Keeping Up With User Names and passwords??

51 replies
What do you recommend using to keep up with all the user names and passwords for all the sites we use as marketers? I have tried Roboform and it really got in the way more times than not.

Any recommendations?
#keeping #names #passwords #user
  • Profile picture of the author Susan Hope
    I love Roboform, wouldn't be without it, especially the Roboform on the go so that you can take your passwords to any computer.

    How did it get in the way for you? perhaps there was something you were forgetting to do or missing?

    Can't think of another alternative. In fact there are pretty much 3 things I wouldn't be without, my husband, my roboform and my blackberry LOL

    Sorry that is not more helpful.

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  • Profile picture of the author MaulanaMalik
    If you use Firefox as your browser it has a password remembering feature. A more crude way of doing it would be to have a text file with all your account names and passwords saved.
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    • Profile picture of the author multimastery
      Originally Posted by MaulanaMalik View Post

      If you use Firefox as your browser it has a password remembering feature. A more crude way of doing it would be to have a text file with all your account names and passwords saved.
      I use the Firefox method as well - and I really just use RoboForm to automatically fill in forms.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Silvester
    Hi Mate,

    If you dont like roboform...your going to hate
    everything else. Roboform is the only way
    to go.

    Take Care,

    Michael Silvester
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  • Profile picture of the author jimojeda
    Hi Christine,

    I'm curious too, how did Roboform get in the way?

    I've been using it for a long time and have nothing but praise for it and can't imagine doing without it anymore.

    I've recommended it to many and so far, it seems like it's helped everyone who's ever used it.

    So I'm curious to see if maybe there was a setting or configuration which made it annoying to you. Maybe we can help you so you can experience it without annoyance and without it getting in the way.

    Oh wait...

    I'm thinking that when you say it gets in the way, you probably mean that you don't like the popup that opens every time you fill in a form... is that right?

    If that's the case, it's simply that it asks you if you want it to save that info so that later on, you don't need to fill the form again, you can simply click on "Logins" and choose that file so that it automatically enters that information.

    You have the ability to disable that anytime and also to have it stop asking you if you want to save that info for any specific websites.

    The flexibility and user friendliness that the program has are simply outstanding.

    As you can see, I'm totally sold on it and can't do without it, so if there's anything I can do to help you understand and enjoy Roboform, let me know and I'll be happy to help.


    Jaime Ojeda


    Something Good Is Coming Soon

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    • Profile picture of the author grover69
      Not to jump on the bandwagon here but Roboform really is the bee's knees. I am a computer tech as well so I have tons (and I mean tons) of logins and now that I bought it, I am blown away by how I did without it. The feature that I found help the most is to turn on "fill & submit is the default action for matching passcards" in options/toolbar so that when you head to a site that has a login, you can quickly click the button on the toolbar to "auto-login". Roboform felt like it was getting in the way before then. Hope that helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author mhuktar
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    • Profile picture of the author str1k3r
      If you dont like roboform, then a simple little notebook next to your computer will do.
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  • Profile picture of the author bounty_hunt3r
    Roboform is excellent, I am using it for 2 years now
    Its still a loyal servant for me
    I can't think another alternative
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  • Profile picture of the author howudoin
    What do you recommend using to keep up with all the user names and passwords for all the sites we use as marketers? I have tried Roboform and it really got in the way more times than not.

    Any recommendations?
    Chris, it would help if you could explain as to how Roboform is getting "in the way". I've been using it for almost an year now and can't think of going without it. Infact I also gave up Chrome for roboform.
    Roboform + Firefox is perhaps the best combination around..
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  • Profile picture of the author stevenh512
    I just memorize all of mine.. lol.. and none of them are easily guessable (all random strings of letters and numbers, different lengths, no real words).

    Funny how I can memorize things like that, but I can't remember a phone number and I'd forget my own birthday if people didn't remind me every year.

    This signature intentionally left blank.

