"old school" article marketing - does it still work?

29 replies
Hey everyone

I was checking out Ezine Articles recently and I noticed that a few people on there have been posting articles for years (like one every 2-3 days) and promoting the same stuff (websites promoting Clickbank product reviews or the article links to a squeeze page). Some people have like 1000-2000 articles and have been steadily posting articles since 2008 up until as recently as yesterday.

I'm guessing that if they have persevered with this that article marketing for traffic like this still works?

It's not everybodys cup of tea as writing articles takes "work" and most of us would give up after 10-20 articles so I'm guessing this is why there isn't thousands of authors on the Expert Author pages of EA with numbers like this.

But I'm wondering.... for those of us that are willing to persevere and write articles to a review page or squeeze page whether this is still a tried and true method for making Clickbank commissions?

I made my first sales years ago from writing articles but I haven't really been doing much online lately (as to be quite honest I have found offline business much easier than online business!) but I'm thinking of getting back into it to earn a few bucks in my spare time and hey..... writing for an audience can be fun?!

Any true article marketers out there that can comment?

I'd be interested to hear from anyone that has managed to get to the point where they have 200+ articles online. Do you really start to get the repeat visitors that they say you do when you reach numbers in the hundreds?

By the way I'm talking about article marketing for traffic (not for SEO) where you submit all your articles to EA a bit like what Sean Mize used to do.

Thanks for any input...
#article #marketing #old school #work
  • Profile picture of the author martimoney
    It seems to me the answer is yes. Otherwise there wouldn't be those that are still doing it like you mentioned in your example. I'm just too lazy to keep up the effort. Paid traffic is my favorite option because I see instant benefit and like working with ad copywriting.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    If you just drop articles on Ezine and nothing more its not going to be worth much. With the Panda hit Ezine took a massive hit in traffic. Depending on the niche you can actually get traffic just from the directory but I wouldn't recommend it as a traffic strategy. If you are personally interested in getting traffic with your articles I would use the search feature above and put in "article syndication."
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  • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
    I certainly would NOT use ezinearticles as the main source of traffic. I'll use it as a leverage nonetheless. Allow me to elaborate:

    I would write a piece of unique content but I'll post it on my blog or website FIRST. After search engine indexed my website and has given me the credit for posting unique content, I'll then post it on article-directories such as ezinearticles.

    I'm clearly NOT writing solely for ezinearticles. I'm writing for my blog or website (that's the priority) and use ezinearticle merely as a leverage. I do not care whether or not my articles in ezinearticles are doing great, i have nothing to worry about. If it's driving traffic to my website, it's a bonus.

    Hope this help,
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Originally Posted by MikeAnders View Post

    I'd be interested to hear from anyone that has managed to get to the point where they have 200+ articles online. Do you really start to get the repeat visitors that they say you do when you reach numbers in the hundreds?
    Here's the last summary report I received from eZinearticles ...
    Monthly Summary for September 2012
    This summary is account-wide.

    Article Views ---- Clicks Delivered ------ Published Articles
    September 363 ---- September 19 ------- September 0
    Lifetime 48,887 ---- Lifetime 4,439 ------- Lifetime 327
    Copying and pasting the report has destroyed the formatting and WF strips spaces (I discovered) so I have tried to align the columns using dashes.

    As you can see, I have 327 articles published at the site and they have delivered 48,887 views and 4,439 clicks in total over their lifetime.

    In the month of September, they delivered 363 views and 19 clicks.

    I don't tend to publish to eZinearticles these days, though those articles do send me a little traffic passively. If I do decide to submit an article to their site, it is not the traffic or links from their site that I am hoping to get; it is getting the article picked up by other sites (syndication) that is the goal.

    Anyway, hope those stats are helpful to you.


