26 replies
Hi Guys,

I was introduced to the world of Internet Business several years ago and have since then have tried my hand at several different things on and off, but nothing really took off. Over the years I've got several courses but everything seemed kind of repetitive so I stopped buying more things, decided to take a break and just focus just on my job and college (that didn't really leave much time for a business anyway).

Now I'm doing okay with my job, but I also am looking to work on my own business, cause I would prefer to eventually be self employed. I'm looking for any advice on how and where to begin again. I am going to go through the forum, but would also like some more direct advice.

It's a little scary starting again and I feel like a newbie all over especially considering how quick this game changes. I'm willing to invest some money (I don't have a whole lot though) and time on my projects.

Feel free to ask questions as well.
#feeling #overwhelmed
  • Profile picture of the author foomenow
    If at first u dont succeed, just keep swinging & you will get there!, yeah I know it can be frustrating but hang in there buddy!
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  • Profile picture of the author Lou Murphy
    I know exactly how you're feeling.

    My advice is to just get the ball rolling: pick one product, or one strategy, that connects with you and DO it. Work at it until you make your first dollar.
    Once you get the ball rolling and make your first dollar, one thing often leads to the next.

    My biggest problem was 'paralysis by analysis'.

    I overcame that by forcing myself to just start TRYING new strategies and ideas.
    Even if they failed miserably, I tried to fail quick, they were lessons learned, and at least I was in the DOING mode.
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    • Profile picture of the author joefizz
      Originally Posted by Lou Murphy View Post

      I know exactly how you're feeling.

      My advice is to just get the ball rolling: pick one product, or one strategy, that connects with you and DO it. Work at it until you make your first dollar.
      Once you get the ball rolling and make your first dollar, one thing often leads to the next.

      My biggest problem was 'paralysis by analysis'.

      I overcame that by forcing myself to just start TRYING new strategies and ideas.
      Even if they failed miserably, I tried to fail quick, they were lessons learned, and at least I was in the DOING mode.
      Lou has nailed it here...

      Now with the benefit of hindsight, can you use any of the products that you have bought already?

      The key will be to take massive action...persistently!

      If you need help...get a mentor or coach.


      I am an Internet Marketing coach. Accelerate your performance here:
      FREE RESOURCES to help you...

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  • Profile picture of the author canada94
    I agree with Lou, don't keep buying the next 'Big Thing', pick something you enjoy doing and build a business around that, that way on your downer days it wont be so bad, if it helps my guide will help you start on the right lines.
    PM me if you need help.


    [B]If you are looking to turn your ebook into an Amazon bestseller,then visit http://babystepspublishinglimited.com,and let me help you

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    • Profile picture of the author bluebagger
      Find something you are interested in, because it makes learning it a whole lot easier. Choose your path and concentrate on being the best at that particular thing.

      Success rarely comes when you just give things a try to see if they work. Most things take constant work before you see success, and a lot of people will have given up before they reach that stage. Understand that most things can and do work, it's people and their lack of commitment, lack of patience, lack of study that causes them to fail.

      So that's why I say choose something that interests you, study it, focus on it, get great at it and stick with it.

      Don't focus too much on dollar figures, but focus on the goal of being an expert at whatever it is you choose. By changing your focus in this way, you'll be giving yourself a clearer path to your goals. ie. if you focus on making $xxx per day, you are only looking at the numbers when you fall short and doubting whether the whole thing works and wondering how you can get the income figure up. If you focus on being an expert at whatever it is you choose, then each day if you think you are falling short then you are looking for ways to improve and have probably identified areas you need to improve on to reach the main goal of becoming an expert at it.

      Don't get distracted by shiny objects either. If you have chosen to be an expert at running dating offers on POF for example, then don't get distracted by the latest product teaching Facebook or Youtube marketing.

      Hope that makes sense and I hope it helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author Hani D
    Listen, if you want to succeed you must take action as below:

    1: Stop buying or downloading more stuff about IM.
    2: Choose only one system (PPC, SEO, list building....whatever you choose)
    3: Stick with this system, MASTER it and you will succeed.

    That Simple.

    Originally Posted by aneel90 View Post

    Hi Guys,

    I was introduced to the world of Internet Business several years ago and have since then have tried my hand at several different things on and off, but nothing really took off. Over the years I've got several courses but everything seemed kind of repetitive so I stopped buying more things, decided to take a break and just focus just on my job and college (that didn't really leave much time for a business anyway).

