How Do You Track/Test/Optimize?

4 replies
I hear a lot about testing and optimizing yet I have not read anywhere how to do it specifically and the best ways to go about doing this.

A bit of context here... I have an antioxidants site where I created an info product and I have a splash page that I put on my site (Recommendations and Resources by The Atnioxidants Detective) and used OptimziePress to create a separate splash page (Big Book of Home Remedies and Herbal Secrets | Truth About Antioxidants).

I'm using Google Analytics to track the numbers and conversions so I'm wondering when IM's talk about testing and optimizing, what exactly are they referring to?

Any previous posts on this would be helpful as well.
#track or test or optimize
  • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact

    Like anything you want to test every facet for Metrics. The biggest flaw here on the forum I see... When you ask people for specific Metrics they have no clue... So get really Good at Numbers...

    I have a website now that we drive only paid traffic too, I am paying an average of $.06 a unique visit, not clicks but visitors. Then i Track What page they visit, where they go and where they opt in at. I will A/B test Opt In forms, headings, Sales pages and even Opening Paragraphs of Content.

    Next I follow test and tweak the numbers on the funnel... with my Email follow up, i am looking to see what email # they buy on or window like between email #6 and #8 but when email 9 goes out I get unsubscribes so Tweak Email 9.

    The Only # you care about at the end of the DAY... ROI (Return on Investment) if you get 100 Visitors to your site, what are the exact numbers. Did it cost $100 to get them there... If you made $125 total back that Day.. You have a 25% Daily ROI now scale those Visitors, then start tweaking to raise that Daily ROI Cap.

    Newbies and Veterans talk about it all the time, but so very few including business owners OFFLINE... GET THE NUMBERS.

    If i can help you at all PM Me.

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    • Profile picture of the author Innovator3
      Originally Posted by BrashImpact View Post


      Like anything you want to test every facet for Metrics. The biggest flaw here on the forum I see... When you ask people for specific Metrics they have no clue... So get really Good at Numbers...

      I have a website now that we drive only paid traffic too, I am paying an average of $.06 a unique visit, not clicks but visitors. Then i Track What page they visit, where they go and where they opt in at. I will A/B test Opt In forms, headings, Sales pages and even Opening Paragraphs of Content.

      Next I follow test and tweak the numbers on the funnel... with my Email follow up, i am looking to see what email # they buy on or window like between email #6 and #8 but when email 9 goes out I get unsubscribes so Tweak Email 9.

      The Only # you care about at the end of the DAY... ROI (Return on Investment) if you get 100 Visitors to your site, what are the exact numbers. Did it cost $100 to get them there... If you made $125 total back that Day.. You have a 25% Daily ROI now scale those Visitors, then start tweaking to raise that Daily ROI Cap.

      Newbies and Veterans talk about it all the time, but so very few including business owners OFFLINE... GET THE NUMBERS.

      If i can help you at all PM Me.
      Hey Robert,

      This is great information. I'll be in touch with you soon to find more information on tracking.

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  • Profile picture of the author Abul-Hussain
    Hey Innovator,

    There's a lot of things you can test from the headline in your copy, to the images, to the offer, to the guarantee - the list is endless!

    Most newbies fail to realise that the trick in getting the best results from a project is to continuously tweak, test and measure.

    A simply way for you to conduct a test would be an A B test using Google Optimizer. You set up two different landing pages and Google alternates between the two. You can then get an idea of which page gets you higher sales, optins, etc.

    Hope that helps

    Author | Speaker | Digital Marketing Coach

    I help ordinary people achieve extraordinary results online. Get in touch to see how we can help you build a 6 figure business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I do light testing. My marketing is very simple. Maybe 3 times a month i check my logs on my webhosting server to see where traffic is coming from, and which sites and methods are getting me the most traffic, and making me the most money.
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