9 replies
Just curious as to what software you experienced Warriors are using for split testing. Or do you just use your auto responder?
  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    It depends what you are split testing really...

    I use Prosper202 and CPVLab for most of my needs.

    What are you trying to "split test"?
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketingMinded
    Originally Posted by Ellie M View Post

    Just curious as to what software you experienced Warriors are using for split testing. Or do you just use your auto responder?
    What exactly are you attempting to split test? Be more specific, your question was rather general and vague.
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  • Profile picture of the author jessiem
    Originally Posted by Ellie M View Post

    Just curious as to what software you experienced Warriors are using for split testing. Or do you just use your auto responder?
    Hi, if you want to have a list of split testing tools this blog I've found on Google is worth a read. I've tried Convert but maybe that's not best for your needs..so what are you trying to split test by the way?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kingfish85
    If you are split testing a website, these 2 are the best.


    Experimently |Website Testing Made Easy

    |~| VeeroTech Hosting - sales @ veerotech.net
    |~| High Performance CloudLinux & LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting
    |~| cPanel & WHM - Softaculous - Website Builder - R1Soft - SpamExperts
    |~| Visit us @veerotech Facebook - Twitter - LinkedIn

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  • Profile picture of the author threezerozero
    I use Max AB for WP. Here's a link:

    WordPress › MaxA/B « WordPress Plugins

    Pretty solid tool, if you ask me.
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  • Profile picture of the author shane_k
    I have started using hypertracker and I really like it for split-testing.

    Here is a page of some tutorials that I bookmarked awhile back when I first started using it. The videos show how easy hypertracker is to use.


    NOTE: Before you click on the above link, and this is stupid, but it's better to click on this below link first, then on the page below click on "free hypertracker tutorial"

    Conversion Tools


    because for some stupid reason Perry Marshal or who ever created the tutorial page in the first link I gave you has an email pop up form that shows up and there is no "x" to close it down. So as soon as you finish watching one tutorial there is no way to get rid of that email pop up form.

    The only way I found was to close that window and go back to the "conversion tools" page/link, and then click on "free hypertracker tools" link again just to watch the second video.

    It's very annoying actually.

    but the videos themselves are really great and show how easy hypertracker is to use. and it's only $19.99/month.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    There are a heap of tools out there for split testing.

    To be perfectly honest with you I still use Google Website Optimizer.
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  • Profile picture of the author ReveryMarketing
    I like to setup my A/B split tests through Google Experiments. Its completely FREE and you can keep launching split tests against the winner.

    Keep in mind that split test can give you different results at different times of the year/month. So on the first test I usually like to split test two completely different pitches for 3 months after the initial launch.

    Once I have a winner I move onto testing headlines, best out of 100 conversions wins and I move onto my next test...

    Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/reverymarketing
    Niche Flipper - The Ultimate System to Building a Successful Niche Vendor Website. http://nicheflipper.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Ellie M
    Thanks for all the great responses. I'm just learning so I don't have any sites or pages yet to split test ... just wanted some general feedback.

    Ellie Manwiller
    Unbridled Traveler
    "With enchanted eyes we watch as these sweet moments turn to memories."

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