12 Hits, 1 Opt-In. Why?

by inxie
22 replies
This is my first squeeze page, I have been trying to generate traffic for hours and slowly getting the hang of it however my efforts are wasted with such a low opt-in rate.

Is it my squeeze page?

The traffic is targeted too
#hits #optin
  • Profile picture of the author Jesse L
    For hours?
    I hate to say that 12 hits isn't enough to judge anything. You need higher numbers so things average out a bit. You may get 50 hits with no opt ins and then another 50 in a row with everyone opting in. Give it some time and keep at it.

    The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. – Vince Lambardi

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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    That's just a shade under 10% which is great.

    You need much more than 12 hits to draw any conclusions. And there are variables that come into play that affect conversion rate. You'll find differing opinions about the ideal number of impressions.

    Give it a hundred to five give or take to draw any initial conclusion about conversion rate. Relax.
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    • Profile picture of the author inxie
      I know I just want to make sure I am not wasting my time, keep reading how 50% opt-in rate is a good goal, sorry

      And yes hours? I started for the first time ever today, what's wrong with that lol?
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      • Profile picture of the author Jesse L
        Originally Posted by inxie View Post

        I know I just want to make sure I am not wasting my time, keep reading how 50% opt-in rate is a good goal, sorry

        And yes hours? what's wrong with that lol?
        LOL Nothing at all! That is great
        Usually people say days or months...

        You are doing very well.

        The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. – Vince Lambardi

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        • Profile picture of the author inxie
          Originally Posted by Jesse L View Post

          LOL Nothing at all! That is great
          Usually people say days or months...

          You are doing very well.
          I'm at 15-1 now
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      • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
        Originally Posted by inxie View Post

        I know I just want to make sure I am not wasting my time, keep reading how 50% opt-in rate is a good goal, sorry

        And yes hours? I started for the first time ever today, what's wrong with that lol?

        You know this and ask? Hell, 100% is a good goal.

        You have TWELVE hits... and you want to make sure you're not wasting your time?

        Come on... give it 1000 hits and then take it from there.
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        • Profile picture of the author inxie
          Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

          You know this and ask? Hell, 100% is a good goal.

          You have TWELVE hits... and you want to make sure you're not wasting your time?

          Come on... give it 1000 hits and then take it from there.
          I should add I have spent the past 3 days thinking, drawing up, building and perfecting my sales funnel. I know it's just me being irrational but I just REALLY want this to work and if it's not I need to know why.

          I shal be patient I promise
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  • Profile picture of the author CharlieDewitte
    Inxie: use a site like AdF.ly - The URL shortener service that pays you! Earn money for every visitor to your links. to buy bulk traffic, you can get a 1000 visitors in the US for 5 bucks.

    Also, advice from someone who's been selling online for multiple years now: don't give away that much information, you're giving away vital details about the content of your eBook while it should be more mysterious

    Like 'The Body You Want: It's Actually Achievable With This Bizarre Secret?'
    Then opt-in below.

    Also, if you use Aweber you can select an option to enable Facebook opt-ins (which dramatically increases your conversion %) - An example of that is Advancers: Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur

    Hope that helped!

    " Now This Is How To Get Ahead of EVERYONE Else in 2013! "
    << Click Here To See The BEAST That Turns Newbies Into High-Earning Entrepreneurs! >>
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
    It all depends on where you are driving your traffic from. Is it PPC? Social media traffic? Google??

    And yes, wait until you reach 1000 to draw any real conclusions. It's too soon to tell.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
    When people tell you they got 50% opt-in they forget to tell you that it was from very targeted traffic that would have cost a lot of money.

    Rather than look at conversion look at profitability.

    If you do go to adfly and spend $5 will enough people go through the funnel and buy stuff that earns you that $5 back? I think that you will see a spike in traffic and leads, but perhaps not sales as adfly in my experience tends to be bot traffic.

