV show on the Internet

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  • Profile picture of the author Hani D
    I would recommend Wishlist plugin or you can try Kajabi service.
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  • Profile picture of the author roblawrence
    Seems like Wishlist Member has gone all quiet and they don't update the plugin much anymore. There haven't been any new features in ages.

    They just past the 4-year mark and when they started there were no membership options for Wordpress, now there are dozens!

    Seems like they got really popular, became number 1, made lots of money and now got lazy. But they pitch their own membership site quite a bit. Maybe that's where the money is now?

    Anyone know what's going on over there? Is Wishlist Member still king?
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    • Profile picture of the author Rodney Gold
      A member is REALLY really good. Wishlist has gotten really lazy as for updates and what not. But wishlist is really good for beginners and it does work well for people who want to start membership sites.
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      • Profile picture of the author TeamGlobal
        I've recently installed the Wishlist Member plugin. For my current basic membership site needs it seems to work just fine.

        One important thing to note is that when I did contact Wishlist Member Customer Support they were extremely responsive. In addition, the answers to my support questions were accurate and very helpful.

        All The Very Best,

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  • Profile picture of the author colinph970
    Easy member pro for me.......although not a Wordpress plugin, it's easy to install and coded really well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
    Not sure if its the best, but it works real nice, and its free, S2Member, and if you combine it with another plugin that a warrior on here sells, which was designed specially for drip feeding content, its a nice combo package with no monthly fees, and its very affordable.

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    • Profile picture of the author wesleywinter
      I prefer WishList for my sites!
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  • Profile picture of the author willisk
    I definitely agree that Wishlist will provide you all your needs in creating a membership website. I wish you the best of luck on your new membership site.
    Looking for smokin' HOT buyer traffic? Broadcast your special offer to over 40,000 of my highly responsive subscribers | Buyers list included

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  • Profile picture of the author straightshooter
    I am also looking for a membership plugin and have found the following information in a broadcast from Affiliate Blog Online:

    When we were looking at creating a membership site, we did quite a bit of research on which was the best software to use. There are quite a few and some are very good quality. We wanted one that integrated with Wordpress so essentially a plugin. We eventually decided to go with one of the following:

    1. Wishlist
    2. S2Member
    3. Digital Access Pass (DAP)

    They all received excellent reviews on the net and were quite advanced in what they could do but what decided it for us was the fact that DAP had a very sophisticated dripping system.

    Basically, for those that don't know, a drip-fed system allows for content to be released over time. So if a member joins today, they might get Lesson 1 straight away and next week they might get Lesson 2 and so on. The other software did allow for this but it was a bit messy to set up whereas with DAP it was easy to just select a post to have it drip feed.

    After using DAP for a couple of months now, we are extremely glad we chose it. It is so simple to use and the support and documentation has been amazing. We have asked a lot of questions in the process and they have even logged in to our account on a couple of occasions to sort things out for us.

    Hope I could help.

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  • Profile picture of the author bamstk090
    amember is the best guys
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  • Profile picture of the author Martinsee
    Go to -> search : Membership paypal
    I use one of them, It's good.
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