Why does everyone asking for skype?

26 replies
I see some solo ads offers, swaps in the JV forum. They invite people to swap with them.

So I PM them. And all of them are asking me for Skype ID.

What's the issue? Why does everyone ask for Skype ID? Is there a WSO telling you to do so? Are you suppose to build a Skype list?

I don't use skype so that means I missed out the swap and solo ad deal?
  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    I am pissed with Skype too....... dont know why Skype is getting on everyone's nerves.
    The calls are not cleared as phones and still people want to communicate via skype for businesses...
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  • Profile picture of the author Gerald Arno
    Originally Posted by Joseph Then View Post

    I see some solo ads offers, swaps in the JV forum. They invite people to swap with them.

    So I PM them. And all of them are asking me for Skype ID.

    What's the issue? Why does everyone ask for Skype ID? Is there a WSO telling you to do so? Are you suppose to build a Skype list?

    I don't use skype so that means I missed out the swap and solo ad deal?
    It´s obvious. Since everyone uses Skype, they ask for it. Most people don´t think that they should ask for your phone number, email or a different instant messenger.

    Nobody who runs an online business uses Yahoo messenger or whatever it be. Skype is the leading online - instant communication tool, like Facebook is the leading social networking site, and PayPal the leading online transaction provider.

    It is what it is. People suggest something because the mass is doing it and it´s popular. Sometimes that may not be the best solution at all, because it may be better to use something different.
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    • Profile picture of the author WinstonTian

      Wait - maybe it's because it's the Internet.

      But why not get a Skype account? It's useful for overseas
      calls, is it not?

      Winston Tian

      The Beginner's Doctor

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  • Profile picture of the author CrisisCore08
    It makes it easy to trust when you hear that it is a real person I guess,or just an easy way to contact you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton

      All I have to go on with you is your forum photo and posts. For all I know you could be a 65 year old female scammer living in Russia

      Surely, out of respect for your list you would like to get more of a "feel" of the person you are giving their names to. Due diligence is important.

      With Skype you can talk with them, see them, record the conversation, take screen shots . . .

      This helps keep people honest (but not all people!!).

      Skype also provides services like setting up a landline number in a country of your choice and their premium feature (around $99 per year) gives you unlimited free calls to landlines in a nominated country plus video conferencing with up to 10 people.

      Skype has saved me a fortune in phone calls.

      Of course, I understand some people are not comfortable with video conferencing, but it does get much easier with practice.

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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Then
    I think you guys got my meaning wrong. Read again.

    I said that almost everyone are asking me to add me to Skype.

    I have no problems having Skype, I have no problems giving my name to add to your Skype.

    The issue is that if I don't add my Skype to your list, you are not going to do adswap or solo ad with me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Theduke2011
    Skype is the leading instant message software out there. People ask for it because it is so widely used, especially helpful because I outsource with it for certain task. It grew larger than AIM and AOL and MSN. You don't have to use it for calling people, but it is a huge platform for quick communication.
    Classified Posting & Ad Management Expert
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    I was thinking the same thing and realize i limited my thinking after i joined a JV SKYPE group and discovered how busy it was. Every single minute you have lots of crazy, cheap, offer and money is really been made out of it..

    Catch it when it's young..
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  • Profile picture of the author evilsaigon
    Skype is useful since you don't have to reveal your email or personal phone number, yet you can make phone calls for free overseas. It can function as an instant messenger too, and I guess it was marketed pretty well, so most people utilizes it as the first option of communication.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Then
    2ND time:

    I think you guys got my meaning wrong. Read again.

    I said that almost everyone are asking me to add me to Skype.

    I have no problems having Skype, I have no problems giving my name to add to your Skype.

    The issue is that if I don't add my Skype to your list, you are not going to do adswap or solo ad with me.
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    • Profile picture of the author WillR
      Originally Posted by Joseph Then View Post

      2ND time:

      I think you guys got my meaning wrong. Read again.

      I said that almost everyone are asking me to add me to Skype.

      I have no problems having Skype, I have no problems giving my name to add to your Skype.

      The issue is that if I don't add my Skype to your list, you are not going to do adswap or solo ad with me.

      I get your question.

      The fact is Skype chat has become a very popular form of communication in the Internet Marketing niche. I was also against it at the beginning and I'm still not a huge fan of Skype because I think it is a huge time waster. I find emails much better. The same reason I will usually text people instead of call them because too much unnecessary words are spoken in phone calls.

      I think some sellers like to use it because for things such as solo ads they will want to ask and answer a number of questions. If communicating with you via email that same sort of conversation can stretch out over days as you wait for each other to reply. So they much prefer to have you on Skype so they can text chat with you instantly and get issues resolved much quicker.
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      • Profile picture of the author iwowwe4you
        I don't see any problems with giving my Skype to someone, because if he/she will get annoying I will just remove that person from my contact list or block them. I am not in to a building a skype list, just because I am busy with other things, but it would be a good idea to have all people from my mailing list on my skype and that would double the sales.

