Stuck Newbie - Traffic Tips Needed Please

by 1alpha
40 replies
Hello everyone, I was hoping to get some advice on IM please.

I'm looking for help to really get stuck into IM rather than just "dabbling" here n there. Long term, my aim is to have a full, steady income from an online business, but right now, getting to a consistent $50 per day mark would be enough to get by... but I don't know where/how to start.

I'm interested in doing affiliate marketing or CPA, however my number one issue is: HOW do I get traffic to my url?... (I'm familiar with the WSO section but feel like I get pulled in one direction after another, and I don't want to fall into the category of collecting products without action).

I've done a bit of google PPC with mixed results, but I don't really have much money available to spend on paid advertising right now. Social Media has always been time-consuming, but I have tried using Twitter/Pinterest, although I can't seem to get many followers at all, let alone click-throughs. I like the idea of YouTube/video marketing, but again, I don't get many views and can never seem to get ranked consistently.

I feel like there are a whole lot of things I don't know or am missing that could be making the major difference in reaching my short-term daily goals... I just don't know where to find them, to start making some income. So if anyone can recommend resources I can follow, or can help with best tips & practices for where to find traffic or how to drive traffic, it would be very much welcomed - thanks in advance!
#needed #newbie #stuck #tips #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Mr. Ken Russell
    Check out the Article section on the forum:
    Warrior Forum - Articles

    There are a few threads about traffic on the first page. Get to reading!
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  • Profile picture of the author myadsbook
    lot of ways are available for internet marketing. you do best on page seo and then work with off page seo. its really profitable.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    FREE traffic is what you need. Either do video marketing with SEO or article marketing with syndication. There is a gold mine of wisdom once you decide what traffic generation method you will stick with until you master it. The search bar is above...
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    • Profile picture of the author vickybabe
      Originally Posted by jamesrich1 View Post

      FREE traffic is what you need. Either do video marketing with SEO or article marketing with syndication. There is a gold mine of wisdom once you decide what traffic generation method you will stick with until you master it. The search bar is above...
      Or do both, turn your articles into videos and correctly SEO them, and while we are going why not turn those articles into pdf's and submit them to places like scribd or yudu. Syndication is definitely the way to go. One original piece of content can become hundreds of traffic sources
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  • Profile picture of the author mrdnf5m
    Hello 1alph,

    It sounds like you are on the right track because you have a specific goal of earning $50.00 per day. However to be successful in online marketing it is important that you have 3 key things :

    1.) A Goal to strive for on a daily basis

    2.) A strategic plan that will help you to make progress towards your goal and

    3.) Daily, consistant action in the direction of your goal.

    However you have to stick with one strategy long enough to create and build momentum. Think about when you first learned any new skill or ability (like walking, reading and writing). It takes time, effort and persistence before you really start getting good at it and thats when you will start seeing your desired results.

    I would recommend that you pick three different strategies such as SEO, video marketing and social media and focus on getting really good at them over the next 3-6 months and then add another method to your marketing mix. By doing this you start developing your skill and expertise in those traffic generation methods and you will be able to create momentum while also getting more and more traction from your efforts.

    This is how a real online business is built, one business model at a time.

    Click here and learn more of the basics of affiliate marketing => Online Affiliate Marketing Info

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    • Profile picture of the author shelahc
      Originally Posted by mrdnf5m View Post

      Hello 1alph,

      It sounds like you are on the right track because you have a specific goal of earning $50.00 per day. However to be successful in online marketing it is important that you have 3 key things :

      1.) A Goal to strive for on a daily basis

      2.) A strategic plan that will help you to make progress towards your goal and

      3.) Daily, consistant action in the direction of your goal.

      However you have to stick with one strategy long enough to create and build momentum. Think about when you first learned any new skill or ability (like walking, reading and writing). It takes time, effort and persistence before you really start getting good at it and thats when you will start seeing your desired results.

      I would recommend that you pick three different strategies such as SEO, video marketing and social media and focus on getting really good at them over the next 3-6 months and then add another method to your marketing mix. By doing this you start developing your skill and expertise in those traffic generation methods and you will be able to create momentum while also getting more and more traction from your efforts.

      This is how a real online business is built, one business model at a time.
      Really good suggestion. It's nice to see someone invest the time and effort to get as detailed with their answer as you have done. As a newbie I appreciate it. Sounds like you care about helping others be successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author 1alpha
    Thanks all for the comments and advice, good to take on board.
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    • Profile picture of the author Learfan
      Thank you, 1Alpha, for posting this question. You and I are at the same place. I'm just starting out too, and am a bit confused about marketing. Thanks, again
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  • Profile picture of the author tiroberts
    There seems to be a lot traffic posts today huh? lol

    Ok, follow these links below:

    Give Me Your Best Tips for Traffic (my response to a similar traffic question)

    Did you know about this traffic source?

