Need techie help please

13 replies
Hi everyone,

I am slowly but surely learning this website stuff all by trial and error and so for with not bad success if I do say so myself

My question is and I am going to describe what I am asking the best way I can as the technical terms are out of my scope of knowledge and I don't even know if this is something that is even do able

Basically what I want to know is is it possible to set up a website inside a website?

What I mean it I have a domain name already and in the domain I want to break it down into 2 branches branch1 and branch 2 and have branch 1 like its own website and branch 2 as a seperate branch but is the umbrella that covers everything.

Does that make any sense what so ever? Is it achievable or just a pipe dream?

Thanks and sorry for giving you a headache trying to figure out what I am talking about :rolleyes:

PS I am using optimizepress if that means anything.
#techie #website help
  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    Hi Critterman

    I'm not sure I exactly understand your question.

    Are you talking about a Subdomain? As an example, you have as your Root Domain. With a Subdomain scheme you could have and (to use your examples).

    Or are you just talking about having two sites in separate directories on the same domain? As an example, again using your examples, you would have and

    In either case both are quite simple to accomplish.

    Or am I completely not understanding the question?

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    • Profile picture of the author critterman
      Originally Posted by mywebwork View Post

      Hi Critterman

      I'm not sure I exactly understand your question.

      Are you talking about a Subdomain? As an example, you have as your Root Domain. With a Subdomain scheme you could have and (to use your examples).

      Or are you just talking about having two sites in separate directories on the same domain? As an example, again using your examples, you would have and

      In either case both are quite simple to accomplish.

      Or am I completely not understanding the question?


      LOL Thanks Bill I knew I wasn't explaining it properly.

      OK so lets see if I can explain this better. I want to have a optin form on Branch 1 and Branch 2 problem is that with Get Response optin form it doesn't allow you to use a different optin form per page so my though was that if they were set up under their own branches it would allow me to do that but like I said I could be way off and its not possible.

      Did that help at all? :confused:

      Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    LOL, I'm still a bit confused - maybe it's my age but what is throwing me off is your use of the word "branch". I don't really understand what you mean by that, probably my fault as being a certified "geek" I sometimes can't comprehend common terms!

    Are you speaking of having two different optin forms on two different pages (or both on the same page) of the same site?

    Sorry, again it's probably me. I'd like to help as I suspect I can answer the question once I understand it!

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  • Profile picture of the author critterman
    No Bill its definitely not you its me BUT I think I have figured out how to explain it better.

    So lets say my website domain is and I want to have a "branch 1" that only talks about Fords with an optin form for a Ford E book lol and "branch 2" that only talks about Toyotas with an optin form for a Toyota E book. Is that possible?

    Thanks for your patience Bill
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    • Profile picture of the author Fredbou
      Originally Posted by critterman View Post

      No Bill its definitely not you its me BUT I think I have figured out how to explain it better.

      So lets say my website domain is and I want to have a "branch 1" that only talks about Fords with an optin form for a Ford E book lol and "branch 2" that only talks about Toyotas with an optin form for a Toyota E book. Is that possible?

      Thanks for your patience Bill
      In terms of SEO and getting a good ranking in the search engines, I would go for the sub-domain, which, in effect creates a separate Web site as compared to each "branch" having just a sub-folder from the main domain.

      It also has benefits in that each "branch" in being a sub-domain has its own stats, you can set e-mail for each separate "branch".

      A sub-domain say, ford.autosdotcom has more cred with the search engines than autosdotcom/ford

      It's extra work, but, it's always paid off for me, having sub-domains as compared to sub-folders.

      All sites can still be linked and back-linked, obviously, which all helps rankings.

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  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    OK, let's see if I have this correct:

    You have (lucky you, I'm sure a 4-letter domain like that is worth a million dollars now LOL!). You have a "branch" for different automobile manufacturers. I am going to assume the "branches" are different pages on the site - so you have and You want an optin form on for downloading a Ford e-book and the optin form on to allow the new subscriber to download a Toyota book.

    How am I doing so far?

    The above scenario is doable, but I have a question - are you subscribing the Ford and Toyota users to different e-mail lists? Or do you want them on the same list, but just receiving different e-books when they sign up?