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  • Profile picture of the author rackspace
    nice. also there are many new how to article sites now a days
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  • Profile picture of the author Pawprints34
    So from what I'm reading I'm gathering that people are saying that it doesn't work like it used to thanks to the recent Google updates?
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    • Profile picture of the author taffie
      I don't think it would hurt though to submit articles where you can, better still, have a submitter in place for optimal results. Like anything, get good at it and it will yield the results! There is power in article marketing just as there is power in Press Releases etc. IMO :-)
      Coach | Mentor | Consultant | I work with business owners, marketers, experts, or coaches/ and mentors who want to understand new media or digital marketing better http://tinyurl.com/tdmentorspace
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by taffie View Post

        I don't think it would hurt though to submit articles where you can
        This is incorrect: it can easily damage your own website's prospects, to do that. This is typically what all the people have been doing who start off all the threads with titles like "Article Marketing Is Dead". For them, it is. Because they've tried to do it by submitting articles wherever they can, without understanding how it works.

        Originally Posted by taffie View Post

        better still, have a submitter in place for optimal results.
        On the contrary.

        Not only will that bring worse results, but these days it will commonly get your site heavily penalized for overoptimization. Google has been really open and clear about this. There's also a large number of Warriors to whom exactly that has already happened, and Google has told many of them expressly that that's why it has happened. Using a "submitter" is potentially disastrously bad news, that can cripple your entire business, as so many have been discovering and explaining in this forum and elsewhere.

        Mike, what you're describing above isn't actually "old school article marketing" at all.

        In fact it isn't what any experienced, successful article marketer would even call "article marketing" at all: it's actually "article directory marketing" which is a much more modern invention, albeit one that now has virtually no value at all, after various Google updates and so on.

        It was only ever really based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how article directories work, and what purposes they can and can't beneficially fulfil for a marketer.

        For all the reasons explained in this post, no article marketer would want to have potential customers visiting an article directory.

        This post explains what "old school article marketing" is (and it works better than ever, in 2012): http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ml#post5035794

        And this thread, if you read carefully and follow the links, explains all you need to know about how to use article directories successfully: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ml#post5068872

        Originally Posted by MikeAnders View Post

        By the way I'm talking about article marketing for traffic (not for SEO)
        Mike, respectfully, you've misunderstood how article directories work. The idea of submitting articles to directories "for traffic" isn't to get the traffic from the directories: it's to use the directories as a stepping-stone toward getting the (highly targeted) traffic from the relevant sites to which they're syndicated from the article directories.

        An article directory is just a stepping-stone.

        That's all they were ever intended to be. That's why they exist. They can't really fulfil any other purpose for you.

        If a potential customer puts one of your keywords into Google, the last thing you want him to find is an article in a directory: you want him to come straight to your own site to read your article - that way, you keep all that customer traffic instead of losing most of it. You can actually choose which copy they find - and all the 2011 Panda Updates have, mercifully, made that much easier and better for article marketers to do correctly. For many article marketers, that represents the difference between making a living and not making a living.
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  • Profile picture of the author TaylorLu
    Article marketing still works. If you are good at writing, you will get very good results. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin McNally
    To an extent yes, as Alexa said you are best putting your quality content on your own website.

    You can get traffic from services such as UAW, EZA if you are doing a lot of submissions but you need to vary anchor text and it's a risk using your money domain as the main website you are linking to. Some people have been using sites such as Hub Pages to build a quality hub and send article traffic to that while posting links to their money site on the hub.
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  • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
    Oh my, when the topic is on article marketing, you'll get more quality answers than you expect if you were to use the 'Search' function of this forum. We're just lucky that Alexa does not get tired of answering questions on article marketing over and over again.
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  • Profile picture of the author murtuza
    I have close to 557 articles in ezinearticles. Here's my view point on article marketing. Ezinearticles used to be easy before where you could throw out an article and it would get approved but nowadays they prefer american english. It gets tough to approve my articles out there as I am Indian.

    However this year in feb 2012 i did one testing in ezinearticles. I submitted 100 articles to ezinearticles and warrior article directory to test instant traffic in IM niche. I had a coaching program that I was promoting. Here's the results. 100 articles got me 300 leads and around $1100 profits. Traffic should be close to 1000 visitors, this is instant traffic, traffic coming within 45 days.

