Made My First Sale! But Where Did It Come From?

22 replies
So I made my first sale a few weeks ago with my antioxidants ebook package. It excited the hell out of me.

The thing I'm wondering now is where did it come from? I want to track the source and I'm wondering if Clickbank has resources for this?

Anybody else have any insights on tracking or what to do in this situation? Thanks.
#made #sale
  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    Haha I said the exact same thing when I made my first sale.

    Unfortunately you won't be able to know unless you add a Tracking ID to it when you create your affiliate link or if the person comes to you and says how awesome of a product it is

    This will help you out:

    All About HopLink
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  • Profile picture of the author Lightlysalted
    jamescanz is right, adding an affiliate link in future will really help Hope you get many more sales soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author MKCookins

    Keep up the great work - I am sure this is the first sale with many more to come
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Grossman
    I'm glad to see you had the right thought to start with -- you can't even begin to create and grow an effective marketing strategy without knowing exactly where your sales/revenue comes from.

    Type "conversion tracking" into Google or the forum search box. Yes, there are resources for this -- a decade and a half of products, services and articles about how to do it right
    Improvely: Built to track, test and optimize your marketing.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
    Your site is pretty well made, clean and nice layout with lots of info. Did you write the articles? Is it PLR? Anyways keep up the great work.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave147
    Forget about where it came from. Concentrate on your next sales and track them better

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    There are softwares out there that you can use to track where each sale is coming from. I don't think that you will know where your first sale came from but way to go. Congrats. I am sure that many more will come in the near future.

    I have not used the following one but I heard it does a good job.

    I think it is called if I am not mistaken. It tracks every sale and it lets you know where it came from. Again, I never used them but heard great reviews.
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  • Profile picture of the author lloydmc
    Ah, the first sale... it brings back memories...
    I was chilled, relaxing in starbucks cafe... Chillaxing if you may... when suddenly I checked my email and saw my very first sale made.

    I jumped up like G.I. Joe and shouted "THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT!!"
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  • Profile picture of the author lloydmc
    Originally Posted by Innovator3 View Post

    So I made my first sale a few weeks ago with my antioxidants ebook package. It excited the hell out of me.

    The thing I'm wondering now is where did it come from? I want to track the source and I'm wondering if Clickbank has resources for this?

    Anybody else have any insights on tracking or what to do in this situation? Thanks.
    Consider your first sale like your first kiss. You built up to it, and now it'll just keep on comin'
    That's when you say "amen and pass the half-n-half."
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    really SBI? You should have some analytics over there automatically. Contact support about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author lloydmc
    I would contact support my friend, you really should have analytics at your disposal should you want to use it.

    If there is nothing you can grab on to, then just use an outside tracking tool and track your next sale, don't go stopping now my friend.
    You are on a roll so do not stop burning that oil.
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  • Profile picture of the author williamstraus
    Do a web search for the affiliate id that made the sale.

    If it wasn't an affiliate sale then it could be someone on the forum who wants to learn about this particular topic.

    Promote my ClickBank Product - The Gut Health Solution - 75% Commissions. Converts 1-2% on PPC traffic. Acid Reflux, Heartburn and Digestive Distress Remedy from a Legit Doctor!.

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  • Profile picture of the author Innovator3
    It wasn't an affiliate that made the sale. It was from the landing page I used with OptimizePress.

    The main thing is wondering which page the customer was one when they clicked, and at which point in the sales page did they hit the "buy now" button.

    Unfortunately since then I haven't had any sales so I want to figure out what I need to change or do more of. I'm relying all of it on SEO (I get over 1200 uniques per day).

    Thank you all so far for the feedback and the kudos. I still have a lot more to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    you can only track where the sales came from with sub-id.... it means you can get the links a 'name' so you can place different name to different traffic sources.

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    • Profile picture of the author IMDESTROYER
      i just went to the check out page and yoru not listed in the affiliate ID.

      it says

      Affiliate = none]

      as you can see i had to Photoshop it because i had to take 2 pictures. But none the less it says affiliate = none
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  • Profile picture of the author Jensha
    Congrats on the sale Innovator3!
    What kind of site is that if I may ask?
    Is that a blog?
    And is SBI the one that stands for Site Build It?
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Congrats on your first sale. If you got the sale on Clickbank, you'd be able to track it in your account. So i doubt it was from them. Now is probably a good time to start tracking in your business.
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  • Congratulations! Wishing you more sales to come!
    The first sale is definitely one of the best experiences in online marketing. Not only it feels good that you have sold something, but also it feels like it is your stepping stone in many many more earnings to come. Once again, congratulations!
    Success doesn't come in an instant, just like Rome wasn't built in a day.
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