    P.S. Just curious, what part of Canada are you in?
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  • Profile picture of the author critterman
    Yes that is absolutely right!!

    So the "ford" buyer gets ford related items and "toyota" buyer gets toyota items.

    West Coast, BC
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  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    Cool, we're getting there!

    So am I correct to assume that you are sending both these visitors to DIFFERENT subscription lists where you will be mailing them Ford or Toyota specific e-mails?

    I suspect that the problem you are having in installing two different GetResponse forms on your OptimizePress website because you are using the feature within OptimizePress to install optin forms.

    What you need to do instead is create both forms in GetResponse, get their raw HTML code and place that code onto the respective pages. The form would then be within the page(s) and not on the sidebar. You would do this by adding your page content then switching the WordPress editor into HTML mode to insert your form.

    This is only one way to do this, I can think of another method that involves using different templates for the pages but it's a bit complex.

    I love the west coast, used to live in Alberta (both Calgary and Edmonton) and spent a bit of time out there, as well as a lot of time in the BC interior in Kelowna. Beautiful area. Did you feel the earthquake?


    P.S. Feel free to PM me, as I suspect you may have a few questions about doing this.
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  • Profile picture of the author critterman
    P.S. Feel free to PM me, as I suspect you may have a few questions about doing this.

    HAHA you already know me so well lol

    No I never felt anything but I had friends that lived near the ocean that didn't feel anything but they saw the lights swinging and blinds moving. Brrr Alberta BTW mind you your in Montreal I think now so that can't be much warmer at all lol you obviously don't mind it.

    I think I have what you are referring to so in essence you are basically recommending doing a squeeze page then is that right? I was hoping to do the whole sidebar thing but by the sounds of that its either not possible or very complex so I will steer clear of that.

    Did I understand that correctly?
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  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    The cold in Alberta is what sent me to Hawaii! Got offered a consulting job in Honolulu in February 2001 while I was in Edmonton, wasn't a hard decision!

    Montreal is actually having warm weather still, waiting for what is left of of Sandy to arrive later today.

    I'm "sort of" speaking about a squeeze page, that's a good analogy.

    The sidebar can be done, but as I said its a bit more complex. Essentially you would need to create additional "template pages", which involves copying and editing PHP and a bit of CSS - not sure if you are up to that (no offense intended, it's just that I suspect you are not a coder). You would then hard-code an optin form onto each template (you would create a full-screen template and create your own sidebar within it). That way the opt-in would be on the sidebar on each of these pages.

    Another advantage to doing it this way is that you could create several pages that would each automatically have the optin form already on it.

    One other thought - create just one optin form for everyone (i.e Ford owners, Toyota owners, Honda owners etc) the same way you do it now. Then send them all to the same landing page where you have separate download links for each vehicle type. They would just download the e-book(s) that interested them.

    The advantage of doing things this way is that you could easily add new vehicle types, without having to go back into OptimizePress and adding an optin form each time you add a new vehicle manufacturer. And you would only have one list to maintain too.

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  • Profile picture of the author critterman
    That's why this is such a great forum!!

    Thanks Bill that's a great idea

    Your 100% right I am far from a coder not a clue what you just told me nor how to implement it lol

    Thanks Bill I have sent you a friends request if you choose to accept

    Be safe my new friend and hopefully Sandy takes a nap before it goes any farther
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  • Profile picture of the author hmpargi
    hmm Do you mean.....

    or do you mean.. by ?
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    I can see SEVERAL possible meanings. Luckily, the answer is the SAME FOR ALL!!!!!!


    1. Can you have where myname is subordinate and within YES!!!! It is a SUB DOMAIN! And it is under the control of the owner of, and usually costs NOTHING!!!!!

    2. Can I have a domain subordinate under others? YES! And all these ways tend to work that way.

    3. Can I have a website DISTINCT, that can be under the main page of another where they can be COMBINED? YES! Check out frame.

    4. Can I have a website IN distinct, """"? YES! Check out iframe!

    5. Can I have a website that can redirect, etc... YES! Check out redirect, rewrite, controlpanel, etc....

    6. Can I have multiple 2nd level domains....? Generally YES, but THAT costs.

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