    This simply means that I made $11 from one article. However after 100 articles I had solid issues getting my articles accepted in ezinearticles and I realized it is tough to scale up this system without hiring expensive american writers. Therefore I slowed down the process and now I am testing a bunch of seo, warrior article directory, ezinearticles and other submission systems on my blog combined and the results are impressive, I am getting to a point to get 2 to 3 leads per article.

    However, I have been doing something similar with youtube. Submitted 5 solid videos in youtube and got 650 views, this is stronger than ezinearticles. Now I am taking this to the next level, I will be submitting around 100 videos this month to youtube, my personal shooted videos and will track the response.

    I think it is easy to shoot videos and submit them to youtube than writing articles and submitting and getting them approved in ezinearticles. I personally feel that warrior article directory is much more powerful than ezinearticles compared to the number of instant views you get per article. So if you are in IM niche spend $60 to get your own warrior article directory account, it is worth it. The only drawback is you can submit only 5 articles per day.

    However, this is my personal experience and it can vary from niche to niche and person to person...

    Want to know my true story & how I got started with my internet business? What kind of problems I faced to get started & how I finally cracked the internet code? I have also prepared a 30 day blueprint for you to get started. No signup is required, just rush in to check out pure content ==> how to start an online business - And yeah, if you like what you read don't forget to 'like' & 'tweet' it. All the best :0)

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  • Profile picture of the author Pawprints34
    Thanks Alexa and Murtuza. Its great to hear people talking about real results and testing things. It's pretty easy to see through the responses where people are just quoting hearsay and what they have read so its refreshing to see some real results.

    I'm in the weight loss/fitness niche so Warrior Forum article directory wouldn't help me there.

    So from having a read of some of those threads that Alexa quoted above I'm gathering that she advocates a "guest blogging" style approach where I should actively contact blogs in my niche and offer them my content?

    So my approach should be something like this:

    1. Write an article for my blog with an opt in box at the end of the article to capture leads and get them on my list.
    2. Write an article that links to this first page and to my homepage that can be used to promote the first article.
    3. Keep a list of blog owners in my niche that might be interested in publishing my content and contact them to see if they would like to use the article I wrote in step 2
    4. Publish the article I wrote in step 2 to Ezine Articles so publishers I don't know can find it.

    I do have questions though as to whether blog owners in my niche would be concerned about publishing content on their website that will obviously be published elsewhere (in regards to duplicate content penalties etc).

    Should I contact blog owners and offer them the piece of content written in step 2 exclusively so they don't have to worry about this and its an extra incentive to publish my content?

    And do you find blog owners very receptive to this or can I expect to send 100 emails to blog owners and find that most of them never reply or are not interested?

    I can't think of their names off the top of my head but I have heard of one site that is a paid membership where writers can offer their content and blog owners can browse it and then contact the writer to say they are happy to publish it on their blog. It is a membership site to facilitate guest blogging.

    And one final question to Murtuza regarding videos on You Tube...... it sounds interesting but do people just come across your videos after you submit them or do you need to build links to them or something else in order to get traffic to the videos? Surely a new video posted on You Tube is just lost in the sea of millions of videos out there?
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    • Profile picture of the author Martin Lee Jr
      Originally Posted by MikeAnders View Post

      And do you find blog owners very receptive to this or can I expect to send 100 emails to blog owners and find that most of them never reply or are not interested?
      Hi mike - you will run into a lot of NO's, but over time -- you will build a portfolio of webmasters/bloggers that will gladly accept your articles as long as you are providing quality content.

      Originally Posted by MikeAnders View Post

      I can't think of their names off the top of my head but I have heard of one site that is a paid membership where writers can offer their content and blog owners can browse it and then contact the writer to say they are happy to publish it on their blog. It is a membership site to facilitate guest blogging.
      I recall this website. (presuming we are talking about the same one) It's a membership site operated by Ann Smarty. I'm not a member, but from what I have read it is quite helpful in getting good exposure for your blog
      How Can I help...
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by MikeAnders View Post

      So my approach should be something like this:

      1. Write an article for my blog with an opt in box at the end of the article to capture leads and get them on my list.
      2. Write an article that links to this first page and to my homepage that can be used to promote the first article.
      3. Keep a list of blog owners in my niche that might be interested in publishing my content and contact them to see if they would like to use the article I wrote in step 2
      4. Publish the article I wrote in step 2 to Ezine Articles so publishers I don't know can find it.
      No, Mike ... respectfully, this isn't a good idea at all.

