New and in need of advice

25 replies
Hello Warrior Forum, as you can see this is my very first post here and I'm pretty excited to get into these forums after periodically finding some threads from Google searches I've made in the past.

A little about myself, My name is Cody, i'm 25 years old and currently am a full time unemployed single father of a beautiful 7 year old girl. When I say unemployed I mean I'm on SSI after 3 years of fighting for it due to a congenital heart defect I was born with. So you can imagine why I'm joining these forums, its time to look for new ways of making money from home and taking as much advantage of this crazy thing we call the internet as possible!

I do have internet experience due to being a pretty computer savvy guy so doing research, bypassing those "get rich" schemes and typing roughly 90 wpm are a few things that I've learned. I'm going to approach whatever I find myself trying to do professionally and with as much research done as possible, although I do understand that some risk is involved. I'm open to trying whatever advice I get but I, like many, am on a pretty tight budget. Say about 100-200 bucks extra after bills, food, and other essentials.

So lets start!

So far my income over the internet has "allegedly" amounted to this

0.16 cents on after an hour or so

0.03 cents on after about 4 hours or so

Woohoo! First off I know that these PTC websites can turn into pyramid type incomes which I have heard can be quite profitable within a short amount of time depending on how much time and money you put into it (which by the way, I have alot of time at the moment with my kid being in school mon-fri) Although I just started on these websites today, I would love to know more about how they work, and what I can do to maximize my potential of a good income with them. Not to mention do they even pay?! I would hate to waste all that time and end up without anything to show for it.

I am certainly open to other ideas as this is the only "get rich quick" thing that I have found which seems legit because it certainly seems to take a while to .. well.. get rich quick! Any advice, mentoring, and other routes I should look at are more than welcomed and encouraged.

Thanks so much for reading warriors, and hopefully I can become one soon!

P.S No idea where to post this since I couldn't find a new members section. Hope this is the right place.
#advice #ptc
  • Profile picture of the author codyhawk
    Just found the new members thread up top! Please delete this one as I will now post in appropriate area Thanks!
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  • Codyhawk,

    It sounds like you are headed in the right direction. You mentioned that you can type 90 wpm. If you like to write you can make some fast cash joining one of the many freelance writing websites out there. These services often pay on a weekly basis and need compelling, well written content on all sorts of subjects.

    Here is a list of the top ten ones,

    The 6 Best Websites to Write and Get Paid - Yahoo! Voices -

    Of course I’m biased about the one in my signature


    Outsource to the experts...

    We customize your Blog, eBook, Press Release and Sale Copy content with your message.

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    • Profile picture of the author codyhawk
      Much appreciated! Although I haven't considered myself much of a writer (thank god for spell check) I'll have to take a look for sure! By the way, is this where I post for new member type questions such as mine? I would hate to have the moderator get mad at me already for not posting where I'm supposed to!

      Thanks again,

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    If you're good at making simple websites, you could probably start there. Then there's also the option of selling a $7 ebook or selling on ebay... or selling with Clickbank.
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  • Profile picture of the author wnatc1
    With your writing ability, you can go many directions. You can go freelance as others have said with article writing, blog posting, forum posting, gigs on Fiverr or odesk and build from there.

    Build up a portfoio. It used to be you could take PLR articles, rewrte them, and bundle in packs of 10 and resell on other forums.

    Also, try to contact and and see if you can join their team of writers..
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  • Profile picture of the author wnatc1

    I almost forgot one other item. Since you have a service, sometimes you can barter that service for something the other person has . It doesn't always have to be a money exchange
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    • Profile picture of the author Tkyles1009
      I say forget ordinary go for broke don't look for someone to work under create your own business I know you can do it!

      As long as you are willing to learn some new skills and be a little patient. I am aware that you have a beautiful 7 year old to think of so you're probably looking for immediate income but if you're looking for a residual income that will change your life I would recommend starting your own work from home business.
      Peace be with you
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  • Profile picture of the author WarrenPeterson
    Originally Posted by codyhawk View Post

    ...Any advice, mentoring, and other routes I should look at are more than welcomed and encouraged.
    You need to narrow down a few things; give yourself some clarity and direction. otherwise you'll find so much information and get overwhelmed.

