Anyone with techie knowledge?

5 replies
Hi Warriors,

I need to reach out! away from IM I run a Corporate Fire Training business, running courses all over the UK and have done for a fair few years now.

Not wanting to leave money on the table, I want to design an elearning course for clients not wanting to spend the money on live training. This can save a company loads, particularly those which employ large volumes of staff, or those that regularly recruit.

My question is, if an of you know a good ideally free, if not cheap reliable piece of software that will allow me to design a good online based elearning course.

I would like to include, videos, pictures, voiceover and inter-active exams/tests.

I'm completely clueless on this and just looking for anyone in the know that could assist!

Many thanks for reading!

#knowledge #techie
  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    How could you do all that and NOT know what I am about to say?

    Look up SCORM!!!!!! It is NOT a product, but a technology in wide use and YES, several related products are FREE!

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    • Profile picture of the author louie6925
      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      How could you do all that and NOT know what I am about to say?

      Look up SCORM!!!!!! It is NOT a product, but a technology in wide use and YES, several related products are FREE!

      I had come across SCORM, not fully understanding it, but learning!! Like i said, this type of platform is completely new to me, but like most of my business ventures its something i want to learn rather than outsource.

      Researching and learning as we speak, and appreciate your reply.

      Feel free to chat if you live in the UK I may have something for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author betterwtveter
    I have not used this before but I heard of a program called Odijoo free eLearning Platform - create, deliver and monetize online courses with Odijoo that should help you.
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  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    Yeah the easiest way for you to do this would be to set up a wordpress site, and install wishlist membership plugin, about $100.

    This will allow you to set up a paying membership site within your wp site for these types of members. Very fast and easy to do.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

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  • Profile picture of the author deejay2038
    Hi Louie

    I plan to do something such as you describe in future and so far Udemy has got my vote for being most likely to meet my needs. I confess to not having looked into it as thoroughly as I shall do in future, but it maybe worth your time checking it out.


    Originally Posted by louie6925 View Post

    Hi Warriors,

    My question is, if an of you know a good ideally free, if not cheap reliable piece of software that will allow me to design a good online based elearning course.

    I would like to include, videos, pictures, voiceover and inter-active exams/tests.

    I'm completely clueless on this and just looking for anyone in the know that could assist!

    Many thanks for reading!

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