      Under no circumstances let an article directory have content that hasn't already been published and indexed on your own site. This is absolutely fundamental to any model of article marketing.

      And the list of "possible syndicators" you have: the article you offer them is also one you've already published and had indexed on your own site. Don't build their business by giving them the initial indexation-rights you can keep for your own site.

      I never "promote one article with another". The purpose of my article marketing is to use articles to promote my landing page. People who have read one of my articles elsewhere, and got as far as clicking on the link at the end, don't want to read another article - they want to see my website and get my free report and subscribe to my list. And that's what I want them to do, too. After that, they can read as many of my articles as they want.

      This thread (in which someone suggests doing what you've just suggested above, and there's a long and detailed explanation of why it would be such a mistake) will perhaps help: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...marketing.html

      Originally Posted by MikeAnders View Post

      I do have questions though as to whether blog owners in my niche would be concerned about publishing content on their website that will obviously be published elsewhere
      Some will; some won't. It's never been a problem for me. Either they want content or they don't. All the people who syndicate articles from Ezine Articles (which is why Ezine Articles exists, not to mention every other article directory!) have already shown that they're happy to publish content that's already published elsewhere, haven't they?

      Originally Posted by MikeAnders View Post

      (in regards to duplicate content penalties etc).
      It's true that there are some blog-owners who simply don't understand that that isn't duplicate content, and that it isn't penalized. (By the way, even duplicate content isn't penalized, as Google keeps explaining in black and white, but admittedly not everyone knows that, and some people who are selling "SEO services" don't want their potential clients to understand it, either).

      This little article clarifies that position (and even includes a quotation from Google): Article Marketers – Lay the Duplicate Content Myth To Rest Once and For All - Internet Marketing and Publishing Blog

      Originally Posted by MikeAnders View Post

      Should I contact blog owners and offer them the piece of content written in step 2 exclusively

      Originally Posted by MikeAnders View Post

      so they don't have to worry about this
      They're (mostly) not worried about this, Mike. It's you who are worried about this.

      Other people won't look at it like you do. They're not marketers like you. If they were, they'd be your competitors, and those aren't the people who'll be syndicating your articles anyway, are they? You see what I'm saying perhaps? Don't instinctively project your own attitudes and beliefs about what you (as it happens, mistakenly) see as "duplicate content" onto other people. Yes, you may find a few who share your reservation with it - those aren't the ones you need (frankly, they're mistaken, but it can be a thankless task trying to re-educate them). There are many others!

      Originally Posted by MikeAnders View Post

      and its an extra incentive to publish my content?
      I don't want my content being published by people who would regard that as an extra incentive to publish it! I want it being published by normal people! :p

      Originally Posted by MikeAnders View Post

      And do you find blog owners very receptive to this or can I expect to send 100 emails to blog owners and find that most of them never reply or are not interested?
      It depends on how much demand there is for content, the quality of the content, and how you ask them.

      The main thing is that the articles need to be written for syndication.

      Originally Posted by MikeAnders View Post

      I guess the challenge is now developing a relationship with significant blog owners in my niche and getting them to publish my content.

      Any tips on how to do this effectively would be appreciated???
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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Here is the bottom line.

        Truly good content (not the crap that most people pass off as articles) will
        always bring results.

        1. Write about things that people actually CARE about.

        2. Write well.

        3. Choose your keywords carefully.

        4. Establish YOURSELF as an authority FIRST. Your articles, if they're good,
        will follow.

        5. Track your results. What site(s) give you the best results and what sites
        prove not to be worth your time? This will vary from niche to niche. (My
        health articles kick ass at EZA while my MMO articles suck wind)

        6. Write well. (I listed it twice because it's the most important thing)

        Do all that and you'll be fine.

