What do you think of "media placement" jobs?

18 replies
What do you think about "media placement" jobs?

offered by now?

Would you give me your opinion and your advice please?

thanks for your time!
#jobs #media placement
  • Profile picture of the author chebe21
    any one? ...

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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
      Not exactly sure of what you mean. Please elaborate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adaptive
    I'm also at a loss to understand the question.


    Success only requires four words. http://www.warriorforum.com/blogs/ad...our-words.html

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  • Profile picture of the author chebe21
    OK, I saw an ad Called "Media Placement Jobs"

    but, like the typist one, they ask for a membership in order to give a list of corporations

    that are hiring a media placement people!

    some like that!

    so, the question is if anybody in this forum knows about this kind a make money opportunity!
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  • Profile picture of the author Adaptive
    It's still a challenge to comprehend your English, but I think you might be describing a place that sells job listings.

    If you know what media placement is and how to do it, couldn't you search the job boards yourself and send your resume directly to the companies?

    I wonder if it might be a scam; or if it might be real information, but still useless compared to doing your own research.

    If you can find the ad again, could you post a link here?


    Success only requires four words. http://www.warriorforum.com/blogs/ad...our-words.html

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  • Profile picture of the author chebe21
    this is the link after I filled in the name/email form:

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Riddle
    I don't know about this specific site, however Media Placement Careers are sometimes what they call setting up adsense sites and driving traffic to your own site.

    Generally either a adsense course, or templates or website they create for you.

    Short answer RUN !
    Today isn't Yesterday, - Products are everywhere if your eyes are Tuned!
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  • Profile picture of the author artwebster
    Media Placement is a very specialised occupation and requires a long apprenticeship in many forms of media. It is not something that you can learn from an ebook and it is an occupation that requires the thickest of skin and the most persistent level of application possible.

    Most media placements are already well catered for and for a new comer to approach any company and offer placement services without a reputation or existing portfolio is akin to committing economic suicide.

    I have seen several adverts offering 'media placement' training but, as far as I can see, all they actually offer is an incomplete job outline and a list of companies that might use media placement services. To be blunt, if they are on that list, you stand no chance!

    Examples of media placements are things like a packet of Kellogs Corn Flakes prominently displayed in the kitchen of a soap opera, the hero of a film driving a particular car or wearing a recogniseable wrist watch or the bottles behind a bar in a film or other TV production.

    As netmalls said, some people use the term media placement in the same way as they use 'data entry'.

    I echo his short answer. RUN!!!

    You might not like what I say - but I believe it.
    Build it, make money, then build some more
    Some old school smarts would help - and here's to Rob Toth for his help. Bloody good stuff, even the freebies!

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    • Profile picture of the author sevenish
      Originally Posted by artwebster View Post

      Media Placement is a very specialised occupation and requires a long apprenticeship in many forms of media. It is not something that you can learn from an ebook and it is an occupation that requires the thickest of skin and the most persistent level of application possible.
      That's called "media buying" or "media management" where I come from. but I agree with your other points.

      Examples of media placements are things like a packet of Kellogs Corn Flakes prominently displayed in the kitchen of a soap opera, the hero of a film driving a particular car or wearing a recogniseable wrist watch or the bottles behind a bar in a film or other TV production.
      That's called "product placement".

      As netmalls said, some people use the term media placement in the same way as they use 'data entry'. I echo his short answer. RUN!!!

      100% atrocity-free! No annihilations, assasinations, explosions, killers, crushers, massacres, bombs, skyrockets or nukes.

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      • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
        I'm cynical but I do know quite a bit about the bizop end
        of things... "money making programs" and stuff of that ilk.

        It is my impression that the programs that train/certify
        you to be a "media placement specialist"...

        actually tell you to place ads.

        For the same program.

        Sort of like envelope stuffing schemes.

        "media placement specialist" sounds a lot like "guy who runs ads"
        to me.

        I would steer clear.

        Here's the formula for online success:

        no-skills= get duped by "programs"
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  • Profile picture of the author chebe21
    Thanks to every one!

    I was thinking the same as you!

    just wanted to hear some other opinions! =)
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    • Profile picture of the author alwilson44
      I believe the optin page you were sent is a revamp of the Global Cash Flow network, run by Mary Gersten in Phoenix. I joined this last year for a few hundred bucks. Got two crappy sites to promote ebay and amazon. Then they keep ringing up to sell me a higher ticket product and wanted me to take up $1000 or 2000 of traffic generation. I looked at my sites and thought why would I not just go to ebay or amazon directly. Yes there is lots of training for the higher ticket upsell, but somehow not the stuff you really need to know. This system just didn't click with me. I plan to do a more detailed blog post on this and other systems I have tried over the last 8 months. allanwilsonuk.com
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      • Profile picture of the author Paul D Brady
        I was foolish enough to get on Mary Gersten's list and now, despite multiple remove requests, abuse notifications etc etc, I still get spam from this woman on an all too regular basis.

