Squeeze Page for Physical Products?

5 replies
I sell physical products on eBay and Amazon with some success, but I am looking to sell a few of more popular products from individual niche sites.

When I search my competitors in these niches, few use a squeeze page. They simply display their products in a standard e-commerce fashion and use plain vanilla copy from the manufacturers.

Here are a few of my questions:

1. Does it make sense to use a squeeze page to sell physical products?
2. If so, are there any squeeze page plugins or software that are compatible with Word Press?


3. If it does make sense would you use a long or short sales letter format?

Any of your thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.

#page #physical #products #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author jrod014
    I think you should try it and split test it. There are plents of plugins that create landing pages for wordpress.

    If you do go that route then some of market health's landing pages. The sell physical products using that strategy.

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  • Profile picture of the author threezerozero
    Jerry beat me to it. Split test your results. See what happens when you have the squeeze page and when you don't.

    Do your conversions increase? decrease? no change?

    you can also split test the sales letter length and see the results of that as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author xeko
    I believe any time you can build a database of targeted prospects, you are doing a smart thing. I also think that short copy is usually best, just let the customer know what the benefits for them are as that is what is needed. I also agree with others about testing though too. I never thought about squeeze pages for physical products but it seems to make sense!

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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    Having a database of people you can access and keep communicating is always a good thing. It will hurt your front end profit because less people will see your money page. Sacrifice to build a more effective backend process.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    I use WP Optin Pro to create subscriber forms for my blog. It works like a charm. Search for it in the WSO section, I think there is still a WSO for this software. Worth every penny because I always used to struggle putting an optin form in the sidebar of my blog and have it look good. With WP Optin Pro it took me about 5 minutes.

    To answer your other question... I think it makes perfect sense from a business standpoint to always capture your customers contact details. The hardest thing about being in business is always acquiring new customers cost effectively. When you build a list you are building an asset.
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