When taking action as a Newbie goes wrong (long read)

17 replies
When I first made my attempt at making money online, I knew absolutely nothing about internet marketing. In fact, I had no web skills at all. The only thing I knew how to do was get around on the internet and post on forums. I just I wanted to make someone money and a lot of it.

So, it was around 2004 when I bought a couple of domains and web hosting from Yahoo, and used site builder to get started. After going through the templates, I realized how much site builder absolutely sucked! I didn't know how to code, but figured out that I could download webpages and use the graphics to create pages. I even looked at source codes of different websites whenever I saw something I wanted to add to my to site. I learned a little about HTML by doing that but it wasn't enough because every page that I previewed looked like crap and I wanted excellence. Long story short...I never published anything.

I decided to give it another try after hearing about the milliondollarhompage. At the time, about half of the pixels had been sold, and I still knew very little in terms of webdesign and marketing. There were a bunch of people trying to capitalize on the idea, but only one came close and that was the milliondollarpornpage. I tried creating something similar with site builder and soon realized it was a bad idea and searched on Yahoo for a way to create one. I didn't want to buy a pixel script and knew nothing about outsourcing so I chose a free pixel script. The hosting plan that I had at the time would not support PHP and MYSQL so I upgraded with Yahoo. Long story short.....it didn't work out. My site looked like crap and I was not happy. Once again, I wasted money but learned about PHP and Mysql in the process.

Now frustrated and desperate for something to work, I had an idea for a controversial website this time. I rather not to say what it was about, but site builder was not the tool for the job. After spending a few hours creating my pages and setting up email, I immediately began my marketing campaign. I submitted my site to yahoo, and promoted in chat rooms. The response I got was mixed. Some people thought it was stupid and a waste of bandwidth, while others were appalled that someone would create such a site. Long story short.....didn't work out. The idea was great, but it looked like dog crap and I had no way of capitalizing on the traffic. It got to the point that I was visiting my site more than anyone else. Learned some new things but wasted even more money on hosting and domains that I never got around using.

The next idea involved getting people to donate money to me through paypal on yet another site I created using site builder. I asked visitors to help save a fictitious character and needless to say, it did not work. I became a member of at least 30 random forums just so I could post spam and got little to no traffic for all of my efforts. But on the bright side, I learned a few more things. Like how to set up donation buttons and how much some people really hate spammers.

Learned people were bidding on ridiculous listings on Ebay and thought I would give it a try. And when I say ridiculous, I mean people listing their souls for sale. Long story short....that didn't work to well neither.

I tried making money with Zazzle even though I didn't know how to create graphics. I ended up making one sell with a shirt I added only text to before I decided to try something else. I think the commission was between 1-2 dollars but it didn't matter because you need a at least $25 in your account before you can cash out. I was happy I made the sale but it wasn't enough for me to keep trying.

Right after that I decided to make a porn site. This idea involved creating a fictitious character who was trading porn for college tuition. Basically, after donating a dollar to my site, you would have access to my porn. The problem was that I couldn't figure out how to create a members only page and I couldn't link the images of my site to the movies. Movies I didn't have authorization to share anyway. So after weeks of screwing around with my my site, I went ahead and created videos in movie maker and uploaded them to youtube. Surprisingly, someone actually donated a dollar. I was hoping I could fix the problem with the videos but never got them to work. Tried giving the guy his money back, but he didn't want it because it was only a dollar to him. The only thing I learned from this was Yahoo charges wayyyyy to much money for hosting and domains after switching providers.

I created my very last website almost 3 years ago. I tried to get people to help pay off my debt by donating. Only this time, the story was real. I used site builder and had adsense all over my pages but zero content. After months of not making any money, I finally gave up on it. I had domains that I bought specifically for get rich ideas that I never got around to using. It wasn't until I stopped taking action that I realized that I couldn't keep doing this.

There comes a point where you have to stop and ask for directions. And that is what I've been doing for the past year by visiting this forum and learning as much as I can before I create another website. There are a number of reasons why I've failed at getting rich online. Most are painfully obvious but this is what I came up with.

1.Did the same thing but expected different results
2.Had the wrong mindset and mentality
See number 5
3.Tunnel Vision
My only focus was to get rich online the easiest way possible.
4.No strategy or planning
As soon as I got an idea I bought the domains and hosting.
5.Lack of education, Common sense
I did not like reading, and rarely took the time to learn anything new.

and so on.......

In total, I lost about $400 on domains and web hosting over the years doing things the wrong way. But I did learn somethings along the process.

Take action but be smart about it.
#action #long #newbie #read #taking #wrong
  • Profile picture of the author CalinDan
    Originally Posted by IM HUNGRY View Post

    5.Lack of education, Common sense
    I did not like reading, and rarely took the time to learn anything new.
    "Don't be lazy in learning" ~Jim Rohn

    You're never to big to learn.

    Most of the time, your income is directly proportional to your own worth as a person. Bring value to the marketplace and you will be paid.

