List Building and Traffic Generation

43 replies
Hey guys, just a quick question about traffic and list building:

I've recently come across many people saying SEO traffic is low-quality and shouldn't be entirely relied on. When I first attempted internet marketing a few years ago, I relied solely on SEO (because I didn't have the money for other options), so I don't know much about other traffic generation strategies (more so for list building).

I know of basic SEO (which I still intend to use), Solo Ads and Ad-Swaps, but that is pretty much it for now. Any other important strategies I should know about? Thanks
#building #generation #list #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    I've tried everything else and solo ads and swaps have been the most reliable for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Deen
    I'd say solos are the best way to go because they are not time consuming at all.

    But there are some other paid methods such as facebook ads, and I've been hearing a lot of good news about Plenty-o-fish a dating site that lets you place ads. - these two both have pretty cheap clicks.

    there are some good WSO's that deal with free viral marketing on Facebook.
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  • Profile picture of the author ashbaxter
    I don't agree that SEO traffic has to be low quality if you have good content on your site pulling people in. Regardless, I've had luck listing building with JV giveaways recently. You sign up for a giveaway with other people in your niche and then everyone promotes the giveaway where people can sign up to collect the free gifts. In order to collect your free gift, the visitor must signup for your list.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    You should consider PPC and advertising on high traffic websites and blogs. Do free marketing also to lower your overall costs of acquiring a customer.
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    • Profile picture of the author tiroberts
      My top 5 traffic sources right now are as follows:
      • Social media (Facebook/Twitter)
      • Forums (Warrior Forum/Social Media Examiner)
      • Content Aggregators ( /
      • Blog commenting
      • Leveraging influential relationships

      These are all FREE traffic methods that you can start implementing right now and start seeing results tomorrow.

      I just relaunched my blog about 2 weeks ago and I've been focusing on using high leveraged methods to drive traffic to it, outside of seo. And it's been working phenomenally for me.

      I've just released in depth traffic case study on my blog where I share the specifics of all of my current traffic sources. You should come away with some additional ideas.

      You can also check out this forum post: Did you know about this traffic source? To see a quick snippet of an effective traffic strategy I've been using.

      As well as this one:

      Are you trying alternative forms of traffic?

      Also, you can also check out this blog post to see how to set up some stellar cost effective banner advertising.

      I hope this helps you.

      Need More Traffic To Your Blog Or Website? HIRE ME TO SEND IT!!

      My Latest Blog Post: How to Invest $0 Into Your Blog & Still Generate $2k+ Per Month
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  • Profile picture of the author NashRyker
    I've always heard great things about Squidoo traffic, but I have yet to really find out for myself. I would also suggest finding a well-reviewed WSO related to Squidoo and follow it until you get results.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    I like to use PPV for list building...

    Can be bought for cheap and there is plenty of it to go around

    Check out places like Pay Per View PPV Cost Per View CPV Contextual Online Advertising Network or LeadImpact

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  • Profile picture of the author martimoney
    Solo ads are my favorite. I've started some PPV with lead impact and seen some decent results. But I suggest researching well before entering PPV. I ran through some cash before I started seeing some results. There was a great WSO I picked up here but can't remember the title. PM me if you want to know the title and ill dig it up.
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  • Profile picture of the author owenlee
    Since you plan to use those 3 methods, just stick to it first...

    You lose traffic when you lose focus on your methods and keep moving from methods to methods. The best is to make one method work well and move on to the next.

    In this way you will less likely to lose focus
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    try a good press release and try to make it go viral. Send all traffic to an optin page. Bob is your uncle.
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  • Profile picture of the author JL8
    Forum posting is pretty good
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  • Profile picture of the author markwilson4074
    I heavily use:

    - twitter
    - SEO

    These two always bring loads of traffic. But, of course, SEO is a "hard nut to crack"
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  • Profile picture of the author anamikanair
    Guys, What is the best place to buy solo ads? I would like to go by niche

    My Personal Education Website:

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  • Profile picture of the author NelsonSanabria
    im building my list with blogger and far i have 82 subscribers its going pretty good....about 1 or 2 signups a day...and for autoreponder i use mailchimp its free to use..and you can have up to 2000 subscribers after that you must pay to upgrade...but you can start with all those free tools..
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  • Profile picture of the author icoachu
    Beware of scam solo ad offers... How do they do it? They use 'safe lists' that are full of dead emails, bouncing emails, and nonresponders. Another scam is to generate a list for one niche and misrepresent it as a list of people interested in YOUR niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author MA Robinson
    PPV is cheap and you can also try PPC, social media marketing and blog commenting. This may take awhile but you are guaranteed real traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficBot
    I just started using youtube videos to generate traffic to my squeeze pages. I also use fiverr traffic gigs with some good success as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author weston2012
    Fiverr gave me low quality backlinks.