        If you don't believe content is important, go to Google, search for ANYTHING
        and tell me what you find.

        Dollars to donuts (with the exception of heavily video dominated niches)
        you're going to find an article of some kind or another.

        The rumors of the death of article marketing have been greatly exaggerated.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Alexa is the article madam of them all **winks**

    But seriously, when you do a search and listen to top article marketing gurus, you will notice 3 things.

    Here they are.

    1) Articles, still work but I would term article directories POISONED by the new google updates.

    2) It is high quality of your article, or well written content that is fresh that will get you results, not matter what you think.

    3) There is a new breed of article marketers, who are doing what is called SYNDICATION of articles and that even more revolutionary than the old BUM MARKETING that took the marketing world by storms years ago.

    Again go and read alexa's posts...she does not spin articles (which really is the stupidest thing you can do)

    Learn to syndicate your articles. Do not do article directories, do article syndication and learn to MARKET your ARTICLES....not post them infront of people that will stumble apon them.

    Put them infront of people that need them, and give the reader good content and leave them craving more.

    Become an article "MARKETER" (a marketer of high quality articles), not a article directory poster. (which is simply blasting to article 'directories' now hurt by google)

    See how that works now? Ok not go out there and get em' tiger!
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    • IMO is much easier to write article and post on your blog , then repost on facebook fanpage , tweet it and repost on social bookmarking sites.
      I don`t post articles on article directories as they are more and more picky and I don`t have time and patience to follow their rules.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pawprints34
    Ok, I've spent a few hours now reading some of those threads Alexa and MYOB and others have mentioned.

    I think I'm starting to get the hang of the process now and I can see where putting the content infront of webmasters in the same niche and having it published on relevant blogs is the way to get relevant visitors that is much more powerful than publishing on article directories.

    From what I have read I have answered my own questions regarding exclusive content or whether to offer syndicated content.

    The question I still have (hopefully Alexa will read this thread again ) is about how to approach webmasters in my niche the right way to get them interested in actually talking to me about publishing my content rather than just binning the email on sight.

    What is the best way to build a relationship with webmasters/blog owners in my niche to get them interested in publishing my content?

    Obviously send them an email ..... but what to say to get noticed and not appear to just be another spammer producing crap?
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  • Profile picture of the author Pawprints34
    That's right. We are talking about the same one.

    It is MyBlogGuest.

    I'd love to know if anyone has had good results from using it.
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  • Profile picture of the author murtuza
    ok here's the plan I did for one of my blogs this year and it worked great. This plan well has got me close to 1000 visitors and around 180 leads in last 2 months from just free google and search engine traffic. I gave it a shot in 'start internet business' niche and the main keywords and related keywords I targeted are 'start internet business' and 'how to start an internet business' for which my site and videos are ranking on either first page or within first 3 pages for all related keywords in that niche. So here's the plan...

    It is simple. I wrote articles based on top 100 keywords in google. Arranged the articles in tutorial format so my visitors can get great value. Wrote 30 articles and posted on my site. Created 5 videos and posted them on youtube, they are solid content videos.

    Created 4 squeeze pages on my blog. Created popup, exit popup, sliders and all the other conversion bells and whistles on my blog.

    Now I wrote around 104 articles till date and submitted them all around to a bunch of different places. Some of them includes article directories, web 2.0 sites, warrior article directories, etc.

    I deep linked every page of my blog and youtube videos. Made it look natural and took care of keyword spamming. Did LSI and silo structure of the blog.

    And HURRAY all this paid off. My site is on page 1 for terms like 'start internet business' and 'how to start an internet business' in google.com, that is google international, however I can even see my video on no. 2 position for 'how to start an internet business' term. And these terms have over 1.4 billion competing sites and I came above all with a brand new blog in just 1.5 months.

    I am now in the process of taking this to the next level. If you wish to learn in great detail how I picked up this brand new blog just PM me, I had created a live email course for my platinum coaching clients showing them what I did and how I did it, the entire live overview of the process. I will email you the link to this ecourse I created for my coaching clients. Hope this helps...

