What are some better safelists to join?

13 replies
I'm looking to join more safelists to send ads to. I'm already a member in quite a few, but only one has been really responsive. Just wondering if you know of any that are either really responsive or offer good prices.
#join #safelists
  • Profile picture of the author martimoney
    Here's a few I use for various projects:

    List Joe 3.0
    Top tier mailer
    State of the art mailer
    Max mailer pro
    Lead magnet
    Viral nugget

    These are my favorites. I use others as well. PM me if you want the whole list with stats.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joey Starkey
    @twinkenterprises are you using safelists to build a list or sending directly to an offer?
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    • Profile picture of the author twinkenterprises
      I'm using them to build my own list.

      Originally Posted by Joey Starkey View Post

      @twinkenterprises are you using safelists to build a list or sending directly to an offer?

      Check out my blog and get a free gift!!

      Fly with Jaebek Lifestyle

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  • Profile picture of the author mikelmraz
    None of the safelists are safe ...
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  • Profile picture of the author gpwilson
    Keep it mind that it's all about safety. It may give a temporary relief but in the long run it would cause great problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
    make sure that you have a free offer that related to traffic or internet marketing and a squeezepage where you are self branding rather than using the generic pages.

    List Hoopla is a good guide of activity, but you will ultimately need to track your own results.

    Lastly here's a facebook group where a few active users share weekly / monthly stats.

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  • Profile picture of the author theimbible
    Have you tried solo ads using safe swaps? I have found a couple of these to be very responsive giving a high opt in rate.
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    • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
      Originally Posted by theimbible View Post

      Have you tried solo ads using safe swaps? I have found a couple of these to be very responsive giving a high opt in rate.
      It can be done, but if your adswap partner is using tracking they will not be pleased and you could get negative feedback.

      Also some of the terms for the safelists mean that this sort of promotion is against their terms, certainly when we discussed someone who was selling the service of safelist posting on fiverr it was frowned upon by some owners.
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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    Not used safelists, although I wonder if it is similar to using traffic exchanges.
    Could be wrong though.
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    You can try ViralURL, ListJoe, ListMachine, ListAuction, and GotSafelist.

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

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  • Profile picture of the author cjshu99
    Ok, I see many people using safelists. Plus the site analytics shows they do have traffic. But it seems everyone on these lists are promoting the same get rich quick schemes, mlm programs and viral traffic pages.

    I've never gotten any results from anything I've used in the past.

    What do you promote to these people? Is it only for biz ops? Or just for building your own list?
    Do these people only want the free traffic?
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  • Profile picture of the author cjshu99
    My sites are mainly in the online games niche. I've posted mostly work from home, online surveys and sweepstakes sites to these lists.
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