    Now I'm doing okay with my job, but I also am looking to work on my own business, cause I would prefer to eventually be self employed. I'm looking for any advice on how and where to begin again. I am going to go through the forum, but would also like some more direct advice.

    It's a little scary starting again and I feel like a newbie all over especially considering how quick this game changes. I'm willing to invest some money (I don't have a whole lot though) and time on my projects.

    Feel free to ask questions as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author wadquopr
    it's people and their lack of commitment
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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    You just got to focus on one thing. Stick to it no matter what.
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  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    Yeah man, you have examine how much time you want to dedicate to starting and maintaining your online business. Because it looks to me, like you're risk averse and are looking for that safe haven. So you go to college and get a job so that you can be an employee and let the company pay you.

    Being in business for yourself, an entrepreneur, is much different. You have to rely on yourself to get everything done. You can outsource since you have some capital. But also first decide what kind of online business you want to spend time on building and sustaining. Then spend money on PPC to a squeeze page and build a list. PM me I can point u in right direction.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

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  • Profile picture of the author James Hessler
    Not that I've succeeded, and had 'paralysis through analysis', as wel as (still at times... Shiny syndrome) I find that focussing on one site, pulling in some of the tools I've purchased, is helping.

    What I find here on this forum is advice to focus. Focus and take action.

    It can be daunting but I feel, as you may, that there is light at the tunnels end.

    In closing, I would advise focussing on one thing till it shows results. That's where I mostly feel I am, and it is challenging, but exciting at the same time.

    Wishing you the very best of what you have and can do.



    If I see a 'shiny new thing', as I have recently, I ask questions, take advice, and take action. Always with the thought, "Is it what my business and fledgling website, would benefit from".

    The BEST web TV show on the Internet

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    It's not hard to market a website on the internet. I'm surprised you never tried Ebay. Make sure you operate in a niche instead of a huge broad market - unless you know how to get sales and backend sales from your customers (which you probably dont know yet). I have confidence in you my friend... we've all been where you're at right now.
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    • Profile picture of the author Puregoddess
      Feeling the same way I am totally new to Affiliate marketing. Trying my had at POF.. Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    The worst thing that you can do is to buy product after product and product launch after product launch.

    There are a few things that you need to learn about making money online and being able to quit your day job at some point.

    You need to have a great offer and buyers.
    You need to drive targeted traffic.
    You need to collect names and emails onto a list.
    You need these prospects to buy.
    You need to show them how to duplicate your efforts.
    You need these buyers to make sales too and earning you residual commissions.
    You need to keep doing that over and over again and consistently.

    That is how your income can grow.

    You got to take action on ONE (1) business model at a time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anton543
    If you leave your job and work at this fulltime, you will probably need to end up working harder as it can sometimes be a real struggle. Lot of trial and error involved and when things are not going your way, expect to feel intense frustration. Also, you always need to keep learning as internet marketing is constantly evolving. Its true that the best people anywhere are forever learning to go up the career ladder or even change direction, but for most people a job provides greater levels of security. I would suggest you not leave your job and work at internet marketing part time, and when things are eventually looking up and you can support yourself, perhaps you can then go full-time.
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  • Profile picture of the author cowloc
    Keep going, small achievable goals are more realistic than one large unrealistic goal.
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  • Profile picture of the author aneel90
    Thanks guys, some great advise here will definitely take it to heart and start working!
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  • Profile picture of the author hayfj2
    Perhaps we need to strip it back to basics.

    Quite often with internet marketing, we spend a lot of time dealing with the symptoms of poor, bad or selfish marketing. We spend a lot of time doing "stuff" that simply doesn't work and not identifying the root cause of the lack of progress, whats really frustrating us or making us feel overwhelmed.

    I have 3 quick questions for you.

    1. What are you GOOD at?
    2. What do you ENJOY doing?
    3. If you had no chance of failure what you do?

    Oh, and a 4th -

    4. How can you create examples of 1 and 2 above and share them online as tasters, examples and samples of solutions you can offer people with problems that you can fix, or of products you can supply them with?

