Incredibly annoying Chrome ads - How to get rid of them?

2 replies
Hi guys,

Found out today that if I use Chrome and visit a website without adsense, I will still get these incredibly annoying ads:

Never have anything against normal adsense ads, but I just can't stand this.

Anyone know how to block these things? Normal adblocker doesn't seem to work.

#ads #annoying #chrome #incredibly #rid
  • Profile picture of the author petemcal
    I've found adblock plus for chrome pretty much gets rid of everything. Have you tried using that?
    Follow Pete on Twitter #SEO #Marketing
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7368903].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Fredrik Aurdal
    Problem solved, found out that an extension was the problem
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7368975].message }}

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