    The only advice I am qualified to give to beginners is "take the time to learn". The big names in IM (15-20 year veterans) still take the time to learn new things and go back to basics from time to time...

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  • Profile picture of the author betterwtveter
    All I must say is that you need a mentor that can help you. Find someone even in warrior forum that can teach you basic marketing strategies to get your business jump started. It is a rough road at first, but you can get there. If you need help pm me.
    But here is some basic advise to get your first super easy dollar this month that has always worked for me.
    Find a niche or an affiliate program that attracts you and you don't even need a website for this.
    Next Find rich keywords on google keyword tool that is relevant to people that want to find this affiliate product.
    Next write a blog a day talking about this affiliate product and make a youtube video that would like to your blog to help you out with your google rankings.
    Also participate in this forum once a day for about an hour a day with your affiliate link to just talk to people here so you can get more advice about how to market better online while you have people on the forum click on your link.
    These are simple techniques that I teach people to start with first, but without fail, for every person I taught to do this everyday, they have made a sale. The commissions keep coming in as long as you do this consistently.
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  • Profile picture of the author brentb
    Umm, you learned the basics of html and php, learned how to make graphics and learned of a good hosting provider.... at the cost of $400!

    That's a pretty good education, far from the best you could have done but definitely not the worst. Most people on Warrior Forum buy $400 worth of ebooks and read the first 2 pages and give up and move on to the next one. So I don't think you did too bad, at least compared to the average.

    The only thing I am concerned about is that it took you from 2004 to present to make this much progress. I would have created 20x more sites than you in this time period, had more failures but also more successes.

    I would recommend a pause in action, and learn html and css really well so your sites don't look bad, then continue again. Also, the biggest thing I have learned when it comes to website and graphic design, you are most critical of your own work, other people think its freakin awesome but you will always think it sucks, just part of human psychology.
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    • Profile picture of the author IM HUNGRY
      Originally Posted by CalinDan View Post

      "Don't be lazy in learning" ~Jim Rohn

      You're never to big to learn.

      Most of the time, your income is directly proportional to your own worth as a person. Bring value to the marketplace and you will be paid.

      The only advice I am qualified to give to beginners is "take the time to learn". The big names in IM (15-20 year veterans) still take the time to learn new things and go back to basics from time to time...

      I agree.

      Originally Posted by betterwtveter View Post

      All I must say is that you need a mentor that can help you. Find someone even in warrior forum that can teach you basic marketing strategies to get your business jump started. It is a rough road at first, but you can get there. If you need help pm me.
      But here is some basic advise to get your first super easy dollar this month that has always worked for me...
      I'll give it a try.Thanks!

      Originally Posted by brentb View Post

      I would recommend a pause in action, and learn html and css really well so your sites don't look bad, then continue again. Also, the biggest thing I have learned when it comes to website and graphic design, you are most critical of your own work, other people think its freakin awesome but you will always think it sucks, just part of human psychology.
      When I first started, my websites really did look like crap. I've learned how to use illustrator and how to customize wordpress themes since then, but I'm never satisfied with final product. Right now, I'm taking webdesign one step at time. After I learn photoshop, I'm moving on to html, css, java and php. But for now, outsourcing is my only option.
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  • Profile picture of the author esuresh
    Yes man, you have learnt. You have learnt the biggest lesson. That is failure. How you fail, why you fail, When you fail,what all ways you can fail, etc. You have gone through everything. Now the only way you can go is upwards. You will start winning from now, winning in every way as you know the reasons and the ways you have failed. Your realisation that you had failed itself tells you that you don't have to look back any more. Utilize everything that you had learnt till today. You will definitely win. There is no doubt about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
    Originally Posted by IM HUNGRY View Post

    2.Had the wrong mindset and mentality
    Hi Hungry.

    I could feel your pain and frustration as I read through your post. I also noticed that you chose every negative thing throughout your journey to spotlight in it first with a lot of detail, with a positive thing thrown in at the end. So pardon my boldness when I say, what I think you need is a mindset change. I'm not sure how serious you are about this, but a good exercise for you would be to rewrite your post with a different twist, putting more emphasis on the positive.

    Do it only for yourself. When you're finished, read it back to yourself and you should feel much better in realizing that everything you did in actuality was hands on training and the lessons you gleaned throughout that process were the very building blocks you need to lay in order to construct a solid foundation in which to continue building on. Sometimes we need to experience valuable lessons in such a way that they will become emblazoned within our very being in order to become successful on the next leg of our journey.

    Once you feel better about your experiences, with a new positive mindset built up, you'll be better equipped to set up a new plan for yourself. Just imagine the confidence you'll gain when you view every step of your journey as a learning experience that made you not only more experienced, but a bit smarter too, one step closer to success. I can't imagine that if Thomas Edison had put all of his focus on what didn't work while trying to invent the light bulb, that he ever would have persevered and actually accomplished it. A lot of people would have been in the dark for a whole lot longer, anyway.