    Are you trying alternative forms of traffic?

    Most of these are FREE traffic methods that you can start implementing right now and start seeing results tomorrow.

    I hope this helps you,

    Need More Traffic To Your Blog Or Website? HIRE ME TO SEND IT!!

    My Latest Blog Post: How to Invest $0 Into Your Blog & Still Generate $2k+ Per Month
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  • Profile picture of the author NashRyker
    The main thing to remember is to always focus on delivering VALUE. If you're going to put your time into any one thing, it should be to provide valuable, interesting and helpful content to your target audience. It's up to you to decide how to present this content, either by video, articles, blog posts, paid marketing, etc. Of course you can use multiple of these formats at the same time to cast a much wider net.
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  • Profile picture of the author owenlee
    Choose one of the tips given here and stick to it...learn more and put in actions into it..

    You will see results 3 months time if you are willing to put in effort daily...
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  • Profile picture of the author Magic Mike IM
    Hi 1alpha... I think more people then you can imagine are exactly where you are... realizing that there are some "not so obvious" techniques that most very successful IM'ers are just not willing to share. Lets face it, most high-powered IM'ers simply would not give away their most effective methods for $7 per pop... or for 10K for that matter, if its a competitive niche and they are really making serious money.

    My advice is to 1. Read, Learn and Test everything you can... and 2. Find or create a so-called "mastermind" group of people who will share knowledge and help each other, to reduce the learning curve.
    1 on 1 Coaching by Magic Mike for Just $77 !!!
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  • Hi 1alpha,

    I posted a thread here that talks about:

    =>> How an affiliate can get unique content at a fixed per-word rate and also get free year round or even life-long offsite marketing services with that purchase. This means:

    • The affiliate gets unique content for his or her network of sites and offsite content syndication and ezine publication channels for a one-time fixed price. Then:

    • The affiliate also gets "affiliate assistants" with that one-time purchase. These "affiliate assistants" will be more than willing to do offsite marketing to promote the content materials they wrote and posted for the affiliate - Why? Read the thread above. So:

    • The affiliate gets unique content for his or her onsite and offsite content marketing campaigns. The affiliate also gets free marketing services that will in turn give him or her wider exposure in relevant online places, more traffic, more high quality, naturally built backlinks, more sales and conversions, higher search engine rankings, more traffic, more sales and conversions. On the other hand:

    • His or her "affiliate assistants" get paid for their unique content development services, and they also earn from affiliate product sales and leads generated by the content materials they wrote and posted on the affiliate's network of sites, more so since they'll be promoting (on their own) those content materials in their own social networks and via their own online marketing campaigns to earn more...

    Hope this helps...
    Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
    • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
    • Lead GenAI SEO Campaign Engineer @ Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    Hey 1alpha,
    Use facebook and also google+ to get traffic is your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andre Lehner
    Here are some of the traffic building tips i used to follow, May be this will help you out!
    1.Memorable Domain Name.
    2.A Reliable Host.
    3.High Quality, Fresh & Unique Content.
    4.Social Media.
    5.Social Media Profiles.
    6.Article Submissions.
    7.Being Helpful in Forums, Groups and QnA Sites.
    8.Niche Directory Submissions.
    9.Internal Linking & Organic SEO.
    10.Organic SEO with Images.
    11.Keyword Research.
    12.Pay Per Click.
    14.Google Analytics to find Hidden Traffic Gems.
    15.Videos: YouTube to build traffic to website.
    17.RSS Feeds to Build Traffic.
    18.eBook, Research Reports – Way to repeat traffic.
    19.About us pages.
    20.Press Release.
    21.Have Your Own Product or Service.
    22.Hot Topics or Upcoming Events.
    23.Link Bait.
    24.Prioritize New Without Compromising Old.
    25.Usage Rather Than Users.
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  • Profile picture of the author dee4d
    All of us have been at that stage at 1 point. Identify what you really have to do, because you already know, according to your post. Give yourself time to get results, as you continue to consistently employ techniques in achieving your goals. U will need a well laid up plan. Stick to it. The most important thing is to identify exactly what you'll do. Daily. I liked this..

    1.) A Goal to strive for on a daily basis

    2.) A strategic plan that will help you to make progress towards your goal and

    3.) Daily, consistant action in the direction of your goal.

    However you have to stick with one strategy long enough to create and build momentum.

    This is how a real online business is built, one business model at a time.

    Remember, it is you who'll actually achieve what you want.
    Stay Healthy all your Life, and Avoid Lifesty Diseases Later in Life. Enjoy life to the fullest.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    1) press release
    2) solo ads
    3) articles
    4) media buys on high traffic blogs
    5) High traffic forums, and sig lines.
    6) adswaps
    7) Integration marketing.
    8) Newsletter marketing
    9) Advertising in Ezines
    10) Guest posts on high traffic blogs.

