Setting up multiple clickbank products

4 replies
Hi fellow warriors

I am setting up a new site to host my 12 information products. I am going to use 1 account on Clickbank, for social proof reasons, and logistically it makes sense.

I am just wondering if I would be able to add the products to clickbank using a page structure like here

CYT Guides - Personal Development Products to Enrich Your Mind (main host page)

How would I add this in the 'add product' section of clickbank?
#clickbank #multiple #products #setting
  • Profile picture of the author TheArticlePros
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  • Profile picture of the author PotPieGirl
    I do this with my Clickbank vendor account. Not so much totally different products, but different versions/price points all with unique sales pages.

    Do what Harvey said in the post above me and just add each additional product when they're ready (tho I have noticed lately that if an additional product on your account is a higher price point than your original product price point, you might need to go through approval for that added product).

    Each product would have it's own product number and it's own code for the "buy now" link which you would put on the respective sales page.

    Then, make your home page index.php as opposed to index.html (if using Wordpress, don't worry about that step).

    Then, at the very, very top of your index.php before any code starts (before <head>), you add in some php code that allows you to customize affiliate links to direct to specific sales pages for your products that are all on the same Clickbank account.

    For example, your main hoplink to your main product might be:

    For OTHER pages that you define in your php code, the affiliate links will look like:



    And each of those links would go to a separate sales page for the respective product taking the affiliate's cookie with it.

    Got me so far?

    Then the php code you put at the top of your index.php (at the very very top) would look like this:

    (hopefully the code will stay right once I publish this)

    $page = $_GET['page'];

    if(isset($page) && $page != "")
    switch ($page) {
    case "product2":
    header("location: http://www.yoursite/sales-page-url");
    case "product3":


    Then, you just tell affiliates that if they want to promote product 2, to code their link like this:

    Promote product 3? Make link look like this:

    etc etc etc

    I am sure there are products and/or software programs that do this, but this is SUPER easy.

    You can do as many of these as you want.

    In fact, my training center index.php page is now nothing BUT that php code since I have so many other pages affiliates can use (main sales page, webinars, free guides, JV promo pages, etc etc etc)

    Hope that helps!

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    • Profile picture of the author Harvey Segal
      Originally Posted by PotPie Queen View Post

      Do what Harvey said in the post above me and just add each additional product when they're ready (tho I have noticed lately that if an additional product on your account is a higher price point than your original product price point, you might need to go through approval for that added product).
      In that case you may want to make your first product the highest priced one
      Originally Posted by PotPie Queen View Post

      I am sure there are products and/or software programs that do this
      If you want to use a software program I recommend easyClickMate

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