Code For Search Engines To Pick Up Your Site

3 replies
Does anybody know where to get the code to have your website be picked up by the search engines (especially Google's spiders)?
#code #engines #pick #search #site
  • Profile picture of the author benzwm02
    Register your site with Google webmaster tools and insert the code that is given to you. Then, send google a sitemap of the site you are trying to get listed. There is no one specific code.
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  • Profile picture of the author willrod
    A few tips...
    1) Never search for your website in google (Search engines) before it is complete because you don't want to get indexed before you set up your keywords and metas.
    2) Set up your keywords, description, titles, headings, etc before you submit your site to the search engines. Doing this too early will have slow your growth and hinder you at the start - sure it will be fixed later, but who knows in how long?
    3) Focus your site on preferably niche keywords in order to be more successful in your target industry, but if you decide to go more general - again, refer to 1 and 2 and you will have more success

    good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    Just write "Index me" in small letter diagonal over your page, then take a picture and send it to Google via snail mail.

    They will notice you and laugh their ass off and even write a post on the Google blog.

    In short you will have made it to the top!

    This is a joke. LOL

    Seriously it would work

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