        Happy to share 18 years experience in MLM/IM. Not doing any other work for over 7 years now. Accredited as a coach by 3 companies I worked with after completing a course of education and passing exams. HND in Business, Economics, Accounting, Market Research, Market Development, Management.
        Love to Learn - Love to Teach!

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Skype is very useful if you want to talk to your team.

    If it is not something important then just don't talk.
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    • Profile picture of the author sniperdomi
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      Skype is very useful if you want to talk to your team.

      If it is not something important then just don't talk.
      personally I like the skype way to buy solo.
      You can really have a conversation in live with the seller.
      It's a little like buying fish at the market.
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  • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
    I don't know, if you look on the bright side perhaps they want to make sure they're dealing with a real people, someone worthy of their trust, and in case if there's anything wrong (or simply want to update you on smthing) they can PM you straight away rather than having them to login to their email account and send you an email.

    I've done several adswap and solo, most of them are very active in skype.. They have several groups in skype mainly for adswap and solo-ad..

    If you look on the "dark" site, maybe the reason they want to add you in skype is because they want to introduce you to more of their solo-ad partners.. Basically, selling you more solo-ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author pdrs
    Not sure exactly why either, but Skype became my preferred method of communication for most of my business contacts/employees.

    Facebook/Gchat has a lot of my friends/fam on it but skype is almost strictly business - easy way to keep things separate I guess and I suspect this may be the same for a lot of people
    RemoteControlHelicopterReviews.(com/net) - Up for sale! No reasonable offer refused. Great branding for a super hot niche!
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  • Profile picture of the author gpwilson
    I like Skype very much. This is awesome to me. Because i can communicate with any person in any part of the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author bengirwb
    If, as you say,
    "I have no problems having Skype, I have no problems giving my name to add to your Skype."

    Then give your Skype number.
    Move on.
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  • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
    I can't understand what your problem is with people asking to be able to contact you on skype?

    It's an easy channel of communication, They can contact you to tell you when your solo ads have gone out, they can quickly tell you on any issues and the have a record of you receiving the message.

    Plus if they have a deal then can send it to you.

    We are marketers we build our businesses on networking..Skype is a networking tool.

    If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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  • Profile picture of the author Danit98765
    You usually will seem more reliable if you have skype account especially if you start doing business with new people you don't know from before. Also, it's a much easier way to contact people overseas. Therefore at most of the times you will be asked to give your skype ID. By the way, if you don't use skype you should. It will make your life much easier. It's so easy to download and use that I really can't think about a reason why not do it.

    Good Luck!
    I'm willing to help people make their fortune online. Send me a message if you are interested and I will show you exactly how! Remember, you can't win unless you try.
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  • Profile picture of the author getrichinfo
    LOL, this a old post.. And the the person who bump this thread is not asking the same question as the thread starter..

    He is asking how we earn money with skype and want to find necessary Skype groups that can help him in his business, but people are replying to the thread starter!

    I'm Buying Health Solos, please PM me if you are selling!

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  • Profile picture of the author StevenJones
    Originally Posted by Joseph Then View Post

    I see some solo ads offers, swaps in the JV forum. They invite people to swap with them.

    So I PM them. And all of them are asking me for Skype ID.

    What's the issue? Why does everyone ask for Skype ID? Is there a WSO telling you to do so? Are you suppose to build a Skype list?

    I don't use skype so that means I missed out the swap and solo ad deal?
    It's the IM service most marketers use. Join the ride! There are a lot of people doing Skype groups as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author mert
    Skype is one of the best medium of communications today. People can easily communicate through skype that's why they are asking email to access you via skype. If you don't know the people; and he or she has no importance in your account then better not to give your email to protect yourself from strangers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Prady N
    Originally Posted by Joseph Then View Post

    I see some solo ads offers, swaps in the JV forum. They invite people to swap with them.

    So I PM them. And all of them are asking me for Skype ID.

    What's the issue? Why does everyone ask for Skype ID? Is there a WSO telling you to do so? Are you suppose to build a Skype list?

    I don't use skype so that means I missed out the swap and solo ad deal?
    Most people use skype for communication because its just awesome!
    I can talk with people without any issues..can use skype's screen share
    feature to reduce communication gap.. It helps you to build trust..
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  • Profile picture of the author carlajoyce
    I have to say that as a recent newbie to skype i am finding it very useful for contacting possible solo ad sellers and use to network for my business - a big positive for me
    Ready To Make Passive Income (Affiliate Cash) - Click Here

    Carla Joyce - Full Time Internet Marketer & Mentor.

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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    Originally Posted by Joseph Then View Post

    I see some solo ads offers, swaps in the JV forum. They invite people to swap with them.

    So I PM them. And all of them are asking me for Skype ID.

    What's the issue? Why does everyone ask for Skype ID? Is there a WSO telling you to do so? Are you suppose to build a Skype list?

    I don't use skype so that means I missed out the swap and solo ad deal?
    I really don't know. I don't use Skype. Why do you need to chat through Skype to find the information you could easily get by swamping a few emails?

    I personally don't like Skype at all. I made a few accounts in the past and forgot the login info for each one. I just stick to Gmail/Gchat - its been working for me fine so far.
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