What To Start Split testing on my Squeeze page?

13 replies
I have just started building a list and I am getting about 150 visitors a day to my squeeze page, but I am only getting a 10% opt-in rate so far..

1) What could I start split testing?..headline?

2) what else can I split test besides my headline?

3) Any advice/thoughts/help on my squeeze page good or bad?
Women's Style Guide

#page #split #squeeze #start
  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    I use google website optimizer

    i just clone my squeeze page quite a few times first and then once i find a squeeze page
    that converts the best i then drill down on that one changing the headline, bullets etc etc

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    • Profile picture of the author BrianDouglas
      Originally Posted by paul nicholls View Post

      I use google website optimizer
      GWO no longer exists. :x

      It has been gone since August. lol.
      Earn Money Insider - Please, show me some support, it will really help me out a lot.
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        This may sound a bit odd, given that the basis for A/B testing is only changing one element at a time. Try testing two totally different pages - different headlines, color schemes, offers, layouts, everything. Once you feel like you've honed in on the best general scheme, then you can start testing individual elements to increase response even further.

        I did this once where I started with a page I liked, as I was part of the target market. I was asked to split test the page, so I came up with one I absolutely hated. I just knew that I'd get to work with the one I was sure would work.

        You guessed it - the ugly page I hated, and just knew would not work, was 3:1 better then my sure thing.

        Subsequent testing doubled the response again.

        Had I stuck with just my original page and variations of it, I might have missed a 6X improvement.

        (And before anyone asks, no, I won't post the URL. It's not mine to give out.)
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  • Profile picture of the author GailTrahd
    I like to test only one thing at a time so I don't muddy the waters too much - headlines and offer on a squeeze page.

    I'm not sure if you'd also like to test an image. Women's style guides are aimed at women and we might like to know (image) what you are going to tell us about. Fashion is so variable - you might want to test a close up image of a woman who is made up well, but for daytime. Just a thought.
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  • Profile picture of the author obin94
    For me your squeeze page is too white. Maybe have a large background picture of something. (You could test this). You could test the color of your arrow.

    You can and should basically test each and every little thing on your page. But I agree with Gail, it is much easier and more reliable to test one thing at a time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Yadira Barbosa
    Usually fashionista's goes by the graphic part, so use a really good image of a high fashion girl, a stylist clipart can work for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    You can make major improvements with your squeeze page. It's about fashion and beauty, but your page is completely spartan.

    First, think about your market and your niche. Beauty, fashion, make up, hair - beauty and all the feelings and emotions attached to it. Your market wants to have or do the things that make them feel more beautiful, attractive, wanted, desired, desirable, etc.

    You need to appeal to emotions and feelings.

    But first, you have a word to fix in your headline. It's "what every woman must know," not what every "women" must know. That probably turns away some women.

    All right, create a page that oozes beauty. Make it beautiful, but not cluttered and an assault on the eye.

    You need graphics, or an image. Start with a beautiful header graphic.

    Maybe test with different light-colored background color. But make very sure the text is black and is easily read against any background color. Perhaps a soft and light pastel.

    Your freebie is an ebook? Get an image for it. Have a beautiful design and that's not hard to do.

    Get some copy that does some preselling with benefits. I would use something else other than "free gift." It's flat, boring...

    Test different layouts such as ebook cover graphic on the right, above the optin box and benefits on the left.

    Test with a short paragraph under the headline with the above.

    You're covering a lot of territory with: make up, hair, and fashion. So maybe 7 (odd number) of benefits with bullets divided up among all three areas.

    Use something different than "Download."

    Call the ebook a special report. Avoid using ebook or even download. Too over-used and clinical. All copy should touch on emotions, but avoid hype.

    At the bottom in the footer, you want credibility builders. Have a terms of use link and page, even a contact page, and privacy page with links to them.

    You have a border around the content area, so you can leave the main area white and put a neutral but attractive color in the border.

    Headline, I'd lose the reference to 'top secret." It's BS and everybody knows it.

    "Discover 100 Top Secret Fashion Tips That Every Women Must Know"

    Discover 100 Little Known ...

    Also, your subhead says: fashion, hair, and make up. But your headline only mentions fashion. Change something so it's more accurate. And put something for a benefit in the headline.

    All women must know? Why? What's the benefit?

    Your subhead: Everything You Need To Know About Hair, Fashion And Make-Up!

    You need to know for what reason? This is sterile, bland, and boring. It does not appeal to emotions and feelings at all.

    Forget the exclamation point. Adds nothing.

    I would definitely test headline and subhead colors. Not all women wear red, or even like it. A soft blue maybe, some greens are nice. .. Test.

    The big arrow is like talking to them with a bullhorn. Get rid of it. Replace with copy.

    Test with using just a single field with email address. Say something like: Your best email address.

    At the bottom, no need to tell them you'll never pass on their email details. You've already told them you respect their privacy. Plus, you need space for links to cred builders.

    Headline format takes up too much vertical space. Spread it out to get more above the fold.

    Those are good things to add, and you'll have more to test.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Mizel
    What Ken said...

    This looks like a page that a male would respond to, no design and a benefit-oriented headline. Remember your market is women, so add an image or two (females, products, malls), soften up the colors, and maybe change the word "Tips" to "Secrets."

    We've found there are certain palettes that females respond to much better others. Take a look at some of the top women sites like cafemom.com, ivillage.com, wahm.com, etc. Those sites pay a lot of money to designers and researchers, and do a tremendous amount of split-testing to see what colors, fonts, graphics, and overall looks to use. You can copy their ideas for free, which would be a good starting point;-)


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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    The headline needs improvement. Add bullet points to your squeeze page also to let people know what they will be learning/receiving once they fill out your squeeze page.
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  • Profile picture of the author Abul-Hussain
    Hey Sean,

    Here's a list of things that I test and get all of my students to test [the list isn't exhaustive]:

    1. Headline
    2. Subheadline
    3. Graphics
    4. Position of graphics
    5. Optin form copy
    6. Position of optin form
    7. Colours
    8. Use of video
    9. Use of testimonials
    10. Squeeze page design & layout

    Hope that gives you some ideas

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  • Profile picture of the author Clickthroo
    Firstly, well done for identifying the need to split-test this, rather than using your own 'naked-eye' judgement.

    But, you should also be considering traffic segmentation; in other words, sending different visitors to different versions of your landing pages and then split-testing each 'segment'.

    This, over time, can produce very dramatic increases to your conversion rates.

    Good luck!
    Dave Bird (CEO): Clickthroo.com - Landing Page Marketing Solution for advertisers, agencies, and affiliates.

    Landing page builder, tracking platform, split-testing, traffic segmentation, auto-optimization, 100+ templates, 1000+ stock images, optional affiliate marketing module.
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  • Profile picture of the author maz1207
    Your squeeze page is too bright with white color. Maybe you can change the style of it. Try to use the new InstaBuilder by Icun and Suzanna or Optimizepress. InstaBuilder might be a good plugin for squeeze pages and salespages.

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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
    The problem is not with the page itself more the way you're marketing.

    The page has no branding, who are you and why should I trust you?

    Have a look at the magazines that relate to this niche, and find out who the big names are, and then do an interview so that you have a product to give away. Become a celebrity by association and then people will be actively asking you for advice, go read up on push / pull marketing.
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