What University for IM/Marketing

17 replies
So what University would be best for Internet Marketing or Marketing in general, preferably out of the United States. Somewhere in Australia or Canada.
#im or marketing #university
  • Profile picture of the author getrichinfo
    Warrior Forum.

    I'm Buying Health Solos, please PM me if you are selling!

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  • Profile picture of the author TheRussian
    That's a great response. In all seriousness, I want to be able to enjoy the college lifestyle, learn marketing and work on my own IM projects at the same time.
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  • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
    I don't know if Internet Marketing can be taught well, in its real sense, in school. Schools educate you how to become good employees. Internet Marketing teaches you how to become an entrepreneur - a boss of your own.
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    • Profile picture of the author Antonio J.
      Originally Posted by contentwriting360 View Post

      I don't know if Internet Marketing can be taught well, in its real sense, in school. Schools educate you how to become good employees. Internet Marketing teaches you how to become an entrepreneur - a boss of your own.
      I totally agree with that. I've never found any school that is even close to teaching internet marketing and entrepreneurship in the same time.
      Looking for high paying and top converting worldwide trial offers in health & beauty niche?
      PM me for more info.
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  • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
    College teaches you some great things
    I agree.

    like not using a trademarked celebrity brand to serve as false testimonial for your service.
    I knew this will attract attention just like how it attracted you.

    Oh, your response did not even come close to the OP's post.
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  • Profile picture of the author WeavingThoughts
    Join proper coaching with a respected IMer.
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  • Profile picture of the author maz1207
    Hi, Glen Hopkins have a promotions right now where you can join his courses at $27/month only plus you'll get to talk to him 1 on 1 on every weeks. The offer link: http://glenhopkins.com/all-access-cl...ff-5-day-sale/

    This seems like a good offer because most marketers would charge you more to get 1 on 1 service over the phone.

    This is not an affiliate link so i hope this can be posted here. Sorry if it's not allowed and the mods can delete the link or my comment.

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  • Profile picture of the author cmorrow
    School of learning, taking action, repeat. Info that's taught in most colleges internet marketing related is old the game changes FAST before the text books are printed. I understand wanting the college lifestyle but to learn internet marketing take action
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Johns
    I doubt you will find a college course that will teach you Internet Marketing.

    Your best resource is the WF and the war room. You can get a complete education here and for a lot less than a college course!
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  • Profile picture of the author tjm2788
    Some Universities offer e-Marketing courses which gives you a good overview of selling online and some psychological selling theory too but the problem is its quite broad and generic. I suppose a standard Marketing degree gives you all of the basic elements too just not in a online context.

    Personally, I would invest in some good IM products and jump in and learn as you go along.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRussian
    Let me re-state my original post. I have to go to college (being forced to), so its either marketing or petroleum engineering...I enjoy both, but IM has become my passion.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
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      • Profile picture of the author TheRussian
        They are both my passion, but one is a sure path to a high paying career and the other is not a sure thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brains Gone Wild
    While I agree that good, old-fashioned, just jump in, life experience is always the best education you can get..... Full Sail University in Orlando FL is pretty progressive in IM.

    Full Sail University: Campus and Online Degrees
    The 1st and Only Webinar Platform for Internet Marketers is here! Click here to create your account now!
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRussian
    I said outside of the United States, I'm not allowed there..
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  • Profile picture of the author alpinewood
    i would guess studying economics or some type of IT program would be complementary to IM
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