    Now the best way of traffic generation content posting on high traffic site (I recommend press release site) and that links should be sharing on social site like FB twitter and G+.
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  • Profile picture of the author fiverrfreak
    I think you should use ppc, although i don't think all seo methods give low quality traffic or backlinks. It all depends on how you do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author HappyPanda
    Whoever told you SEO traffic is low quality is dead wrong.. Its actually incredibly high quality because its targetted.. As far as it being unreliable, that may be pretty accurate
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  • Profile picture of the author icoachu
    People who told you about SEO traffic being low quality probably just had bad/ineffective squeeze pages. There are so many cheap squeeze pages you can buy at Fiverr. Experiment with those until you get a nice SU rate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    I've been email marketing since Britney Spears did her first music video on MTV in 1998 (I think). (Fascinatingly enough, I have an interesting story about that. But, you'd have to feed me a few beers before I start talking).

    First let me say that SEO should always be considered. But, if you want to go big, it's time to start studying different methods of paid traffic. PPV, PPC, PTC, media buys, solo buys; even offline ads.

    The best advice I can give is to study paid traffic, and outsource free traffic (like SEO, and Social Networking).

    In any event, SEO should be considered like icing on the cake or something that you outsource. If you're depending upon making a living and you're not doing this as a hobby, SEO is too slow in my opinion. (Sure, we've all had some great SEO successes, but do you want your success dependent upon Google and their at times draconian mandate?)

    Also consider the wide array of change that plagues Google on a daily basis now. Indeed, the Phds at Google are soon to outnumber Nasa's and their intentions of change are becoming an almost hourly topic.

    Paid traffic is what you need in order to succeed on a fulltime basis. Something that's more fast, more on demand, more in your control, and something that you can rely upon. Every other type of traffic should be outsourced at best, and neglected at worst; I know I'm going to get hatemail for that one.

    Paid traffic is the most sure; it's not that easy though. You have to track and split test like it was your bread and butter. Because when you buy traffic; you don't want to waste money on dud campaigns more than once, which is why split testing and tracking are a superlative variable determining a profitable and more importantly longterm feasibility.
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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    Liked I told someone today and I will tell you. S.E.O. is garbage. It only works on the backend of your business. I ge leads through direct marketing. I want to know right then and there if they are interested. Somtimes I get phone calls but those calls usually turn into a direct marketing scheme also. Lol. im if fun though. Less money, but that is why I have a regular job to.
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  • Profile picture of the author AzlanR2
    Youtube traffic is great as well. It is the same as traffic with SEO. Plus, your videos can easily be shared among Youtube users, so the traffic not only comes from Youtube search but also from viral marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Freddie Crossberg
    1. Solo Ads - They are great BUT getting a bit expensive at a minimum of $0.30 per unique click - Make sure to offer a free gift and once they hit subscribe redirect to a OTO for $9 - If they buy Upsell for $97 - If they buy great, of not Downsell for $47. Doing this I am able to break even on the front which is great.

    2. Ad Swaps - You need at least 1000 subs to start a decent ad swap campaign. Vet your swap partners carefully and check out the offer they want to send, remember that every time you send to your list, you are going to get unsubscribers, the number of unsubs increases dramatically if you send weak offers. Blind copy in the swipe and on the squeeze page usually work better and will increase CTR and optin rate, but the back end conversion will be a bit lower but volume makes up for this - keep that in mind.

    If you don't have 1000 subs to begin adswapping, approach other list owners and ask them if they will bank your clicks. How this works is you will send clicks to the partner untill you reach a number that was predetermined - once you hit that number the partner will send the clicks back plus 10% interest. I accept partners like this all the time and found that because almost everybody ignores them, the traffic they generate converts higher because those visitors have not been exposed to OTOs, Upsells, Cross promotions etc etc

    3. PPV - With PPV it is all about your targets (URLs and Keywrods) you are bidding on. In my experience, don't bid on keywords, ONLY URLs. Get a decent URL scraper that will enable you to scrape the first 10 URLs for exact match keywords you want to target from the 3 big search engines (some of the results will be the same, filter them out). A lot of people make the mistake of going after impressions - You are burning money - go after Conversions - You do this by narrowing down your keywords to exact match searches as close to what you are offering as possible (Hint - Google Suggest) - forget broad search terms. Track, Analyze and optimize your campaign continually until you can break even on the front end.

