pulling my hair off... traffic that doesn't convert
This thread is just to share what I'm going through.
I convinced a guy to send me traffic by putting my ad on his site as an affiliate. That Ad sends me 120+ visitors everyday.
The visitors go directly to the sales page (that's how CLICKBANK affiliation works!), which is very long (20 pages on ms word).
My regular visitors convert at a 2.8% rate. (2.8 of visitors of the sales page, buy). They come from Google, Getresponse, and guest posts.
But this traffic!!! NO ONE BUYS!!!
I don't know if you have been through this (did you?). It's VERY frustrating. I should note that this is the first time I receive this much traffic.
So I'm in kind of a dilemma... it's like I'm losing face with my partner (as I told him about my conversion rate).
YET, if this keeps up, he probably will take off the banner AD... which would be a shame. (if you know what it's like to find partners, you know how hard it is to find someone who is willing to "test" your product, when he doesn't know you).
Please share your experiences/ thoughts/ feedback.
Inhale... exhale... I'm all good.

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