    There, that enough....twill keep you busy till Christmas next year. LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Neumann
    1alpha. I have been able to generate a consistent $200-$300 Per day online since I started just over a year ago. If you would like some tips I recently launched a website and it's primary focus is traffic generation.

    Take a look

    As far as my traffic methods, I use Twitter, Facebook, Email Marketing and have recently started to implement article marketing.

    I launched my site on the 8th of this month and have had over 2000 visitors.

    The primary traffic source for this articles and blogs.

    Interesting how much traffic it's getting and climbing daily.

    As far as training and strategies on generating traffic the only advice I can give is to pick 1 strategy and master it before you move on to the next.

    I hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicelife
    If you're a newbie I would give you the advice to focus on 1 traffic source, a big 1 like Facebook & stick to updating your Facebook Page on a regular basis.

    Also engage in conversations on pages in tour niche, comment & like.

    It's not all that hard, but be patient.
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  • Profile picture of the author sniperdomi
    I e that different niches goes with different kind of traffic.
    First of all you will have to identify where your targeting traffic hang out.

    If they watch a lot of video on YouTube or if they like to go on Facebook or wherever they go you would have to be there too.

    then once you know where your traffic is, just be consistent in the traffic ways you are choosing.

    that way you'll have people coming every day.
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  • Profile picture of the author lindaheart
    there are alot of ways to bring traffic. Social media can bring instant traffic. You need to get your targeted keywords on 1st page.
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  • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20
    Hi 1Alpha,

    I am actually working on a I.M. report that goes through each steps you need to set everything up in a simple step by step manner.

    Feel free to PM me and I will reserve a copy for you once it's finished my friend.

    There is so much for you to consider I cannot really explain in one post.

    But I will say that you can also take a look at my List Building report below while you wait if you like as this is a massive part of an Internet Marketers success model.

    All the best my friend and hope this was useful!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author 1alpha
      Originally Posted by gcbmark20 View Post

      Hi 1Alpha,

      I am actually working on a I.M. report that goes through each steps you need to set everything up in a simple step by step manner.

      Feel free to PM me and I will reserve a copy for you once it's finished my friend.

      There is so much for you to consider I cannot really explain in one post.

      But I will say that you can also take a look at my List Building report below while you wait if you like as this is a massive part of an Internet Marketers success model.

      All the best my friend and hope this was useful!!!
      Hi gcbmark20 - I don't seem to be able to PM you, but a copy of your report would be great, thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tenzho
    The first thing I suggest is Get AWEBER, set up a squeeze page, and get the traffic rolling into your squeeze page. Now you got your own traffic source you can use anytime.

    I'm a lazy person, so I prefer using paid traffic method like Solo Ads and media buying.

    But you prefer free traffic, I suggest guest blogging. Guest blogging is a great way to see instant result. Write something at the end of your post, like if you enjoyed the post, join my website to get more tips on bla bla bla....Once your guest blog is live, readers will read your post and if they like it, they will click on the link and goes to your squeeze page.

    Guest blogging is highly effective cause you're using a site that already has a big reputation to gain trust. I remember that time I've got an email from my subscriber asking question about the site that I post my guest blog on...LOL...I had to reply him that I'm not the owner of the site, I'm just a guest blogger.

    You can find guest blogging opportunity by searching "your niche" "write for us" on Google...Just that simple...
    Hope this help you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jackson Tan
    imho. get a coach and focus on one strategy. fine tune it and take massive actions!
    cheers warrior!
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  • Profile picture of the author 1alpha
    Thanks to all those who commented today - lots of good information for me to read through!...
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  • Profile picture of the author KayG
    Originally Posted by 1alpha View Post

    Hello everyone, I was hoping to get some advice on IM please.

    I'm looking for help to really get stuck into IM rather than just "dabbling" here n there. Long term, my aim is to have a full, steady income from an online business, but right now, getting to a consistent $50 per day mark would be enough to get by... but I don't know where/how to start.

    I'm interested in doing affiliate marketing or CPA, however my number one issue is: HOW do I get traffic to my url?... (I'm familiar with the WSO section but feel like I get pulled in one direction after another, and I don't want to fall into the category of collecting products without action).

    I've done a bit of google PPC with mixed results, but I don't really have much money available to spend on paid advertising right now. Social Media has always been time-consuming, but I have tried using Twitter/Pinterest, although I can't seem to get many followers at all, let alone click-throughs. I like the idea of YouTube/video marketing, but again, I don't get many views and can never seem to get ranked consistently.