    4. Video - If you can master YouTube you don't need any other video sites. I am not going to go into ranking videos on YouTube here but it is not that hard, the FORMAT if your video is very important - again - a lot of people go for views - that is worhless - your aim should be do get as many people to click on the link below your video as possible - I do this by making use of the Cliffhanger technique - give something of real value in the video that they will like but to make it complete they must click on the link beneath the video - EXAMPLE - You show them exactly how to create special reports to give away to build a list, what niche to target, what squeeze page to use etc - then if they want to know how to flood that funnel with traffic, they must click the link to go to your site where you reveal the traffic secret - get it?

    I will share some more a bit later.....


    If you find my posts helpful, please go and LIKE my Facebook Fan Page located here Thank You!

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  • Profile picture of the author PolicyMaker
    Article Syndication for Traffic...for Real and Passive Results...
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  • Profile picture of the author StingGB
    SEO isn't useless. 75% of my site traffic comes through SEO, and 75% of my income comes off my site. Depends of you are offering something original and closely related to the visitors keyword searches. Not earning a great deal yet but its growing, and those are my stats.
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  • Profile picture of the author january14n
    If you have tons of Twitter followers then Twitter will be good for you.
    No Clicking Here - I Repeat No Clicking Here
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    • Profile picture of the author SEOSteveO
      You should always care about SEO. That is what will inevitably get your site ranking high without having to spend a ton of money and with correct SEO you will get traffic at all times rather than in bursts. You should try to optimize your site all the time so it holds ins ranking. Make sure you have your keyword and LSI keywords in the Title Tag, make sure you have a keyword rich domain. Make sure your H1, 2 ,and 3 tags are optimized with your main keyword and LSI keywords. Make sure your website doesnt have more than 3% keyword density for your main keyword. You can however add your LSI keywords in their too. I dont know if your familiar with siloing but if not read up on that and try to silo your site. These are just a few things you can do with on-page seo.

      You can also do off-page seo by creating backlinks back from relevant niche related sites. Try to get quality links back from .edu and .gov sites related to your niche, forum posting, blog commenting etc. Leave backlinks from authority sites as they have a high PR. Use social media as much as you can such as Twitter, facebook, linkedin, pinterest, etc. These sites are VERY HIGH PR sites and getting a link back from them will boost your ranking. But be smart on how you get a backlink back from these sites. Their is a right way and wrong way of doing it. Posting a comment with a backlink is the wrong way of doing it. Leaving a post or comment on a fanpage related to your niche with a backlink pointing back to your site is the right way. I can go on about SEO but ill stop here.
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      • Profile picture of the author mcwalker25
        Originally Posted by SEOSteveO View Post

        You should always care about SEO. That is what will inevitably get your site ranking high without having to spend a ton of money and with correct SEO you will get traffic at all times rather than in bursts. You should try to optimize your site all the time so it holds ins ranking. Make sure you have your keyword and LSI keywords in the Title Tag, make sure you have a keyword rich domain. Make sure your H1, 2 ,and 3 tags are optimized with your main keyword and LSI keywords. Make sure your website doesnt have more than 3% keyword density for your main keyword. You can however add your LSI keywords in their too. I dont know if your familiar with siloing but if not read up on that and try to silo your site. These are just a few things you can do with on-page seo.

        You can also do off-page seo by creating backlinks back from relevant niche related sites. Try to get quality links back from .edu and .gov sites related to your niche, forum posting, blog commenting etc. Leave backlinks from authority sites as they have a high PR. Use social media as much as you can such as Twitter, facebook, linkedin, pinterest, etc. These sites are VERY HIGH PR sites and getting a link back from them will boost your ranking. But be smart on how you get a backlink back from these sites. Their is a right way and wrong way of doing it. Posting a comment with a backlink is the wrong way of doing it. Leaving a post or comment on a fanpage related to your niche with a backlink pointing back to your site is the right way. I can go on about SEO but ill stop here.
        SEO is one way
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  • Profile picture of the author wuser12
    Hi there,

    I think this free report can give you some good insights.

