This Makes Marketing 100 Times Easier...

16 replies
I was thinking today about how important character is in long-term marketing success.

I stopped to consider some of the marketers that I have grown to respect and admire and realized that each of them had integrity by the bucket load.

Then it struck me how important character traits are both in life and in business.

Because when people trust you, it makes marketing 100 times easier - especially online.

Things like:

- - Honesty
- - Ethics
- - Perseverance

These are the things that ensure long-term success.

QUESTION: What are YOUR Favorite character traits?
#100 #easier #makes #marketing #times
  • Profile picture of the author Mr. Ken Russell
    Honesty, respect and value.

    "The More You Give, The More You Get" sums it up.
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  • Profile picture of the author umrbd
    You are missing commitment here, it is the largest difference making factor I have seen in my whole professional career, people who sticks to their commitment are considered as a persons of good characters and are more trust worthy
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    • Profile picture of the author copywriter
      Originally Posted by umrbd View Post

      You are missing commitment here, it is the largest difference making factor I have seen in my whole professional career, people who sticks to their commitment are considered as a persons of good characters and are more trust worthy
      The idea of my thread is to ask people what THEY consider to be the most important traits :-) I do agree though that commitment is a HUGE one.

      Unique Facebook Group Reveals How to Explode Your Influence

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  • Profile picture of the author vCr8
    Honesty is also definitely on my list. I hate marketers that puts hype first and false results... If you want long term success and to build a good reputation; be honest to your clients, and they will not only trust you for your honesty but respect you as well. Respect is also on my list, then confidence...well if you don't believe in yourself, no one else would. And of course as umrbd said; be committed to your ultimate goal.
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  • Profile picture of the author Confined To Life
    I believe the most important one in IM is 'personality'.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Jones
    This is precisely the reason why I've started showing my face, and people hearing my voice in my marketing efforts. Its much easier to market to somebody that "knows" you rather than a complete stranger behind a veil of computer screens and sales copy.
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  • Profile picture of the author bassem
    of course Honesty, respect, value, and the overdelivery. I run my business with these principales and i appreciat marketers that abide to them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elfen Lied
    In my opinion, strategy is another quality of a successful Internet marketer along with other mentioned qualities.
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    • Profile picture of the author jakejoh10

      It is much easier to build a stable foundation for your business when you are honest and have integrity.

      One of the best gems that I have picked up from this forum is the importance of trust. If your visitors/customers/list don't trust you, sales will not happen.

      Many people seem to be becoming more scam conscious (I like to think) and are only buying from seemingly trustworthy vendors.

      Establishing trust from the get-go is the best way to go.

      If you have any fitness or nutrition related issues, head over to
      JJStrength for tips on getting fit and staying healthy.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Haven
    Originally Posted by copywriter View Post

    I was thinking today about how important character is in long-term marketing success.

    I stopped to consider some of the marketers that I have grown to respect and admire and realized that each of them had integrity by the bucket load.

    Then it struck me how important character traits are both in life and in business.

    Because when people trust you, it makes marketing 100 times easier - especially online.

    Things like:

    - - Honesty
    - - Ethics
    - - Perseverance

    These are the things that ensure long-term success.

    QUESTION: What are YOUR Favorite character traits?

    Honesty and Integrity, always.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    When it comes to internet marketing, is all boils down to this:

    Taking action and then learning from each setback that you face. Never giving up and working towards finding what works well for you. Many times, something that may work for one marketer may not work well for another. You always need to see what can work best for you.

    You also have to be honest.

    Plus, never giving up is an important ingredient to one's success online.
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    • For someone I'm considering buying from, I want reliability. A good reputation for that makes it easy for me to trust them, give the product a try, part with my money. I like it when they have entertaining, informative copy too.
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  • Profile picture of the author ocaswiz
    why do you need both honesty and ethics? Because if marketers respect ethical principles, they will be honest.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeac
    My favorite traits in a marketer are transparency and honesty. Being transparent, showing people how your business is actually rather then telling goes a long way with me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kathy Bell
    honesty and integrity
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  • Profile picture of the author ringer37
    Perseverance, in my experience has been the most important thing for me. And learning that failure isn't the end, just a natural part of the success process.

    Try. Fail. Adjust...Try. Fail. Adjust
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