by mrpals
3 replies
Ok, so I bought into my first affiliate program, Im all excited sounds like the next best thing to sliced bread. I open it up and discover that it has not 1 but 2 different exciting things to sell. 1- I can market the same money making program 2- I can market the product that the program has intended me to sell and make millions.. lol
Ok getting past that it gives all these tools on how to market it, Articles, classifieds, blog posts etc... Im all excited I post post post copy and past crap for 3 days... Keep popping into CB to check my $$ and 0. 1 week has past posting posting blah blah... check $$ and 0. .. 2 weeks 3 weeks
$$ and 0..
Is there a real solution to marketing for the newbie? A method to bring the masses for the typical person with a 0 budget?
I am very sure many would like to know this secret.
Thanks to all you Gurus in advance..
#affilate programs #cents #mass marketing #sense
  • Profile picture of the author TOPGUN08
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[61016].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mrpals
      That is pretty much the topic of the post. How to find this magical traffic for said product. Lets face it, If you have store and 2 people visit it per day chances of selling something are slim, Yet if you have a walmart with 1,000s of people passing thru you can pretty much sell all day. How to find and get this kind of traffic? Not these fake opt in lists and traffic share systems that never produce results. I am hoping one guru can give an indepth step by step method to achieve this for the average joe.

      Just Weird News a small magazine with a really big ideas. News Weird Magazine

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      • Profile picture of the author greenovni
        Maybe you should write your own blog post, articles etc and make then unique.

        Don't feel like writing? SPIN the materials they gave you Power Article Rewriter (By a fellow warrior)

        Submit your new unique articles to Ezine articles and your unique blog post on your own blog.

        DIGG everything so google will crawl you in a few hours instead of days.
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        • Profile picture of the author mrpals
          Thanks Greenovni,
          Sebastian Kohl's software looks pretty awsome. Im giving it a test drive now. That looks like it would work pretty good for a guy like me that has no words. That also looks like a good product to resell is that possible?

          Just Weird News a small magazine with a really big ideas. News Weird Magazine

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