        Do any of you guys & gals have the knowledge of how to get her out of my life?

        Any help greatly appreciated.

        'We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.'

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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Mizel
    I'm not quite sure what the opportunity is myself, but instead of trying to get *off* her list, spend a little time studying what she and her company are selling, how they are selling it, and how their sales process works.

    Even if you aren't interested in becoming a customer, they run an 8-figure operation, and are well worth watching.


    Your First Paid Traffic Campaign

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    • Profile picture of the author ExRat
      Hi Jonathan,

      Even if you aren't interested in becoming a customer, they run an 8-figure operation, and are well worth watching.
      I'm surprised you say that.

      I followed the link from the above post, and they appear to be using typical 'flog' selling tactics -

      a) 'as seen on' then a bunch of icons like CNN, fox news

      b) an IP script, claiming through obviously false scarcity that there are 'only 2 positions left' in my area (in my IP area actually) then this line, preceeding a countdown timer -

      Depending on your area, these positions go fast. Don't risk missing out because these available positions can only be assured if you respond before:
      c) this classic FTC non-compliant statement -

      As of now, you Qualify for our Special Market Test that Guarantees You Put At Least $10,350 in your pocket.
      d) more of the same -

      I GUARANTEE you'll put at least $10,350 in your pocket, even if you're 'lazy' and only have 52 minutes per day...
      - Mary Gersten, Vice President Training
      WARNING: Limited time availability for new accepted applicants! Due to the personal support provided by our in-house advisors to each accepted member, space is limited for this special incentive program guaranteed to put $10,350 in your pocket... so make sure you read through this entire Special Report right now!
      And we haven't even got to the salesletter body yet!

      I could quote more, but it's of the same ilk.

      I would generally agree with you Jonathan, that to make 8 figures online, unless you have a fantastic idea you have to stoop to conning people like they are - I wouldn't know from experience, but that's what I see around me online.

      But to recommend it here as what people should study, purely because they earn so much money with it, regardless of their stated/obvious lack of ethics - seems odd.

      Perhaps we should all tweak our autoresponders too, so that it's impossible to unsubscribe? 'Mary' does it, and she earns 8 figures...

      I am surprised you said what you did mainly because I have seen so many of the long-time experts I respect on here naming you as their inspiration/idol etc (and I believe them) - hence my surprise.

      Roger Davis

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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Mizel
    You are "studying" all the the wrong stuff, so it's no wonder you are surprised. Forget the letter, and look at the process. Here's what you should notice...

    1) A front end product that pays a 200% to 300% commission, thereby *forcing* all affiliates in their space to at least test with them once.

    2) A physical product shipped immediately at the $100 - $200 price point.

    3) An immediate welcome call to alleviate concern, and establish an connection with the customer.

    4) Unadvertised bonuses.

    5) An upgrade/back end sales process that offers more extensive/expensive products.

    5) Constant follow up via phone and email.

    Now take that process and apply it to your own product and I think you might just have a formula that makes money, no scamming or BS required


    PS: You should always remove people who want to be removed, I would never recommend spamming.

    Your First Paid Traffic Campaign

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    • Profile picture of the author ExRat
      Hi Jonathan,

      Thankyou very much for the clarification and explanation.

      Roger Davis

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      • Profile picture of the author neodarth
        I've joined the Marie Gertsen Media placement specialist program, because it was highly recommended by Tellman Knudson.
        They call me to give the welcome and evaluate my "skills" on a first level consultant call. In this evaluation call they asked me a lot about my dreams, my goals, my debts... my credit report... Bang! the second call (level 2 advicer) was to "help me boost my success"it was a upsell call that cost me $750 on a Ultra Traffic method (they were willing to charge me $5000! for a material and a tv commercial). Anyway. The material they send you is no "new blow minded" stuff, some of the bonuses are at least 5 years old. (and we all know that in this business that's a lot, even six months are old stuff now!). The core training is for beginners, perhaps somebody has made money (besides Marie Gersten and her staff). But me on the opposite side I've lost not only money, but a good amount of suscribers from my list. No sells, no prospects.
        but that's just my experience. If someone is getting success with the CMPS program, please let me know.
        ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

        ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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