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  • Profile picture of the author matthewjmoody
    I use roboform and think its great. I don't know what I'd do without it...

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  • Profile picture of the author Wakunahum
    Well if you are gifted enough to log into any site faster than a click of a mouse, I can see how roboform would get in the way.
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    • Profile picture of the author Greg Cooksley
      Hey Christine,

      Also have been a Roboform user for a long time's fantastic especially because you can generate passwords up to 50 characters long....making it very secure...

      The other thing is that it's portable....

      As has been stated, you shouldn't trust any free software with critical information.

      Roboform helps to ensure that keyloggers and phishers can't get hold of your vital information...


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  • Profile picture of the author Kishor Karsan
    Originally Posted by chris8918 View Post

    What do you recommend using to keep up with all the user names and passwords for all the sites we use as marketers? I have tried Roboform and it really got in the way more times than not.

    Any recommendations?
    Hi Chris

    If you want a nice handy little tool to help you then PM your email address and I shall send you the tool, this maybe of use to you

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  • Profile picture of the author dorothydot
    There IS one other alternative that's fairly viable...

    Learn shorthand. Keep those User Names and passwords in a notebook by your computer, ready to hand... using the scribble-scrawley language of shorthand.

    Keeps me happy. Ver-ry few people even begin to be able to translate shorthand these days.

    And if you can do shorthand in a foreign language... French for example...
    Hope this helps,

    "Sell the Magic of A Dream"

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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Sussman
    Roboform gets my vote.
    "He elicits the same kind of admiration one would feel for a streaker at Queen Victorias funeral."

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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    Roboform just launched an online backup service to keep p/w synced between PC's. This should seal the deal for anyone still on the fence.

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    • Profile picture of the author Christophe Young
      Damn, I never knew Roboform existed before seeing this thread. I've been juggling all my usernames and passwords for years!!

      My life just got a whole lot better!

      Under Construction
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    • Profile picture of the author callmestrip
      Originally Posted by ProductCreator View Post

      I would NEVER keep all my passwords in a single place online. NEVER.
      I second that... I write down all of my user nm's and passwords, then I use autofillers. If something crazy happens... you got it on paper.
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  • Profile picture of the author eagleeye
    I used the free version of Roboform for quite awhile and loved it. The free version only stores up to ten passwords but it gave me a taste of what it could really do. Then my computer crashed and I just haven't bothered to get Roboform set up again. This time it won't be the free version I get. I have tried other software but they don't measure up to Roboform.

    I use Billeo right now on my laptop and it is free but as soon as I get Roboform back I will be putting it on both my desktop and laptop.

    I do keep a backup of all my passwords in an excel spreadsheet on my thumb drive so I didn't lose any when my computer crashed.

    Jeff Sargent

    Check out what I have to say at Internet Marketing Tidbits.

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  • Profile picture of the author procoach
    I use DataVault from Ascendo. I have it on my BlackBerry and on my PC. The two secure databases are automatically synched (i.e. are part of the BB2PC synch process) and I can use strong passwords.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ultramark
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    • Profile picture of the author tj
      Originally Posted by Ultramark View Post

      I love roboform, but I am not able to use it because I cannot take a backup when I am going to buy a new computer.

      The best way for me is to write it down in a small notebook and save the passwords in firefox with master password. I do not know how it will work for others, but it works for me and a couple of my online friends.
      Yes you can make backups with roboform, and when you install roboform on your new computer, you can import the backup again.

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      • Profile picture of the author Ultramark
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        • Profile picture of the author sylviad
          Originally Posted by chris8918 View Post

          What do you recommend using to keep up with all the user names and passwords for all the sites we use as marketers? I have tried Roboform and it really got in the way more times than not.

          Any recommendations?
          WOW! Chris, I can't believe you said that about Roboform. If it's getting in your way, then perhaps you aren't using it correctly. I'd suggest taking a look at the settings in the program and see if there's a way to set it so that it isn't "in the way".

