Eff this man, I quit!

14 replies
Those were the words I muttered at the beginning when I first started internet marketing. I had given up (for a little while) but, I'm here to tell you what happened to me that woke up an idea inside of me.

I was giving a seminar, I had 60 attendees each whom paid me only 15 dollars to come sit at my seminar which I labeled "the basics to making money online, the easy way". I made $900 dollars before they even sat down.

Then I gave my speech and gave them a free gift at the end. As the gifts were passed around I asked them did they have any questions?

Also, after I presented I said "we're giving you a free bonus today just for showing up, to show our appreciation. But first"... This is where I up sold them a product for 69 dollars (yes, that number was intentional, for subliminal purposes). I talked about the product as it were something they couldn't do without. I sold 19 of them and made $1,311. So I made $1,311 + $900 = $2,211 on that day.

To sell that product, I put them in the mindset of... Ok, so you bought the car with all it's working parts; now let's get some seat belt covers to protect you from getting severely hurt during an accident. You have to make their WANT feel like a NEED. They (the need and want) have to feel like equal components.

Yes I took their email address down as they signed in. This way I could put them on my email list and let the auto responder shoot them an email with a link to my step by step course, in which it has my affiliate link in it among other things.

So, what was the idea that was woken up?

Relationships Equal Sand Timers


Yep, that's the secret to making money PERIOD.

Making relationships before you sell anything. You have a certain amount of time to kindle a relationship before they are uninterested. In other words the sands of time are winding down and you have to make an impression before their mind makes a decision and the sand materializes into it's structure of "yes I'm interested, or no I'm not interested". The mind is impulsive unless you string it along. Do not spend time talking about yourself, internet marketing or any type of marketing ISN'T about you. They don't care about you AT ALL. They care about the information regardless of who's mouth it's coming out of.

They need to feel emotionally attached to what you're saying, so make your examples like a story and don't tell stories as examples (until their in the door). Why? Because anyone can make up a good story, but you have to be good to make up a good example in story format (this leads to professional credibility). Everything I say here is subjective to the situation and I'm only basing the information off of my experiences. Which this method (principle) of thinking works very well as many of us know.

I'd love to hear your feed back.
#dannygnenerate #eff #make money online #man #quit #relationships
  • Profile picture of the author tiroberts
    Fantastic post, Danny! I 100% agree with you. All marketing is about relationships and they are MANDATORY if you want to make a long-term living from internet marketing. It took me a while to understand this as well. Actually, I've been in and out for the last 7 years and it wasn't until recently did I start to really gain some recognition through building relationships with blogging influencers. Thanks for sharing your story. I'm sure it'll serve as inspiration to those who are on the edge of giving up.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gengis
    Man what a great story. Thanks for sharing it Danny!

    I've been wanting to do a small local seminar and you just inspired me. Do you mind telling me what your $69 product was?
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    • Profile picture of the author dannygnenerate
      Originally Posted by Gengis View Post

      Man what a great story. Thanks for sharing it Danny!

      I've been wanting to do a small local seminar and you just inspired me. Do you mind telling me what your $69 product was?
      No, problem thank you for reading. Well since what they paid for what was basically the dynamics to affiliate marketing, what I did was sell a course that fleshed out the basics of making money with clickbank.com and other affiliate programs. Quick cash (review videos), getting people and training people how to make videos and paying them to make them for you. Which is just some quick income and of course the power is in the numbers (e-magnitude) so your success can quickly grow. I stayed away from calling it outsourcing because I didn't know what bad experiences they related to that word.

      So I let them know to consistently do things to make them quick cash with little investments. Then to have a security blanket; in which they create a blog and this blog will gain popularity and credibility. This is needed for future releases and one day their own product/s. It's teaching them that their must be a foundation and that success gravitates (resonates) success.