    Originally Posted by IM HUNGRY View Post

    3.Tunnel Vision
    My only focus was to get rich online the easiest way possible.
    Perhaps the error of your focus was merely to get rich online period. Most people who start with that goal and mentality usually crash and burn and not a big percentage of people actually do become rich. I'm not saying it can't be done, as it most certainly can. What I am saying is that most don't accomplish filthy "richnessdom" just as in the offline world the majority don't either.

    Yes, you can earn money online, yes, you can even make a living online and live quite comfortably, but reaching that point takes dedication and hard work. I guess what I'm trying to say is that everyone whoever scaled a mountain, did so one step at a time.

    Take your learning experiences and the wisdom you've gleaned from your past endeavors, and set out on a new journey as success is looming just around the corner. Except this time, lay out your journey on your map first, decide what vehicle to use, and then just take it one step, one landmark at a time.

    Good luck to you.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jackson Tan
    I think you did not lose much in term of monetary.. but time wise.. A LOT. At least you learned some skills. I always like to say, making money from the internet is a REAL business and no a push button to get cash.

    Also take MASSIVE CORRECT actions.

    my 2 cents~
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  • Profile picture of the author Harry Nguyen

    Where are you right now man? That was all in the past... It's okay to let use hear about your past and struggles. Your time is now, I was in your situation as well man. Don't focus on getting rich, focus on what you're doing. For example, a lot of people get into the music industry just to get signed but do it like them and do it for the music. Do it for yourself, do it for the business, give value, help people. Everything will follow man.
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  • Profile picture of the author dlane1987
    I have some questions.

    What do you have?

    Why would someone buy it?

    Why would they need or want it?

    How can you make lots of people buy it?

    Answer those questions and I think you'll be on to a winner.

    Forget getting rich. Take what you have and sell it. Help people first and reap the rewards second.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daikatana
    I don't like hearing the word "fail". You only fail when you stop trying. You've learned a lot and you're still learning. You'll get there but only by working smart to build a long term business as opposed to trying to get rich as fast as possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author HawkPrecision
    Originally Posted by IM HUNGRY View Post

    *There were a bunch of people trying to capitalize on the idea, but only one came close and that was the milliondollarpornpage.

    *Now frustrated and desperate for something to work, I had an idea for a controversial website this time. I rather not to say what it was about, but site builder was not the tool for the job.

    *The next idea involved getting people to donate money to me through paypal on yet another site I created using site builder. I asked visitors to help save a fictitious character and needless to say, it did not work.

    *Learned people were bidding on ridiculous listings on Ebay and thought I would give it a try. And when I say ridiculous, I mean people listing their souls for sale. Rofl. That idea while hilarious didn't make money for a reason. No matter what you do, you should focus on creating real value for people. This failed because there was no true value being offering. The only people that would buy such a thing would be morons and people with too much time on their hands. Most people aren't quite that stupid, lol.

    *Right after that I decided to make a porn site. This idea involved creating a fictitious character who was trading porn for college tuition. Basically, after donating a dollar to my site, you would have access to my porn. Sounds like you had quite the adventure! I would say that this was probably your best idea though and had potential because it creates value for someone else and does not try to rip anyone off. The more value you create the more money you deserve, and the more money that you will naturally receive.
    These are the areas that stand out to me, lol.

    Lmao. I can only imagine....

    You seem like an interesting entrepreneur.

    You make a damn good storyteller too. You should be a writer.

    It also sounds to me like you're jumping around too much. Which will cost you more money. Stick to one idea that has been PROVEN to be profitable..

    Hone in on one idea and work HARD at it. Even the smallest ideas can turn a small profit with the right amount of work. So long as someone is getting value out of it.

    Check out this article about value - How to Make Lots of Money During a Recession

    He wrote another article on value and money too. I can't seem to find it though.

    I wouldn't wait to begin because you will never be ready. You will never have enough information and you will stay paralyzed(Look at how much you learned taking action).

    I would focus on one area (One that has been proven by other Warriors and IMers to be successful) and take it to the pinnacle. You will spend less money if you focus and not feel like action was a waste.

    When a problem arises, don't run from it. You can ask on this forum and many other forums. Someone will help.

    Become more effective by learning HOW to learn—http://diehardoptimist.com/

    Like stories? Want a cheap .99 cent one? Find it at http://payhip.com/b/UKbz

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  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    Yeah Its a long read. but for the long run its really important. Any newbie should read this before starting.
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  • Profile picture of the author IM HUNGRY
    Thanks for the encouraging words and advice everyone.
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    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Originally Posted by IM HUNGRY View Post

      Thanks for the encouraging words and advice everyone.
      You're quite welcome!

      Don't be a stranger and keep us posted on the next leg of your journey.

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      • Profile picture of the author IM HUNGRY
        Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

        You're quite welcome!

        Don't be a stranger and keep us posted on the next leg of your journey.

        Will do. Wish me luck.
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        • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
          Originally Posted by IM HUNGRY View Post

          Will do. Wish me luck.
          You've got it!

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