    Hope that helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author bluebagger
      Just reading this thread restores my faith a bit in people who use the Warrior Forum. Back when I first joined, I had someone question my credibility. I was a bit dumbfounded, how could anyone who doesn't know me say something like that? Obviously I'd never used forums before and wasn't ready for how some people act. I was going to just pack up my bat and ball and go home and not bother with forums if that was the way people behave towards one another, but decided to stick around anyway.

      All the good advice and genuine help offered to someone who has asked for it in this thread is just wonderful to see. So many people immediately ask what's in it for them, but here it's just everyone reaching out with solid and helpful no strings attached advice.

      Well done warriors!
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      • Profile picture of the author madstan
        Originally Posted by bluebagger View Post

        Just reading this thread restores my faith a bit in people who use the Warrior Forum. Back when I first joined, I had someone question my credibility. I was a bit dumbfounded, how could anyone who doesn't know me say something like that? Obviously I'd never used forums before and wasn't ready for how some people act. I was going to just pack up my bat and ball and go home and not bother with forums if that was the way people behave towards one another, but decided to stick around anyway.

        All the good advice and genuine help offered to someone who has asked for it in this thread is just wonderful to see. So many people immediately ask what's in it for them, but here it's just everyone reaching out with solid and helpful no strings attached advice.

        Well done warriors!
        Sometimes you just have to focus on the words of the positive people and not the negative ones. Especially when you post something a lot of them don't want to hear. Turn the other cheek think of a good Family Guy joke/scene (one of my favourite ones is when peter fights the big chicken) and continue to learn from the ones who are really out there to teach you and not criticize you or your intentions. And most importantly have F-U-N.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tbyrd626
    I can so relate to this, although I think I am finally starting to see the light. The key is to have laser sharp focus on ONE thing. Put your blinders on and ignore all of the I M noise around you. Its hard, but really that's the only way you will see success. Legit internet marketing courses are like diets...they will work, but its up to you to focus and make it happen.
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    • Profile picture of the author curly sue
      i know where you're coming from. What you need is a motivation partner, and a coach to keep you going.
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  • Profile picture of the author RobOrracle
    I'd recommend starting with first things first and find something that you're excited about and could envision creating a business around. A huge mistake I see people making is putting the cart before the horse. If all you're concerned about is making money online, it's going to be more challenging to dial in on something sustainable. But if you can get clarity on what really fires you up, and then look at how you can build a resource for people online, then I think you'll be on a better track.
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  • Profile picture of the author edhuu
    don't buy courses and jump over methods.. it will make you overwhelmed. pick a method that you think will fit you and why don't you get a mentor/coach to guide you through the method. and what important the most is never give up!
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  • Profile picture of the author Subseven
    Without looking too much through the other replies, here are my 2 cents:

    * Don't spend too much on WSO's. They will seem like they will make you a lot of money, but they are meant to sound that way, even though it's not realistic. A lot of the info you'll find, you can mostly get out of reading stuff for free here and a good bit of common sense.

    * Focus on one thing. Almost nothing works right off the bat, you need dedication, willpower and you need to stick with it.

    * Choose something you like to do. This is the most important tip. Focus on providing value to your customer. A lot of people here suggest doing something general and using methods to make money rather than finding a way to make something which people genuinely like. Focus on that, and it will make stuff easier for you. Since it's something you like, you will feel comfortable creating something since you know what you are talking about. You will be able to provide good content, which in the long run is the key to success. Also, if you do it right, you will get positive feedback, something which is a huge motivation. You'll gain experience by keeping at it, and you can change tactics / strategy along the way if needed. Just don't jump from 1 thing to another, almost nobody goes from zero to hero in such a short period.

    Good luck.

    No marketing, just good free music to stimulate you while working: http://chillhop.com/

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  • Profile picture of the author Doppelbock
    A big mistake I see newbie marketers make is they buy, buy, buy, and read, read, read, but they never LEARN.

    Many courses, or anything in life, should be taken and really thought through, what works, what doesn't. Why does it work, why doesn't it work, etc. etc.

    If you're copy/pasting a course into your head, you're not getting the full effect.

    In other words, this is not school, where you regurgitate whatever your teacher tells you, or know how to answer it in a quiz, but you need to be able to apply it to real life and see where it gets you.

    That's key to starting your own business, in any frame.
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