3 replies
I just wanted to tell you that Christian GODEFROY one of the most knowledgeable French internet marketers and Copywriter passed the way on Monday in Miami due to an heart attack.

I would like honor is memory, because it was with his good advice that I could make it online. It was my example of a successful marketers.

It was a nice guy who was really willing to help the people to make some money online by explaining NLP and a lot of other important things for a marketer.

I believe that a lot of people will miss this remarkable person.
If you knew him from some networking in the US or were on his list you can leave a comment if you wish.

Most internet marketers are doing this job to be able to have some more freedom in there schedule to take care of their families and enjoying their life.

so, we should take more time to enjoy the important moments for us, because death can come really fast

Enjoy your life and peace.
#miami #monday #sad
  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Davis
    Sad to hear that.

    I do not know Christian Godefroy, but I bid my regards to him.

    I wish all the best to his family and loved ones.
    Owner of: TrinSite, iOrbix, DesignCoverPhoto, KeywordCompetition ...and other Businesses

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  • Profile picture of the author adamreilly1997
    Sorry to hear that.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    I never heard of him before but I want to wish my condolences to his family.

    I remember a few years ago there was a guy by the name of Corey Rudl who many knew him like myself and he died in a car accident. He was a very big and very well known player in the internet marketing niche.

    Very sad.
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