      I know there are books that are 2,000 plus pages long on how to do these things, but sometimes it's best to give direct mechanics as to lead them to know how things work. I leave a little guess work also because I want them to be a little creative, because without creativity they will not prosper in this industry and fall victim to buy courses they feel eclipse their own imagination.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jackson Tan
    Great post there.. Definitely a great marketer with well defined marketing strategy.. I love to hear more marketing strategies from you and learn from it

    To Your Fun & Freedom
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    • Profile picture of the author dannygnenerate
      Originally Posted by Jackson Tan View Post

      Great post there.. Definitely a great marketer with well defined marketing strategy.. I love to hear more marketing strategies from you and learn from it

      To Your Fun & Freedom
      Hi Jackson and thank you. I'll be putting more marketing strategies up from time to time that will hopefully enforce what it really takes to make a real income online and offline (it's very easy). That's whenever I get a break from these little experiments I'm working on then I can do some 60 minute coaching, questions and answers through Skype.

      "How To Get Clients Begging To Pay For Your Services... And Close More Deals FAST!" Get Clients Now

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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
    Fantastic post Danny. I think We have all made those mistakes when working on hot leads that arrive at our feet. Only to end up losing the sale after 10 hours of BS telling them how great you are. And never playing to their needs.
    Excellent, Brilliant, Fantastic Post.

    Can I have PLR? I feel a nice WSO coming on.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7428064].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dannygnenerate
      Originally Posted by Kevin Maguire View Post

      Fantastic post Danny. I think We have all made those mistakes when working on hot leads that arrive at our feet. Only to end up losing the sale after 10 hours of BS telling them how great you are. And never playing to their needs.
      Excellent, Brilliant, Fantastic Post.

      Can I have PLR? I feel a nice WSO coming on.
      Thank you Kevin for responding and I've been to those drawn out seminars. I just say, we all have our teaching methods that we are comfortable with.

      All my content will come with a chance to have PLR. I want everyone to be as abundant as I am. A WSO? Hmmm sounds like a good idea.

      "How To Get Clients Begging To Pay For Your Services... And Close More Deals FAST!" Get Clients Now

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  • Profile picture of the author cpwebsite
    Congratz on it, I just don't think you should of made your first money online by teaching people how to make money online, something which it seems like you didn't know at the time.
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    • Profile picture of the author dannygnenerate
      Originally Posted by cpwebsite View Post

      Congratz on it, I just don't think you should of made your first money online by teaching people how to make money online, something which it seems like you didn't know at the time.
      Hi, and thank you for the congratz. I understand where the confusion of time could be playing here. What I was saying is that I quit in the past, far past... And then I did the seminar. Back then I didn't have the knowledge to convey ideas and I wouldn't teach something just to make money. As we know, blind leading the blind (metaphorically) isn't exactly a great business model.

      Although, I don't put conditions on how abundance flows in, as long as it's positive. I hope that clears up what I was trying to say and again thank you.

      "How To Get Clients Begging To Pay For Your Services... And Close More Deals FAST!" Get Clients Now

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  • Profile picture of the author wordpressdoctor
    Awesome story. I purchased an ebook a while back called Magnetic Sponsoring that talks a bit about what you described in your post. Thanks for sharing.
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    • Profile picture of the author dannygnenerate
      Originally Posted by wordpressdoctor View Post

      Awesome story. I purchased an ebook a while back called Magnetic Sponsoring that talks a bit about what you described in your post. Thanks for sharing.
      Thank you and I'll definitely check that book out.

      "How To Get Clients Begging To Pay For Your Services... And Close More Deals FAST!" Get Clients Now

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7428469].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mikeac
        Impressive story. I agree with you that relationships is key in marketing
        Because people do business with folks who they like and trust.
        Quick Question, I've been thinking about doing events in my area too, can you tell how you promoted/advertised them? Thanks for your wisdom
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    Great story. I couldn't help but think if you had more then the $69 product you would of been able to give them more value, and make more money. The limit that these affiliate networks put on people with low caliber info. I just cannot do it. $25, $100, $500, $1,000, $3,500 with $4,625 earning potential. Even if 3 people bought everything... Hmmm... Oh and what if the products were worth 100 times the price tag? How do people get by with a $69 product? Just thinking out loud...
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    Relationships Equal Sand Timers
    WOW! That's really deep...like a wading pool. I'm like totally impressed Dude!!!

    Great story. Next time I'd like to hear a Western.
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