Almost 1000 Twiiter followers in a week but questions remain please

20 replies
Hi Warriors:

As always I hope the week is going well.

With a product launch coming up I have been getting involved with Twitter and the following is building very nicely. Thanks to all that have helped me and I follow back.

I try to limit plugs to 1 out of 10 posts but need help please on 2 issues.

When a person wants to plug something doesn't the constant incoming Tweets make it hard for even the best content to be seen? I have witnessed for example somebody posting a Tweet and then another person will have 9 in a matter of minutes. This almost forces the other person off the front page before enough eyes can see it.

What are your tips for when you do post to plug a site/product/blog/ that it can get the most exposure otherwise you lose the potential of the traffic and don't want to become a spammer.

The 2nd question please is do you have names and links to both free and paid software for twitter that can bulk remove those that don't follow you back at a set time? I need an option of several days because I have had people take up to 6 to follow me back. If there is software that can be set to 7 or 8 days and then remove that would be great.

Any other tips from the great Warriors are appreciated.

Thanks as always for you time and have a great Thursday!
#followers #questions #remain #twiiter #week
  • Profile picture of the author Ryan700
    Originally Posted by Craig Fenton View Post

    Hi Warriors:

    When a person wants to plug something doesn't the constant incoming Tweets make it hard for even the best content to be seen? I have witnessed for example somebody posting a Tweet and then another person will have 9 in a matter of minutes. This almost forces the other person off the front page before enough eyes can see it.

    I noticed that too. I unfollow people who's avatar I see like 10 or 20 in a row. As a sidenote Robert G. Allen started following me today and I usually follow people right back but I know from my Yahoo bulk email folder he'll be flooding my twitter account with promotional messages so I chose not to follow him. :-)

    It takes a bit more work but unfollowing people who constantly message in twitter is necessary. Having said that you might keep someone who you respect and who is sending you to web sites you can learn from.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Fulfer
    its not automated but twitter karma is pretty easy to use for cleaning up your followers.

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    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      Hi Josh:

      Thanks for the info on Twitter Karma. If you or anyone know of additional tools that gives the option of removing people but not automatically (choice of user to set for 3 days, 5 , 7 etc) please let me know.

      I'm going to try the product Thursday.

      Thanks and be well,

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  • Profile picture of the author lost_coast
    Twitter Karma is excellent, sometimes it doesn't work right though. I have something like 9000 followers and it still runs pretty good for me, just make sure you click "hide avatars" when you use it. In my experience this increases your chance of success (and decreases load time pretty significantly!).
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  • Profile picture of the author Terry Crim
    Twitter is about communication and building relationships with people. It wasn't meant as a promotional delivery system, though many think that.

    If you use twitter with the intent to build relationships with people and you get involved, the promotional tweets every once in awhile wont be ignored as much and people will stay with you as follower.

    If you just plug everything that comes down the pike and don't use twitter to build relationships then you will lose followers rather consistently.

    The more value you bring, the more consistant you are with participating the more you will see your follower count go up. You will also find that when you do promote something or suggest a resource, that more people pay attention.

    It all comes down to how you use the tool and what your motives are for using it in the first place. Remember that the people on Twitter ARE actual PEOPLE and not just a mindless group of wallets. Treat them well and you will see dramatic results in followers.

    Using Twitter in your business process needs to be used in conjunction with your business funnel system. Anyone that uses Twitter, Facebook etc and make 5 figures weekly all have a system and funnel. If you just have a twitter account and expect to make gazillions promoting affiliate products your effectiveness will be much less than expected.

    - Terry
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    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      Hi Terry:

      thanks for the reply. I am all about communication (author, public speaker, motivator) and even if others used Twitter or Facebook to promote every second I wouldn't. There have always been systems in place for the books. lectures, rock and roll photos I help market, and the upcoming launch.

      As somebody that studies the workings of various websites I still believe that even the most trusted person that would sell a Rolls Royce for 3 dollars needs to find a way to circumvent the continuous flow of posts that push away those that were made (good or bad) in the last few seconds. Next time you are on the site do an experiment. First post any quality Tweet and look at the screen and you will see your post forced down in seconds. Then look at a random post (good or bad) and watch the same.

      Even if you want to remove those that post 9 times in 10 minutes there are other folks that are watching their posts and yours. With the Warrior Forum for example even during a busy time the post does have a certain exposure on the first page and if people respond it can stay there. When you post something on My Space or Facebook or a myriad of social sites you have a more regimented time line for the message.

      That is why I wanted to gather tips from the fine Warriors what they are doing or have done to maximize their efforts. One thing I won't do is stray from the rule of thumb 1 plug for every ten posts.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment and have a great Thursday.