    What industry would you like to work in? What are your interests? What sort of work do you like doing? What sort of work do you dislike doing?

    If you could pick an ideal person to sell to (doesn't matter for now what you are selling), who would that person be?

    I'd suggest stepping back from tactics or any specific strategy to follow and instead take some time thinking about the kind of business you would want to work in, the kind of person you would want as your customer, etc...

    BTW, that doesn't mean you have to sell to a person, if your interests are elsewhere, then follow that... you just need the clarity on exactly what it is you are wanting to build.
    Do you really want to build a real business?
    Then you need this: 21 Days To Business Success
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  • Profile picture of the author xezile
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    • Profile picture of the author codyhawk
      I would like to say thank you all so much for your replies and advice and I now have many more outlets to research and explore!

      The two that interest me the most after doing a bit of research on them are blogging and affiliate marketing, which seem to somewhat go hand in hand. I'll be looking into these more so if anyone has any other tips or tricks, more advice is always welcomed.
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    You need money, internet is the place can provide you money. You can go for article writing, blog writing, PPC, PPV and so on. Pass a few time online. You will learn your way.
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  • Profile picture of the author betterwtveter
    If you have had a bit of experience online marketing, you could start making an ebook and selling it for 100% commissions, but if you want to go on a fast track rout, you need to find an affiliate program that fits your interests. You can't sell something well unless you are passionate about it. Be creative and you will go far.
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  • Profile picture of the author codyhawk
    Hmph.. Wow.. So I have spent the last 3 days doing nothing but research on affiliate marketing and something called gsniping which I guess the creator is an actual member on this site. Boy am I glad that I joined this site haha. Anyway I've also learned due to Google's new algorithms along with some new systems they have implemented they have essentially made a lot of these and potential types of sites like these obsolete. I also messed around with adsense and got a good feel for it. Which I can tell takes alot of practice, especially with how many damn pages there are on absolutely EVERY Subject and product known to man.

    My questions however are, for One; Would this even be a plausible way to make money anymore for the time invested into it and if not what do you recommend? Two; Do any of you recommend or have gsniping 2.0 if it is indeed still effective?

    Btw I understand that answers are "In your own opinions of what you have experience with" So either way I'm not going to be biased towards any answers or experiences


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  • Profile picture of the author Matt121
    Hey there Cody,

    I can't really answer your two questions up there, but I do recommend you try blogging.

    Do you have a passion for something? If you do, then you can potentially turn that passion into an idea, and that idea into a business. There are plenty of ways to monetize a blog and you may want to take a look into this.

    Seeing as you mentioned you can go up to 90wpm, I think this may just be right up your alley. Also, you said you were computer savvy so you can probably make this as one of your main focus points for blogging.

    Hope this helps you out.

    Professional B2B Lead Generation and Appointment Setting through expert telemarketing. Need to know more? Click Here

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    • Profile picture of the author codyhawk
      Originally Posted by Matt121 View Post

      Hey there Cody,

      I can't really answer your two questions up there, but I do recommend you try blogging.

      Do you have a passion for something? If you do, then you can potentially turn that passion into an idea, and that idea into a business. There are plenty of ways to monetize a blog and you may want to take a look into this.

      Seeing as you mentioned you can go up to 90wpm, I think this may just be right up your alley. Also, you said you were computer savvy so you can probably make this as one of your main focus points for blogging.

      Hope this helps you out.
      Noted Matt thank you very much I guess my hobbies consist Music (which I play both guitar and drums, though I do not know how to write or read music) Snowboarding, Since I live in Alaska, and Video games! Hah, I suppose I could blog about those. However I still am not sure where to start or what products I would promote.. Guess I could check my clickbank marketplace.
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      • Profile picture of the author Deb S
        Welcome Cody!

        There is so much to learn here. I have been overwhelming my brain with information here for about 2 months. My next step is to focus on just one method and put it into action.