    I feel like there are a whole lot of things I don't know or am missing that could be making the major difference in reaching my short-term daily goals... I just don't know where to find them, to start making some income. So if anyone can recommend resources I can follow, or can help with best tips & practices for where to find traffic or how to drive traffic, it would be very much welcomed - thanks in advance!
    Being a newbie can be so dang nerve racking, and overwhelming. With any business, if you work hard, and stay committed, you will succeed! I have had over 6000 visitors to my site
    (home-worknow dot com) this month. I don't make a million dollars/year, but I am blessed enough to be able to stay at home with my babies. To generate traffic I am active on several forums/blogs that are specific to your niche. I also consistently use twitter, pinterest, facebook, and linkein to promote my business. I have over 1300 followers on twitter, and this helps a great deal. I also bookmarked my site on onlywire It costs a little, but the gain is way more than what you pay. Also, ping your squeeze page for free at pingomatic. I am basically online all day, when I am not making bottles, lunches, and changing diapers. LOL I hope that I have helped you. Committ to making your business work, and it WILL! I am living proof: Good luck to you!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Paid traffic is the easiest to get. So you know you always have that in your back pocket if you need it. I would learn how to get free traffic first, become a master of that, then use some of those 100% sales to fund your paid traffic avenue.
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  • Profile picture of the author Harry Nguyen

    Yo dude start out with free traffic for now, outsource videos on and let people do the videos for you and all you have to do is optimize it, put some backlinks, write some articles on a web 2.0 and do that until you get good rankings man. Know what keywords to target, if you choose the wrong keywords. It's all bad bro. But, I would go with CPA for some quick cash man, just need to know how to test, tweak, and split test the campaigns
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  • Profile picture of the author Anthony171
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  • Profile picture of the author jendg
    i agree...some of the experts are suggesting putting up a blog and updating it consistently...start with your own story and join forums to drive some traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author Broderick Boyd
    Pick a source of free traffic (if that's the route that you need to go down because of your budget) and hammer away at it.

    It sounds to me like you're still bouncing around and not giving any one source of traffic a solid effort. Put in more hours and take action and make mistakes and you'll start improving your traffic from these sources.

    Lastly, Google tips on getting traffic from these sources, such as YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Blogging, Squidoo etc. and start testing these tips.

    Hope that helps!

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  • Profile picture of the author murtuza
    I advice you to start with blogging. The best way to start is do only one thing and don't do anything else. More things you do more confused you will get. Take this plan...

    1. Write 100 articles post them on the blog.
    2. Write 100 articles submit them all around and link to every page of your blog.
    3. Create 100 videos submit to youtube and also link these videos with articles
    you created in step 2.

    4. Build a list of subscribers then build relationship with them through emails.

    5. Ask them their problems.

    6. Create products or find affiliate products that solves their problems.

    7. Test everything above.

    8. Scale up what is working for you.

    9. Re-invest your profits.

    If you don't do the above plan you are sure to fail. This is the minimum you have to do to know if things are working for you or not. If you need any help PM me and ask me your questions, I will help you out...

    I have used the above plan and have got results and there are many who are doing the same thing, therefore trust it and get started. However, results vary from niche to niche and person to person. You can do better than me or worst, you will come to know this only once you take some action and do things. Hope this helps...

    Want to know my true story & how I got started with my internet business? What kind of problems I faced to get started & how I finally cracked the internet code? I have also prepared a 30 day blueprint for you to get started. No signup is required, just rush in to check out pure content ==> how to start an online business - And yeah, if you like what you read don't forget to 'like' & 'tweet' it. All the best :0)

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  • Profile picture of the author trafficmasters
    If you do not have money to start with paid traffic then I would suggest you create at least 1 - 1,000 word article about your niche every day and post it on your website's blog - this will pull long-tail keywords and phrases from google and other search engines easy.

    Over time you will have a nice collection of content to attract organic visitors

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author dengkane
    I am using forums, facebook, youtube, linkedin. If you provide excellent contents, and you will get much free target traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Janib4all
    Try making Google groups and bringing traffic from them directly. I get around 1,300 visitors daily just from a single post at my groups. It's lengthy at start but once you got enough listed emails then its fun and most easy way. I got around 500k at my groups; I can help you in adding your desired members in your groups as well. PM if you are interested?
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  • Profile picture of the author gator30
    If I had to do free traffic, I would personally focus on YouTube, but that's just my $0.02
    Performance Dating
    Announcing: The first network of its kind! 100% direct. Exclusive. Dating ONLY offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Janib4all
    Get free solution forever, use it when you require. Get yourself a google group account with lots of listed members and enjoy free traffic and sales. PM me if you are interested?
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  • Profile picture of the author 1alpha
    Thanks to the recent posters - more excellent info to read through......
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