    Want to know my true story & how I got started with my internet business? What kind of problems I faced to get started & how I finally cracked the internet code? I have also prepared a 30 day blueprint for you to get started. No signup is required, just rush in to check out pure content ==> how to start an online business - And yeah, if you like what you read don't forget to 'like' & 'tweet' it. All the best :0)

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  • Profile picture of the author Davmac40
    I gave up article publishing years ago because I felt the amount of work was too great for the return.

    Can't remember exact figures but before giving it up I did an audit and reckoned on spending 1 hour to do research and write a 500 - 700 word article. (I'm an old journo so writing comes pretty easy).

    I dedicated one site to send article readers to and this site was for a good selling Clickbank download. I found I was writing for upwards of three hours per sale achieved and as the commission was just $28 that rated my time at less them $10 an hour. I could work in McDonalds for that rate.

    These are simply my findings and I do not claim they are typical.

    At the same time I ran a second WP site for the same product and used PPC using only mispelt keywords and the results were far more profitable.

    This was put up so that you can copy the system for determining articles written to cash coming in. Others may find better or worse results, there's no exact science in my opinion and the only figures that really count are time spent writing articles to commission made from the articles.

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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      In my experience, the "old school" method of article marketing works better now than it ever has before, mostly because there are so many of my competitors who are doing it completely wrong.

      For over 15 years, I have been using "article syndication" as a marketing model, which has brought astounding sales results year after year. The formula is simple: write quality articles, publish in quality outlets, and promote quality products to qualified visitors. It does not take many articles at all to drive massive convertible traffic when they are distributed widely.

      To be successful in article marketing, you need to understand who is your targeted reading audience. You should write in the manner and style your audience expects, and up to the standards which are acceptable to publishers. Anything less only makes you susceptible to the whims of Google.

      Consider syndicating articles to niche ezines, newsletters, and even offline publications such as relevant magazines and newspapers. It's an implied endorsement by the publisher for your articles when then are read by their subscribers. This is a subtle but very powerful marketing nuance which often beats the competition all-to-hell.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pawprints34
    Thanks for chiming in MYOB.

    I guess the challenge is now developing a relationship with significant blog owners in my niche and getting them to publish my content.

    Any tips on how to do this effectively would be appreciated???
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Originally Posted by MikeAnders View Post

      Thanks for chiming in MYOB.

      I guess the challenge is now developing a relationship with significant blog owners in my niche and getting them to publish my content.

      Any tips on how to do this effectively would be appreciated???
      At this time it's difficult to add anything of real value that hasn't already been discussed repeatedly regarding this topic. In addition to the links referenced by Alexa, this post is my short answer, but you really should read that thread in its entirety - it's perhaps the best free course on article syndication you will ever encounter.
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  • Profile picture of the author gpwilson
    Yes. you should. It would generate lots of traffic than you realize. But make sure that all of your articles should be genuine and fresh.
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  • Profile picture of the author rahul247rocks
    Article Marketing still works, what changed is the fact that how you go about it. Ezine and all are not so useful anymore. Now you need to aim for high quality guest posts in high PR site. Then ask the blog owner to give you a do follow anchor text link. I am sure this will boost your traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by rahul247rocks View Post

      Ezine and all are not so useful anymore.
      It depends what you try to use them for.

      For those of us using them for the purpose for which they're intended, they've never been better or easier to use, and their usefulness to us is actually going from strength to strength.

      Originally Posted by rahul247rocks View Post

      Now you need to aim for high quality guest posts in high PR site.
      There's no such thing as a "high PR site". Websites don't "have page rank". Only pages have page ranks.

      (Not that page ranks have much to do with SEO anyway, these days. We can all see for ourselves from Google's SERP's the ever-increasing frequency with which lower-PR pages with fewer incoming backlinks are outranking higher-PR pages with more incoming backlinks. Relevance and quality are what matter. But that's why Ezine Articles is so helpful - it's a stepping stone to getting your articles published on some sites of quality and relevance.)
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