Best platform for selling digital content?

by Nirude
16 replies
Hey everyone!

Firstly, I have no problem building sites and stores - but I'm wondering what is the best, or safest way to sell digital content? I know before this was a dodgy issue with Paypal (especially chargebacks etc).

If for example, I sell custom logos, micro sites and so on through a web store, which merchant could best handle that transaction (without getting chargebacks or people trying to get refunds)? Can I set the refund policy with that platform also?

I realize this content may be slightly customized, so its slightly different to selling ebooks which are already made and need no additional work. I'm also interested in hearing your thoughts on best platform selling ebooks with the same criteria!

#content #digital #platform #selling
  • Profile picture of the author lastdual
    Plenty of platforms such as Shopify allow digital content, but to disallow all refunds and chargebacks?

    If you accept major credit cards, chargebacks are a reality you're going to have to deal with, moreso if you never honor refund requests. The best protection against those things is simply to have a quality product and use honest marketing language.
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  • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
    If for example, I sell custom logos, micro sites and so on through a web store, which merchant could best handle that transaction (without getting chargebacks or people trying to get refunds)? Can I set the refund policy with that platform also?

    You need not to worry about chargebacks if you're delivering your services based on what you advertise. Yes, there will be serial refunders. But these ones are obviously outnumbered by serious buyers. That is part of a risk in business. You just need to insert that into your Risk Management plan.

    Moreover, you can always come up with your refund and revision policy.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nirude
      Thanks for the tips! Yes, I plan on selling good, reputable services of course!

      Do you have any suggestions other than Shopify lastdual (as I will probably use my own self-hosted store)?

      Contentwriting360: Just noticed your name, which payment service do you prefer to use? And do you have any experience with Paypal? I had one too many chargebacks when selling digital currency through Paypal before, but I know its a very different market
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  • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
    Contentwriting360: Just noticed your name, which payment service do you prefer to use? And do you have any experience with Paypal?
    The company I work for, Content Writing 360°, has been using PayPal since 2005.

    I had one too many chargebacks when selling digital currency through Paypal before, but I know its a very different market
    You were selling digital currency? If you were to look at our shopping cart, it says that there you should only order if you agree with our refund and revision policy. Did you have such policy?
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    • Profile picture of the author Nirude
      No, at that time Paypal offered zero protection for digital goods/services (has it changed since?). People would just say their Paypal account was hacked and Paypal would refund the money no questions asked. This was about 2004/5 I guess..
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  • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
    eople would just say their Paypal account was hacked and Paypal would refund the money no questions asked
    PayPal does not refund easily for such reason alone. PayPal gives you 3 choices when someone is disputing something for that reason you mentioned. One of those choices is that PayPal will you if you already delivered the digital or physical product to the customer. You will have to attach some proofs, too. I believe experienced that once or twice. We won both disputes because we were able to present evidences that the client himself/herself was in constant communication with us.
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  • Profile picture of the author lastdual
    If you're using a self-hosted store, most shopping cart scripts such as opencart or woocommerce can be made to offer digital products. You'll need a merchant account and a gateway like
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  • Profile picture of the author Nirude
    Glad to hear things have improved since then - cheers!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr. Ken Russell
    E-junkie for lower level merchants.
    InfusionSoft for higher level merchants.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nirude
    Nice one Nio, thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author tjm2788
    I've only ever dealt with Clickbank but i think that is pretty much king when it comes to deliverable content online. Super easy to set up too.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B

      A few other alternatives are:

      -Digital Access Pass (DAP)
      -BigCommerce (full blown store with tons of features)
      -Rapid Action Profits (RAP)
      -1Shopping Cart
      -Digital Product Delivery (getDPD(dot)com)

      to name just a few.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author Morten V
        Clickbank and JvZoo are a couple of good ones.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I have an ecommerce Woo Commerce store that sells digital products and payment is made with Paypal. I've been using Paypal for digital products for a very long time with not many problems. There will always be an occasional dick that uses Paypal to get a refund on something they clearly bought and downloaded, but that's just part of the business. Not a big part for me, so I don't let it get under my skin. I fight each one of them and win as many as I lose, but like I said, I don't get many of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author cbwarrior
    Hands down clickbank. They have been around for a long time, and one key thing that many people do not realize, is that for your offer to convert, you need to have several ways they can checkout. Clickbank works with all major credit cards, as well as paypal. It is simple to understand and integrate, and when you use them, you tap into a network of over 100,000 affiliates who could potentially promote your product right out of the gate.
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  • Profile picture of the author marcuslim
    JVZoo and Digiresults. Just cause these two were the recommended ones in Jason Fladlien's Product eclass.
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