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  • Profile picture of the author Terry Crim
    These tools do increase follower count but I wonder the quality of the follower you end up with?

    - Terry
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    • Profile picture of the author dblgdee
      Terry you nailed it.
      Twitter was recently described as a giant cocktail party by a widely known business guru.
      You can have 200000 followers , but will they be there for you with signed contracts.
      Marketing is not a game or is it?
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  • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
    Well, this is entirely self centered on my part but Peter Drew has new software that follows people and unfollows after a set time - I'm helping him promote it, but anyway -
    ask him when it will be ready - peterdrew (peterdrew) on Twitter. Feel free to nag him. He used it to get 30,000 followers so far.

    As for promoting products on Twitter - I would only promote say once every five tweets. The rest of the Tweets, make conversation, answer other people's Tweets, etc. Interact. Join the conversation. Otherwise you risk irritating people.
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    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      Hi Dana:

      You must have ESP or Warrior SP. Thank you! I was thinking that it would be great if Dana read the post. No it isn't self-serving at all.

      Number 1 with your track record if you want to tell me about concert tickets or vacations in the winter, you earned the right with over 200 posts.

      Number 2 you are plugging something that is beneficial for the Warriors and the thread.

      I will give you a thanks as always when the button reappears.

      Thanks so much and I will contact Peter in 15 seconds!

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  • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
    To clarify - he's got two accounts - one of them has 22,000 and the other has more than 8,000 followers
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  • Profile picture of the author ktlasm
    Well, as my last Twitter post disclosed...I told my followers that if they follow me to simply add me to the "numbers" that they should seriously unfollow me. I told them that I was about to unleash Mr. "Nuff" in had enough...(lol). You might want to tune in, because there are a few who I can't wait to rid myself of....It's ridiculous, but then again...US(people)...Ciao!

    I'm pretty cool if I say so, and I know my stuff, folks. I'm 31 years old and I'm full, full, full time on the internet. No part timing around this way...I'm here because I simply enjoy spreading as much love & light as I possibly can. Check me out on facebook,& say Hi. or twitter

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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    make sure you are adding value and providing helpful tips, and be socialble, just remember that they are real people not just tweets
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  • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
    I pretty much use Twitter the same way Perry Belcher describes it here:


    "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

    Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

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  • Profile picture of the author elirainc
    does these followers convert for you too ? have you tried any CPA offer with them ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      Hi Elirainc:

      Thanks for the post. I only got involved with Twitter extensively the past 8 days. My main concern was to build trust and lay a foundation where people see that I am only plugging something of mine 1 out of 10 times. The first major exposure I want from Twitter will be for the product launch.

      After that CPA or anything that could be advantageous is open for discussion.

      Speaking of twitter I noticed when I was checking the messages how frequently even those with a following of several thousand will plug every post and often submit 10 plugs in the span of minutes. One person had a traffic generation system, public relations, email marketing, and everything but world peace in the past hour.

      Thanks as always and have a great Thursday!

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  • Profile picture of the author Gunter Eibl
    I'm using a desktop application called that makes it a bit easier to keep the overview of all the twitter stuff.

    It let's you group names together and follow just these for example.

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  • Profile picture of the author dsmpublishing
    As long as you are interesting, post updates that will benefit others they dont mind the promotional tweets. Just make sure they are good enough and they will be retweeted. I post about 20 promotionals a day inc article links, links to free products to optin, viral products without optin, my products reduced plus things of value not related to me. For example a link to some free software on someone elses blog or to a funny forum post that has made me laugh. As long as you build relationships and chat to people in between promotional people wont mind.

    I have built up nearly 31,000 followers since 23rd dec last year and get a very low unfollow rate.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
    I wouldn't try CPA offers on Twitter - or even plugging other people's affiliate products. Twitter is a great place to go network and showcase your talents and abilities so people come to trust you and buy from YOU - selling other people's stuff doesn't seem to work that well on Twitter.
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    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      Hi Dana:

      Good morning and thanks! As people tell me their experiences (thank you) about Twitter I would be content to stay the path and only plug 1 out of 10 times the books and new project to be released soon.

      I still wish there would be some way for posts (good, bad, or average) to not get lost in the shuffle. It is amazing how quickly something is pushed off the front page. They have 15 posts and then it kicks to page 2 and so on. If ABC Marketing decides to have 8 Tweets after you post something great about the Warrior Forum or your own business, you will be on Page 2 in a minute.

      Even if you only follow imperative people we can't control what others are seeing. If you make a superlative post about a new Twitter software and Jane Doe is subscribed to 847 other people she may not even see your 140 words. It could go off the front page in a flash.

      Would it be better if they set up a system where it would take 60 seconds or more to show so you can at least get the message without being thrown off the page?

      Thanks as always and have a great day!!

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