What is more valuable, blog subscribers or email subscribers.

11 replies
I have a financial education program that I'm developing with my former econ professor. Thanks to the war room I have a pretty good idea how I can get in front of a lot of eyes. The choice then becomes, should I create a blog or a squeeze page to get an email list going? The ultimate goal is to sell the finance program. So what do you guys think is the most valuable?
#blog #email #subscribers #valuable
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Silver
    Hey Joker,

    In my experience email subscribers are much more valuable than blog readers.

    I would create a squeeze page first and any promotion or marketing I would do would be to drive traffic to it in order to build my list.

    After that you should definitely start a blog as well, so that you can maintain an online presence in the market, but also promote your email list on your blog.

    You can also use your blog to catch some search engine traffic by writing your blog posts around keywords that people are actively searching for in the search engines.

    However, the money is in the (email) list so focus most of your effort on getting leads, everything else you do should be secondary and also compliment your lead generation efforts.

    If anything you're considering doing, besides blogging, doesn't meet these criteria then more than likely it isn't going to help you with your ultimate goal, which is to sell your finance program.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Email subscribers are more valuable because they have willingly opted in to your list and you can contact them whenever you want. having said that, you shouldn't be thinking one or the other. You should have a blog and a squeeze page - there's no reason you should only have one. On your blog have prominent links to your squeeze page/free offer so your blog readers turn into email subscribers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by jokerthief View Post

    What is more valuable, blog subscribers or email subscribers.
    Originally Posted by jokerthief View Post

    should I create a blog or a squeeze page to get an email list going?
    You do realize that these are two totally different questions? (Just checking!). :confused:

    Originally Posted by jokerthief View Post

    So what do you guys think is the most valuable?
    Experienced, successful people here will mostly tell you that you have to "test it for your own site/business", and with good reason, really. Because it isn't always possible to predict.

    I happen to have done quite a lot of split-testing of this myself, in my own business (but that still doesn't necessarily make my findings relevant to your situation, even though I've done so in various different niches!), and on the subjective basis of what I've learned myself, my answers to your two questions are ...

    1. Email subscribers are overwhelmingly more valuable than blog subscribers.

    2. Subscribers to an emailing-list built from an opt-in on a content-rich blog are significantly more valuable than subscribers to an emailing-list built from a squeeze page (I've tested this over 6-month periods by sending both lists the same email series, etc.).

    Squeeze pages build bigger lists. But don't imagine that the biggest list is the same thing as the most valuable list: it's often the other way round (and it has been every time I've tested it, myself), and there are several good and valid reasons for that (which I didn't altogether understand at the time I tested it: the results surprised me at the time, but I kind of worked out why "with hindsight"). In other words, like many other key issues in internet marketing, it's a little more complicated than many people realize (and people taking quantitative approaches are typically losing out).

    Having learned what I've learned and worked out what I've worked out, I now don't use squeeze pages any more, and I earn more because of that. (I'm not suggesting that squeeze pages aren't also a decent, tried, tested and proven business model, though - they can work too. But there are often better alternatives available, of which it seems to me that some squeeze pages users may not always be aware).

    Good luck! These posts/threads may help you ...

    Why Use Just A Squeeze Page?
    --- Website with content vs Squeeze page. Which one is the best? ---
    What are the essential things to know about list building?
    Website or squeeze page
    Squeeze Page on Landing Page a Turn Off?
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  • Profile picture of the author jokerthief
    Email subscribers are more valuable because they have willingly opted in to your list and you can contact them whenever you want. having said that, you shouldn't be thinking one or the other. You should have a blog and a squeeze page - there's no reason you should only have one. On your blog have prominent links to your squeeze page/free offer so your blog readers turn into email subscribers.
    You're right Will, I should do both. However my first strategy is to guest post on financial blogs. Now I'm faced with the choice of linking to the blog or to the squeeze page where I give away a highly relevant ebook. What do you guys think is best?
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  • Profile picture of the author vCr8
    I suggest you do a split test, just to check out which one would work better for you. With email make sure it is double opt-in, while for your blog subscriber can indicate a tick button if they choose to also subscribe to your newsletters.
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  • Profile picture of the author ActionToCash
    I guess I would look at a blog as more of like doing 'inside sales' since the prospects need to take the greater initiative to seek out your site. Using blast email is more comparative to 'outside sales', since you are coming to them whether they remember you or not. Additionally, you can reach out to them whenever you feel appropriate instead of waiting on them to visit you.

    List marketing would certainly be my preference for the two, although I was impressed with Alexa Smith's response about needing to test it to ensure it's validity.

    Best regards on your product launch,


    Happy Marketing!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author hgustavs
    Yes, I agree with most people in here. E-mail subscribers are much more valuable. You decide when you want to send an e-mail. Timing matters when it comes to marketing and you don´t know when people will actually read your blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author WinstonTian
    You never know where your hyper-responsive will come from,
    don't be quick to judge.

    Firstly, your blog subscriber just might be your email subscriber
    (from opting in).

    Secondly, this is like a question that can be branched out into
    the differences between horizontal and direct-response vertical

    Your blog is a huge asset in delivering value - and if you are
    able to create the same kind of trust as you do in emails, it's
    going to be an equally potent vehicle for marketing.

    Of course, emails are less prone to distractions - but then
    again, the open rates and interactivity aren't as huge. That
    being said, blog optins are usually lower due to a huge chunk
    of traffic being "junk" traffic that result in disinterested bounces.

    Think of it this way...

    The blog CAN go hand-in-hand with your list.

    However, if you absolutely need to go with just one, I suggest
    the squeeze page, so that you can capture his contact details
    and follow-up.

    You can later direct the reader to your blog when you start it
    up in future.

    The Beginner's Doctor

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  • Profile picture of the author MKCookins
    Email subscribers are way more valuable. You have probably heard this a million times but money is truly in your list.

    So build up your email list as soon as possible
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketingMinded
    Email Subscribers.

    They've raised their hand, given you personal information (email address), and have given you permission to communicate with them. The makes them a "hot" lead, giving you the opportunity to build a profitable relationship with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author benzwm02
    Originally Posted by jokerthief View Post

    I have a financial education program that I'm developing with my former econ professor. Thanks to the war room I have a pretty good idea how I can get in front of a lot of eyes. The choice then becomes, should I create a blog or a squeeze page to get an email list going? The ultimate goal is to sell the finance program. So what do you guys think is the most valuable?
    Why not both and test what will work? There is no one size fits all marketing solution for each product. In a saturated niche like financial education you will need to test lots of different marketing ideas and strategies to see what will work.
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