        Good Luck in your new journey.
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  • Hi Cody,

    I recommend looking at your financial portfolio in a larger, more long term scale before investing in anything. Here's the plan I formulated and followed and will continue to do so, and as a side note, I'm permanently totally blind (I posted a video documentary of yours truly and the Asia Pacific Center on Disability that could perhaps motivate you a bit):

    1. Income - What you need first is of course sustainable income. You can leverage your specialized knowledge and skills, particularly those that you can do for others while working at home. Then, you can go to some companies and businesses near you to offer your work-at-home services. This can include writing content (if you can write good content in subject areas where you have specialized skills and knowledge), generating traffic for the sites of those businesses and companies via Web forum and social media marketing and so on, designing graphics for the onsite and offsite materials of those companies and businesses, etc. Otherwise, you can look at some of the ads of warriors here who are looking for remote assistants ("virtual assistants"), and you can work with them at a fixed monthly wage arrangement, all while learning from them along the way (normally, they send a list of tasks and some instructions in completing those tasks). you get sustainable income, credit and network resources will come bundled with it. Consistently improve your specialized skills and knowledge so you can convert it into expertise. Grow your income with your growing expertise. Then:

    2. Savings - Growing sustainable income should be used to grow your savings. With growing savings = Growing credit resources. Next:

    3. Assets - With growing savings = Growing credit resources, and growing credit resources should be used to grow your assets. Why use your credit resources instead of your income and savings to grow your assets? Always maintain liquidity. So, acquire assets using your credit resources, replenish your credit resources with your growing savings, and replenish (as well as grow) your savings with your growing income. Your credit resources will constantly grow with your growing income, growing savings and growing assets, at this point. Then:

    4. Investments - Leverage your growing credit and network resources to invest in profitable ventures. Replenish your credit resources with your growing assets, savings and income, in this order, because your income should be used for your day-to-day expenses, your savings for your constant liquidity, your assets for your growing credit resources and your growing credit and network resources for your growing assets and investments. At this point:

    =>> I recommend treating each of your investments with its own financial portfolio. This means each of your investments should have its own income, savings, assets and additional investments, and all the financial portfolios of your investments will be under one financial portfolio -- Your overall personal financial portfolio. So:

    =>> When unexpected things happen that can significantly impact your income negatively, then you have large credit resources to use, large network resources to generate income with, several assets and investments to liquidate and large savings to keep you afloat while you work out everything once again, keeping you miles and miles away from living on the edge as a homeless hype with a bad drug/alcohol addiction

    Anyway, here's the video documentary of yours truly that I mentioned earlier:

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    • Profile picture of the author codyhawk
      Originally Posted by Marx Vergel Melencio View Post

      Hi Cody,

      I recommend looking at your financial portfolio in a larger, more long term scale before investing in anything. Here's the plan I formulated and followed and will continue to do so, and as a side note, I'm permanently totally blind (I posted a video documentary of yours truly and the Asia Pacific Center on Disability that could perhaps motivate you a bit):

      1. Income - What you need first is of course sustainable income. You can leverage your specialized knowledge and skills, particularly those that you can do for others while working at home. Then, you can go to some companies and businesses near you to offer your work-at-home services. This can include writing content (if you can write good content in subject areas where you have specialized skills and knowledge), generating traffic for the sites of those businesses and companies via Web forum and social media marketing and so on, designing graphics for the onsite and offsite materials of those companies and businesses, etc. Otherwise, you can look at some of the ads of warriors here who are looking for remote assistants ("virtual assistants"), and you can work with them at a fixed monthly wage arrangement, all while learning from them along the way (normally, they send a list of tasks and some instructions in completing those tasks). you get sustainable income, credit and network resources will come bundled with it. Consistently improve your specialized skills and knowledge so you can convert it into expertise. Grow your income with your growing expertise. Then:

      2. Savings - Growing sustainable income should be used to grow your savings. With growing savings = Growing credit resources. Next:

      3. Assets - With growing savings = Growing credit resources, and growing credit resources should be used to grow your assets. Why use your credit resources instead of your income and savings to grow your assets? Always maintain liquidity. So, acquire assets using your credit resources, replenish your credit resources with your growing savings, and replenish (as well as grow) your savings with your growing income. Your credit resources will constantly grow with your growing income, growing savings and growing assets, at this point. Then:

      4. Investments - Leverage your growing credit and network resources to invest in profitable ventures. Replenish your credit resources with your growing assets, savings and income, in this order, because your income should be used for your day-to-day expenses, your savings for your constant liquidity, your assets for your growing credit resources and your growing credit and network resources for your growing assets and investments. At this point:

      =>> I recommend treating each of your investments with its own financial portfolio. This means each of your investments should have its own income, savings, assets and additional investments, and all the financial portfolios of your investments will be under one financial portfolio -- Your overall personal financial portfolio. So:

      =>> When unexpected things happen that can significantly impact your income negatively, then you have large credit resources to use, large network resources to generate income with, several assets and investments to liquidate and large savings to keep you afloat while you work out everything once again, keeping you miles and miles away from living on the edge as a homeless hype with a bad drug/alcohol addiction
      Um .. Wow thank you soooo much for this inspirational reply, I just looked at this and you set the mood for the morning man and I think that if I ever have a bad morning I'll just get on here and read this again.

      What you did when the unexpected happened is absolutely mind blowing and a test to the healing power of the human race. I am sorry for what happened and I look up to what you did and will do my best to follow in your foot steps.

      Your guidelines are just what I needed, along with everyone's posts. And I think the first step for myself is getting on uploading word press, and learning it to a the T. It seems a lot of companies or article websites don't require but are fond of their employers having word press down. Not to mention that I can eventually create my own website when I figure out exactly what I want to write about or promote, whether it be an affiliate or my own product, word press seems like a good starting point.

      As far as a budget and bills I'm literally a month away from paying off this house, and once that happens I'll have a much bigger budget for savings and starting my own business or whatever I decide to do.

      So thanks again for everyone's inspirational words! I'm off to learn word press!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin McNally
    Welcome to the forum.

    I recommend jumping right in and getting started with your first website as all you need is a domain name and hosting. As you said you can use wordpress for free to build your website. Don't worry about making mistakes and getting everything perfect, that's just learning on the job.

    Avoid the Warrior Special Offers section for the moment as there are too many tempting offers and you will get information overload. Seriously.

    I recommend checking out this post below which has a pdf step by step guide to get you started.
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  • Profile picture of the author codyhawk
    Hey all So its the 3'rd of November and all the bills are paid! With some extra cash in hand I am now ready to dive right in and start messing around with a page, I will be using word-press and my question is, in everyone's respected opinion, "Which hosting company is the best for utilizing word-press and being newbie friendly?"
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    • Profile picture of the author Ayden010
      I would suggest Hostgator, you can install wordpress in 1 click and they have a great customer service. For $9, you can host as many domains as you want.
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  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    Dude, just read your post man, very cool. I feel for ya and know where you are coming from. As a parent of 2 boys myself, I understand first hand what you're up against. But you're young and looks like you have a good outlook on life.

    So since you have more time than money, you must get a blog going ang blog your a s s off. Blog every day and make your content engaging. Also create videos that link and are embedded in your blog, and get links also to your videos on youtube.

    Stay consistent at building content everyday for the next 90 days. Do it and you will see some killer results my friend.

    Believe me, it is worth it working at home and having that time freedom to spend with your kids. Now you just need to figure out how to make some real money, and stop wasting your time doing things that don't produce money. PM me and I can steer you in a direction that will help.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

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    • Profile picture of the author codyhawk
      Originally Posted by tjaysen70 View Post

      Dude, just read your post man, very cool. I feel for ya and know where you are coming from. As a parent of 2 boys myself, I understand first hand what you're up against. But you're young and looks like you have a good outlook on life.

      So since you have more time than money, you must get a blog going ang blog your a s s off. Blog every day and make your content engaging. Also create videos that link and are embedded in your blog, and get links also to your videos on youtube.

      Stay consistent at building content everyday for the next 90 days. Do it and you will see some killer results my friend.

      Believe me, it is worth it working at home and having that time freedom to spend with your kids. Now you just need to figure out how to make some real money, and stop wasting your time doing things that don't produce money. PM me and I can steer you in a direction that will help.
      Hey thanks so much, kids are amazing but man are they a lot of work huh?! Anyway, that's basically what I plan on doing to start out with, and hopefully turn it into an authority site someday. I'll definitely be giving you a PM in the near future.
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  • Profile picture of the author foshowtime
    Hey Cody, I can advertise your link for you and get you 30+ referrals per day and get you going. Message me for more info thanks!
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