Fiverr Press Release - very worthwhile!

19 replies
Press releases are not always taken advantage of by IMer's. It's a pity really as they can work really effectively if done well and drive lots of targeted traffic to your offers and webpages. A lot of people aren't very good at authoring their own press releases as they require a deft writing touch and skilful self-promotion.

Keep it short, keep it newsworthy with a good journalistic tone. This isn't my forte but I was pleased to find very affordable writers of press releases on Fiverr. High standard of writing, SEO optimised and the submission was handled well. In good hands a press release can promote you and your business with great flair. Sounding professional and recommending, and attention worthy!
#fiverr #press #release #worthwhile
  • Profile picture of the author bertosio
    I have used fiverr for both getting my press release written and published a number of times. Always check the feedback and sort by rating. I have a list of gigs i use for all my sites on start up that i use again and again because the service is so good for the price.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Moore
    I agree! I have used Fiverr a number of times and been very pleased. As long as I check the ratings and reviews, I seem to have found great success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    "PRweb" and "free-press-release .com" works the best. "PRlog .com" comes in at third.
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  • Profile picture of the author GailTrahd
    After checking the reviews I've found ebook covers, formatting, press releases, and lists of blogs that accept guest posters - all for $5.00. Sure beats doing it myself!
    Content, Video, Infographics in the lucrative relationship market

    Accurate, Researched and REFERENCED
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  • Profile picture of the author xeko
    Yea you can definitely find great writers on fiverr andother micro job sites alike. Be sure to check the reviews
    though an save yourself a headache later.

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    • Profile picture of the author David Braybrooke
      Originally Posted by xeko View Post

      Yea you can definitely find great writers on fiverr andother micro job sites alike. Be sure to check the reviews
      though an save yourself a headache later.

      Yes, I always read the reviews thoroughly before I consider any job.

      Some writers actually urge their customers to contact them first before they consider posting a negative review. They stipulate that they want to make sure that the quality of the delivered product is absolutely satisfactory before the job is considered to be complete.

      I have to admit that I find the sheer talent of so many on Fiverr to be of an incredibly high standard! You sometimes seem to pay peanuts for top-notch quality work done. Loving it!
      "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage." - Mark Russell
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    my experience with fiverr:

    videos - good

    graphics - great

    guest blogging - good

    Intros - great

    Backlinking - terrible

    I had no idea about the Press Releases thanks for the tip
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    • Profile picture of the author bamstk090
      Originally Posted by aizaku View Post

      my experience with fiverr:

      videos - good

      graphics - great

      guest blogging - good

      Intros - great

      Backlinking - terrible

      I had no idea about the Press Releases thanks for the tip
      not all backlinks service at fiverr suck,, some of them are golden service
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  • Profile picture of the author justbringit
    I am yet to try press release in fiverr but overall fiverr is a good marketplace worth the money for the work !
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  • Profile picture of the author Jackson Tan
    just a question, many have recommended fiveer. I haven personally use it yet.. is it really worthwhile to use their service? $5 is definitely affordable, I am just worried about the quality of work.. hmmm..

    okok... i shall try it before I pass any judgement~
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    • Profile picture of the author David Braybrooke
      Originally Posted by Jackson Tan View Post

      just a question, many have recommended fiveer. I haven personally use it yet.. is it really worthwhile to use their service? $5 is definitely affordable, I am just worried about the quality of work.. hmmm..

      okok... i shall try it before I pass any judgement~
      It is understandable if you aren't sure about using an untried service. Fiverr is based in Israel and it is very well run, in my opinion. The standard of work is obviously not uniform across all jobs Jackson but you will get benefit from reading the comments relating to any particular job before trying. There is a lot of value for $5 IMHO.
      "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage." - Mark Russell
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  • Profile picture of the author KevinDahlberg
    Give it a try. You never know.

    My question has always been, what on earth do you tell them to write about? I'd love to have a press release a week, but I don't have that much "news" to write about.
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    • Profile picture of the author David Braybrooke
      Originally Posted by KevinDahlberg View Post

      Give it a try. You never know.

      My question has always been, what on earth do you tell them to write about? I'd love to have a press release a week, but I don't have that much "news" to write about.
      Good press release writers know how to make you in to 'news' Kevin! I simply showed my website and was delighted with the results!
      "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage." - Mark Russell
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  • Profile picture of the author SafeSEOService
    There are some people in Fiverr who are good at PR. But, it is really difficult to find one. I had one who had been doing PR for me but he stop providing the service. I could not find someone like the one I had again on Fiverr.
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    • Profile picture of the author David Braybrooke
      Originally Posted by SafeSEOService View Post

      There are some people in Fiverr who are good at PR. But, it is really difficult to find one. I had one who had been doing PR for me but he stop providing the service. I could not find someone like the one I had again on Fiverr.
      Sorry to hear that. All I can say is that I was happy with the service I received and liked paying a small amount for work done. In future I may give PR work to a more established web service to complete, but for smaller jobs and one-off press releases, I find Fiverr hard to beat!
      "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage." - Mark Russell
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    maybe some day someone will have a worthwhile back-linking gig on fiverr but for now, most of them are wonky and of poor quality.

    this is my experience and the experience of many others here on the WF, even after filtering the searches with the highest ratings, they just lack any real type of influence on the SERPS.

    What? are you going to outwit google with wheels and layers of hockie automated link blasts? COME ON GUY!

    guestblogging on high pr niche related sites works. And you can find this on Fiverr,

    and i still dont have experience with press R. on fiverr so i cant talk about that.
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  • Profile picture of the author bamstk090
    give a try a press release service at fiverr that say will distributed to 1000+ media news
    but just got screenshot of crappy submission software
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Look, I can tell you.

    as this is one of our main traffic sources you must remember 4 things.

    1) its not the press release directories, its the press release and how its written.

    2) you need a hook in your press release or you waisting your time.

    3) I see 90% of press releases just articles, this is NOT a press release.

    4) get someone else to write your press reelase if you are going to write an idiotic SPUN article and submit that.

    Most people I see get it WRONG at best! I would know, cause I failed it when I first started did it all wrong.

    This comes after much money spent and press releases done.

    I now get a retired journalist to write our press releases, as we do heaps of them and send traffic to optinpages.

    We pay him handsomely too, as he does a fantastic job.
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