Live Workshop $1000, DVDs of the Live Workshop $197...What is the logic and strategy behind this?
How come people organize a live workshop for $1000 per attendee but then sell the DVDs of that same Workshop for only $197 online?
I see that offering the DVDs online is a lot more cost effective(from the organizer point of view), but then how can those organizers attract people to their live Workshops/Seminars? especially when the same content will be offered online to the public as DVDs for a fraction of the live workshop price?
As a customer, why would I want to pay $1000(plus traveling,accommodation,etc.) when I know the same content will be offered online as DVDs(even as digital videos) only after a couple weeks?
I see that there are some advantages of being physically there and networking with people on live workshops/seminars, but do people really feel comfortable paying at least 5 times more just for that?
As the person who organizes the workshop, what is my strategy behind this? and how do I expect people to attend my future workshops when they know it'll be offered online as digital content for a lot cheaper?
Offering a workshop for free to attract attendees, then turning the recordings of that live workshop to DVDs which I can sell online makes great sense. But I honestly don't see how almost the opposite scenario actually works.
Any ideas?
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