          I can't imagine how it gets in the way. It sits as a toolbar and automatically enters info onto the page when you land (mostly sites where you've previously signed up). I've never had it fill in forms on pages where it doesn't belong.

          It doesn't pop up except when I register for a new site, and even then, it only happens once. If this is what you mean about it getting in the way, I'm sure there's a way to turn off this feature. But then what's the point of having it?

          Originally Posted by Ultramark View Post

          Oops sorry, I did not know that. But I still prefer the latter option!
          There are several things about Roboform that many people don't know. You can print out your entire database of logins "just in case". That's what I do, about every year or anytime I think I've added a lot of new logins. As someone said, you can backup your Roboform database.

          Also... security is a huge issue with Roboform. It is so protected that there's very little to worry about in terms of people gaining access to your passwords.

          Using Roboform means you don't have to manually enter your login details - manual entry is how hackers get your info (they catch your keystrokes). With Roboform, you don't have to worry about this.

          Roboform is the ULTIMATE -

          I would never use anything else - and I've been using it now for ... oh, probably 5 years or so without any problems whatsoever. And they are constantly improving it to make it more secure as hackers improve their skills.


          PS: Roboform ought to be paying us something for all these incredible testimonials and free publicity!
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    • Profile picture of the author jimojeda
      Originally Posted by Ultramark View Post

      I love roboform, but I am not able to use it because I cannot take a backup when I am going to buy a new computer.

      The best way for me is to write it down in a small notebook and save the passwords in firefox with master password. I do not know how it will work for others, but it works for me and a couple of my online friends.
      Actually, if you have Roboform, backing up your profiles and cards is really easy. You simply copy all the files in the "My RoboForm Data" folder inside your "my documents" folder. When you install Roboform on a new computer, simply copy the contents in the "My RoboForm Data" folder of your old computer into the new "My RoboForm Data" folder of your new computer and "PRESTO!" You're done!

      You'll have all your access cards along with profiles successfully copied over to your new computer.

      I hope this helped.




      Something Good Is Coming Soon

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      • Profile picture of the author sylviad
        Originally Posted by jimojeda View Post

        Actually, if you have Roboform, backing up your profiles and cards is really easy. You simply copy all the files in the "My RoboForm Data" folder inside your "my documents" folder. When you install Roboform on a new computer, simply copy the contents in the "My RoboForm Data" folder of your old computer into the new "My RoboForm Data" folder of your new computer and "PRESTO!" You're done!

        You'll have all your access cards along with profiles successfully copied over to your new computer.

        I hope this helped.



        Or you can just click the little down arrow beside the Green Roboform icon on your top toolbar, select Options / User Data - within that window, you'll see an option to "Backup..."

        Chris, in case you aren't aware...

        You have many setup options in Roboform. Go to that little down arrow as I mentioned, choose "Options" and in there, you will see a whole bunch of things you can set specifically for your needs.

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  • Profile picture of the author johnng
    Can't understand why Roboform should get in the way? If don't mind manually record every new User ID, can record User ID and password to Excel (Password protected of course). I also use a very old Program called Whisper, similar to Excel but a stand alone program. With either Whisper or Excel as backup, only run them when I have a new ID and password to be recorded. Day to day I rely on Firefox to remember all my ID and passwords for me. I need backup in case I need to reload my system and I might lose all my Passwords from Firefox. For security reason, I copied Whisper and the Password data file to Flash drives and only plug in the flash drives when I needed to use them. A bit of a chore whenever new passwords introduced.
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  • Profile picture of the author chris8918
    Wow! Thank you to EVERYONE who has posted a reply here.

    I think I owe Roboform another try. It seemed to pop up every time I would go to a site that even remotely indicated a login requirement, even if I just wanted to browse and then it would not leave me alone to browse. I felt like I was constently closing the window to continue to browse.

    Like has been suggested, maybe I need to look for a feature that would eliminate some of the intrusion I experienced, with some specific settings in place.