    Overall I would concentrate on getting a few hundred hits through blog comments and forums in the weight loss niche, and then once the first sale from the funnel comes through invest it in paid traffic sources.

    Lastly don't believe all the hype you see about listbuilding, it's hard work, but will be rewarding in a few months time when you have a responsive list who know like and trust you.
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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    It does sound like PPC, so be sure you are split testing! You gotta split test and keep doing it.

    Use lots of negative keywords, too.

    And if this is PPC, then it should be posted in the PPC forum or whatever it's called.

    Next time, eh?
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    • Profile picture of the author inxie
      I am creating threads on related forums with good information and at the end adding a link and recommending the workout plan on my page.

      I have gained 8 more visits in 20 minutes and ive done nothing, I guess it's working
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  • Profile picture of the author mikefrommaine
    I'd narrow down the bullet points to THREE important ones.

    I'm the host of a show at http://mikefrommaine.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Niranpr
    If you drive a targeted traffic, try to split testing.
    - Headline
    - Your benefits
    - Your call to action
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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    Where did the traffic come from?

    Seriously, though. 12 visits. That is nowhere near enough to conclude anything from.
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    10 percent is hardly great. The problem is you have no headline and your bullets are weak. The only thing you have going for you is a decent layout. But that's not enough. 12 hits is far from enough to gauge this either but I'd guess you'd maintain pretty much the same percentage if it were 1200 or 12,000. Get someone who knows how to write sales copy to help you. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author shawoon98
    If you wait up to 1000 hits with paid traffic, you might lose money. At least you can tweak in every 100 hits to check the changes.

    You didn't mention your traffic source which is very very important. Squeeze pages have to be designed based on type of traffic. For PPC should be decent, For PPV should be quick and sniper heading, For solo well designed and for ad swap may be rubbish design. For facebook ads, a facebook like and/or like button or facebook comments work well. I try these things a lot. That's why I'm saying.

    But when I buy expensive traffic, I don't try. I just take it from any big clickbank vendor. I do the similar design, similar copy, similar opt in gift. You might try this way.

    A bad advice: If you are buying expensive traffic, feel free to use exit popup to hold some traffic back. It's your money, your list. Don't let anyone go without signing in.

    -M. Bari

    P.S: 50% opt in rate is quite rare.
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  • Profile picture of the author MrDay
    Hey inxie,

    checkout this recent thread, http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...-friendly.html.

    It just might help you out if you haven't read it already. 8)

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  • Profile picture of the author bloggerd
    1 optin from less than 20 visits is good but like many have said you need to hold of until you have had alot more visits and the work it out.
    i would for now carry on doing what you are doing and edit your squeeze page alittle make them want to know what this secret/method etc is and change your headline

    heres a couple of ideas

    "Get The Body you have Always Wanted With One Simple Little Method"
    or something like
    "This One Simple Method Transforms your body into what you have always wanted"

    i normaly just write down aload of headlines and then look through them and think about what id be thinking if i was sent to a page and so this headline
    Hope they give you a few ideas

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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    1) Too much stuff on your squeeze page. Tone it down.

    2) Make 3 variations, and split test them. Once you find a winner, take that winner, and make 3 variations of THAT squeeze.

    3) Continue this until you get >=70% optin.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Jeffels
    Those bullet points are terrible.

    Where's the benefit?

    These are bullet points...

    - Discover this little trick to destroying fat 24hrs a day
    - How to trick your body to burn fat faster
    - Add this to your coffee and trick your body into feeling full


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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    Get a headline and no more than 5 bullet points that the reader just can't pass up. You are lucky to have the one conversion .. in my not so humble opinion.

    Only three workouts a week doesn't cut it in a world that wants to eat cake and get huge muscle mass.

    While the body you want would seem to be a benefit .. the real benefit is what the body you want results in. That being some little hottie on your arm. Find out the real desires of the niche and give it to them.

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