    Dowload it here
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    I would look further in paid media like pay per click. You can start really small. Even $10 per day and $0.10-$0.20 per click will get you somewhere. Start small and when you start getting results, rank your daily spending budget to $50.

    You can also look for HIGH traffic websites through Google and advertise on their website.
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  • Profile picture of the author bweiss
    Although, I am new to Internet Marketing, I am not new to other direct response media. One rule you must follow, if you want long term sustainability, is to diversify media just like an investment portfolio.

    Having all or a vast majority of your traffic come from a single method can end up hurting you. Ask all of the marketers that used exact match domains and Adsense to earn their income.

    Diversification = risk mitigation and that should be a goal if you want really want to build a business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hani D
    I don't agree that SEO traffic is low quality, it is high quality and targeted traffic.
    For list building and traffic generation I recommend Solo Ads and PPV marketing.

    I hope that helps.

    Originally Posted by scooby23 View Post

    Hey guys, just a quick question about traffic and list building:

    I've recently come across many people saying SEO traffic is low-quality and shouldn't be entirely relied on. When I first attempted internet marketing a few years ago, I relied solely on SEO (because I didn't have the money for other options), so I don't know much about other traffic generation strategies (more so for list building).

    I know of basic SEO (which I still intend to use), Solo Ads and Ad-Swaps, but that is pretty much it for now. Any other important strategies I should know about? Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author TerranceCharles
    I've tested and wasted money on a lot of traffic sources and also made a lot of profit with other traffic sources. One of my most reliable, straight to the point, sales and subscribers within hours is SOLO ADS, hands down.

    The second would be Media Traffic where you find websites similar to your niche by targeting them with the right keyword and independently asking them DIRECTLY for advertising on their sites. Think about it, you can find a website with 50k visitors a month and pay $300 for a text link or banner link, you'll make your $300 back quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author hayfj2
    I don't know if this is of any use, but there might some ideas in here that you havent thought of...

    Hope it helps
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  • Profile picture of the author ezekielseo
    Solo ads has its Pros & Cons

    -Super targeted
    -People who are actually interested in your niche

    -list is constantly battered with solo ads and swaps
    -the list may be burnt out
    -the solo vendor may not be treating their list well
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    • Profile picture of the author Blue Sky
      I use a variety of methods both paid and free so you if one stream gets cutoff you don't go out of business:

      Forum Posting
      Blog Comenting
      Social Book Marking
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    • Profile picture of the author mcwalker25
      Originally Posted by ezekielseo View Post

      Solo ads has its Pros & Cons

      -Super targeted
      -People who are actually interested in your niche

      -list is constantly battered with solo ads and swaps
      -the list may be burnt out
      -the solo vendor may not be treating their list well
      very good analysis
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  • Profile picture of the author mcwalker25
    Originally Posted by scooby23 View Post

    Hey guys, just a quick question about traffic and list building:

    I've recently come across many people saying SEO traffic is low-quality and shouldn't be entirely relied on. When I first attempted internet marketing a few years ago, I relied solely on SEO (because I didn't have the money for other options), so I don't know much about other traffic generation strategies (more so for list building).

    I know of basic SEO (which I still intend to use), Solo Ads and Ad-Swaps, but that is pretty much it for now. Any other important strategies I should know about? Thanks
    Theres a myriad of s
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  • Profile picture of the author sonnt
    For traffic generation, you can use these methods:

    - Comment: Find the wp blog or forum and leave your opinion about the topic. Just try to make impressed opinion, readers will click on your link.
    - Yahoo answer: It's similar to comment
    - Guest Blogging: This is the most powerful backlink in the net (in my opinion). However it takes time .
    - Document sharing: Share your pdf file.
    - Facebook ads: You can get cold traffic from here
    - Solo ads: of course, a lot of people talk about this
    - Video Marketing: create video and use to boost your ranking.
    - Blogging: I think you should build a blog to give away some high value content to get subscribers + buyers .

    That's all I think about traffic generation!
    Do you have more? I want to learn more
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  • Profile picture of the author hgustavs
    I have good experience with directCPV. You get lots of traffic to your site and I find it to be a much faster way to get traffic than SEO. However basic SEO is always worth the time I think.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    solo ads are good but while you are building your list using paid traffic continue to build your free traffic up too

    I use and funnel a lot of traffic to my list from my IM blog

    All that traffic is free and super targeted

    Get into a routine where you constantly create quality content and distribute it around as many different channels as you can
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