"old school" article marketing - does it still work?
I was checking out Ezine Articles recently and I noticed that a few people on there have been posting articles for years (like one every 2-3 days) and promoting the same stuff (websites promoting Clickbank product reviews or the article links to a squeeze page). Some people have like 1000-2000 articles and have been steadily posting articles since 2008 up until as recently as yesterday.
I'm guessing that if they have persevered with this that article marketing for traffic like this still works?
It's not everybodys cup of tea as writing articles takes "work" and most of us would give up after 10-20 articles so I'm guessing this is why there isn't thousands of authors on the Expert Author pages of EA with numbers like this.
But I'm wondering.... for those of us that are willing to persevere and write articles to a review page or squeeze page whether this is still a tried and true method for making Clickbank commissions?
I made my first sales years ago from writing articles but I haven't really been doing much online lately (as to be quite honest I have found offline business much easier than online business!) but I'm thinking of getting back into it to earn a few bucks in my spare time and hey..... writing for an audience can be fun?!
Any true article marketers out there that can comment?
I'd be interested to hear from anyone that has managed to get to the point where they have 200+ articles online. Do you really start to get the repeat visitors that they say you do when you reach numbers in the hundreds?
By the way I'm talking about article marketing for traffic (not for SEO) where you submit all your articles to EA a bit like what Sean Mize used to do.
Thanks for any input...
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