    Course, I think for my own peace of mind, I will start a separate small notebook specifically until I become comfortable with Roboform or whatever I end up using. I so appreciate all the great suggestions and testimonials.

    I shall re-investigate. Y'all are awesome...again, thank you!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author sylviad
      Hey Chris,

      If you're still looking for those settings, I think this is the one you need to set:

      Options / Autofill

      On that window, all the boxes on my Roboform are off.

      One that is grayed out (cannot change) shows:

      When autofill dialog pops up

      [] Autofill from passcards only on pages with passcards

      That box is clicked and the number in a box below that is
      [4] Number of fields that triggers autofill from Identity.

      Hope this helps.


      Originally Posted by chris8918 View Post

      Wow! Thank you to EVERYONE who has posted a reply here.

      I think I owe Roboform another try. It seemed to pop up every time I would go to a site that even remotely indicated a login requirement, even if I just wanted to browse and then it would not leave me alone to browse. I felt like I was constently closing the window to continue to browse.

      Like has been suggested, maybe I need to look for a feature that would eliminate some of the intrusion I experienced, with some specific settings in place.

      Course, I think for my own peace of mind, I will start a separate small notebook specifically until I become comfortable with Roboform or whatever I end up using. I so appreciate all the great suggestions and testimonials.

      I shall re-investigate. Y'all are awesome...again, thank you!!!
      :: Got a dog? Visit my blog. Dog Talk Weekly
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  • Profile picture of the author David Hooper
    Have been using 1Password with good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author esr
    I used to have a problem with all of my usernames and passwords. However, I just recently switched to Firefox after 10 or so years of IE, and among other things, it remembers all the usernames and passwords beautifully.
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    • Profile picture of the author ptwain
      Roboform is the only way to go. It's one of the best investments when it comes to time management I have ever made.
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      • Profile picture of the author malfumos
        Yes, roboform is the best way to keep your usernames and passwords. But, the most safe to keep it is you must put it in an excel spreadsheet so that it will be keep too long and you can always attached it with your email so that if you log-in to another computer you can directly download the file.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Moser
    LastPass Plugin for FireFox is pretty good. It's the same as Roboform but built into the browser.

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  • Profile picture of the author MeTellYou
    Yup! Robo Form is the way to go I have used it for many months now and it's simply great!
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    Skype Me! Skype: yourebookwriter
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  • Profile picture of the author Adaptive
    I have a recipe I use to create passwords. It includes extracting certain letters from the name of the site, and adding certain numbers and punctuation marks. With this formula, I have a unique and virtually unguessable password for each site, yet I don't have to memorize the passwords.

    This is not the formula, but for example, if I was to sign up at, I might have a password like 18!chris\18.


    Success only requires four words.

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  • Profile picture of the author gm0rip
    I will stick with Roboform used for years with hundreds of logins all secure and never a problem
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  • Profile picture of the author lienadla
    I've been using roboform for years and it has lived up to my expectations. For sensitive accounts I use my own personal notebook.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
    PM me your e-mail address. I will make it simple.

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  • Profile picture of the author pdrw07
    Roboform is the best software for user name and password.
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  • Profile picture of the author ElectricChili
    I've been using Keepass the last couple of years. It's free. You can get it at I tried roboform but it wants to do more than I need.

    Rich Scherlitz
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  • Profile picture of the author OldLodgeSkins
    You can use KeePassX. See page 8 of this guide I have written How to Protect Yourself From the Dangers of the Internet

    I don't use it because I'm using a Linux-only program but I made some searches when I wrote this guide to find one that would be both free, open-source and multi-platform. This is the best I could come up with.

    Do you use Facebook ? Then you can make money just by inviting people to a Facebook group ! It's called the Instant Income System. How cool is that?
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  • Profile picture of the author ElectricChili
    I've been using Keepass for years. Love it!

    you can get it at KeePass Password Safe

    Oh, and the price is right! Free

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