Masive spam on my site...should I take it down?

17 replies
I mistakenly l left this site alone for a few months and now it has about 1,000 pages of plagiarism on it.

This junk has been indexed for a few months now.

I could just delete it all and continue to build the site. But now Im worried this could be pointless if google sees it as a spam site.

Thinking it might be better to just move it to a new domain and server.

Its not making any money so It wouldnt be a huge lose to move it but it would be a pain in my butt.

#masive #siteshould #spam
  • Profile picture of the author so11

    I dont understand how do you plan taking care of the problem by simply moving or changing your domain?

    Its the content/settings/configurations of your site that have the problem. Thats what needs to be taken care of.

    good luck
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    • I understand that.

      But Im worried google has flagged my site as a spam site thus, I cant really use it anymore or put good content on it and expect it to rank well.

      Originally Posted by so11 View Post


      I dont understand how do you plan taking care of the problem by simply moving or changing your domain?

      Its the content/settings/configurations of your site that have the problem. Thats what needs to be taken care of.

      good luck

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  • Profile picture of the author dengkane
    Don't worry, just clean the contents, and post fresh related contents for some while, and it will be ok.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheArticlePros
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    • Originally Posted by JaRyCu View Post

      It sounds like you setup an else could you have gotten all of that spam "without knowing" as you claim?

      I'd kill it and then build a real site with real content and leave the autoblog stuff alone.

      -- j
      Im not sure what you are implying.

      If I say I had no idea this was going on meant it. Im not lying if thats what you mean.

      The site has several features which would allow for this to happen. If I am personally guilty of anything here its neglect.

      Thanks anyway for the advice.

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      • Profile picture of the author TheArticlePros
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        • Originally Posted by JaRyCu View Post

          Whoa back up...I wasn't implying anything. Words are words my friend. What I overtly stated was that you'd setup a system that allowed that to happen, which you've now agreed to. My suggestion was that you scrap your site and start over from scratch.

          As so11 stated, it sounds like a settings issues. If/when you setup your new site, you might want to change your configuration OR monitor more than once ever few months to ensure this doesn't happen again.

          That's what I'm saying.

          -- j

          Thanks again for the advice.

          I have another site this has happened to on a domain that I paid 2k for. Is that domain worthless now?

          Do I have to change the domain too? And the server?

          Worried google is upset

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  • Profile picture of the author JawadAshraf
    Just delete all the comments and that is ok. Also install the Aksimet plugin that will block the future spam comments and don't auto approve the comments (change your WP setting from the WP dashboad). Cheers!
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  • Profile picture of the author wordpressmania
    Me and my partenr buy hundred of domains and letf them for a while, like we have domains for sell over 12 years, Last year we found a lot of our sites are filled with rough content as we used autoblog, then we just removed content and start adding real content. Those sites ranked well and earned some real $$$...

    So you still can use that domain....
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Don't rely on Google so much. Would it be hard to recreate some good content for the site, and delete the spam on it? It shouldn't.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by seostarlet View Post

      Isn't Google the main stream for online existance? Or i missed something?
      Yes, you missed a lot, if that's honestly what you imagine.

      SEO traffic is simply one type of traffic. Many of us who have several years' experience of traffic from multiple different sources find SEO traffic the least-converting, least-optin-in, least-buying kind of visitor. It's also the most precarious kind. A business that depends on Google for its primary traffic can never be more than one algorithm-change away from a potential accident, or even a potential disaster, as so many Warriors have found out (some of them to their very great cost) over the last couple of years.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by seostarlet View Post

        If you are sandboxed, then you are mostly out of the road...
        This is nonsense.

        First, you've just bought into this "sandbox myth" (as people sometimes do, who are promoting linkbuilding/SEO services); secondly if Google de-indexed all of my websites tomorrow, I'd still have more than 90% of my income, and that's true for many others here, as well.

        I appreciate that you're here, and you're posting, because you have some sort of SEO service to promote. I have no wish to interfere with that, and I'm not criticising you on that account. But in this forum, and especially in the Main Marketing Forum, perhaps in contrast to other places you've tried, if you talk total nonsense about SEO and Google, you'll find that people will call you out on it - I'm "just saying".
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  • Profile picture of the author gator30
    I agree, scrape the crap out and and build out a great site. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author sirtiman
    If Google slap you, there are facebook, twitter, pinterest, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    I think leaving the site is the bes option. I am sure that you own other sites too. So work with others. and left it after deleting the spammy contents. When Google will de index the site then start working with it again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tenrr
    IDK, I've never had this exact situation happen to one of my sites, but I have brought sites back from the dead - it entails doing what most of the previous people said though -- a lot of original content and hard work doing the right things.

    I can say I would rather start out with a site that had original content on it and was doing OK that's been around for 2 years and tromped on for 2 months than one I started today. I guess I'm in the group that feel like Google will give sites another shot if they do the work the right way to bring them back from the dead and won't hold it against them forever. It's a search engine and not a teenager - just my 2 cents.
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