Get a mentor....or not get a mentor?

35 replies
What are your thoughts on getting a mentor to take your online business to the next level (or levels)?

When I read books and articles written by people who have "made it", they usually all say that their business only really started to take off once they got a mentor. Now, I realize that when they say this, they usually have an affiliate link to the mentor's expensive program in the same sentence!

What are your thoughts? Is a mentor really necessary?
#mentor #mentoror
  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    A mentor can keep you on the right track and hold you accountable. That will dramatically decrease the failure rate for most people working in this industry. Although not essential, it definitely will make a huge difference.

    It is my strong belief that every person should have a mentor. No matter how successful you are, you can still benefit from having one.
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Anyone who was ever successful had a mentor or coach.

    Getting a mentor was the best thing I ever did.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
    I didn't make a dime until I got one. They keep you focused on the basics, and help you follow a proven system. They are not the magic pill. You will need to be ready to do the work, spend the money, and take some loses. I know this person is paid to make me successful! Most people don't do exactly as they are instructed the first time. I say if you are at "That point" get one and you will be ready to go.
    You had better have a compelling because it won't be all rainbows and butterflies. This game takes work and learning to make it.
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  • Profile picture of the author admonharr
    True - but can we trust the words in this manipulative internet arena?
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Cutts
    as long as the mentor can actually walk the walk... lots of chancers out there....

    I also have a mentor :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    honestly getting a mentor should make your business go through the roof faster, but if you don't wanna spend more money then I think you just need to do what the successful people do in IM.. and you can simply do this for free by researching a bit on what people are doing now, and you can copy what they do and modifying a bit on what they do...

    But,, getting a mentor will make your success faster because they can help to direct you.

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  • Profile picture of the author vCr8
    If you want a mentor you have to make sure of two things; 1. You have the money to pay a mentor and to keep your business running and 2. You have the right person to hire. What a mentor can teach you is what you can learn on your own along the years, however it is important to choose one that can deliver and is committed to help not hype you.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Getting your own mentor is a good way to start. It is hard to know which ones are good or bad.

    I know of a few in the make money online niche that are very good.

    What ever the case is, you can always learn something from each of them if you choose to work with a few.
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    • Profile picture of the author vansaghi
      Could you let me know about these mentors... Im new...been reading alot in the past two email is
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  • Profile picture of the author Ofaict
    As a "newbie" in IM the best thing I did for myself was get a mentor.

    But make no mistake, YOU STILL HAVE TO DO THE WORK!! They are there for support, direction and sometimes encouragement, but the bottom line is, it's still all up to you!
    How hard will you work, what direction will you take your business, how successful you will be, that's in YOUR hands!!

    My mentor is great, she has lead by example, with enthusiasm and is always willing to kick my butt when I need it. She won't listen to me whine and is always there if I need some help and guidance.

    Don't rely on a mentor to do the work - that's up to you. But be willing to learn, stay open to suggestions, criticism and guidance.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    If anyone cares, when it comes to finding a decent mentor, you really do need to be careful. I lost about $25,000 trying to find a good one.

    I shot a video about this just recently outlining some tips and advice.

    Do As I Say, Not As I Do - 5 Tips For Finding a Business Mentor Without Getting Ripped Off

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author AGP
    I think getting a mentor is the only way to go if you want to be really successful.. I have used several for my offline business and I wouldnt have gotten the same results without them, well maybe I would but it would have taken many more years.

    I would only use a mentor who you know is doing what they teach, someone who walks the walk and comes recommend,

    Im looking for one myself to really kick start my online business but its hard to find a decent one who i would trust. Alot easier in the real world where i really know who's succesful from the guys who just making a living coaching people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    If they are legit and know what they are talking about then yes a mentor can be worth their weight in gold by keeping you on the right track and focusing on the important stuff instead of going off on tangents. I just wrote a post about this for my list actually telling how I wish I'd had a mentor in IM as it would have gotten me to success quicker rather than getting fixated on quick fixes and silly things that weren't long term.
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  • Profile picture of the author MKCookins
    A mentor is an excellent way to speed up your learning process. Making money online like anything takes learning a few new skills.

    For example if you just started playing baseball - you wouldn't expect to be able to hit home runs or be a great pitcher your first time out there would you? NO. But with some coaching and work you can dramatically decrease the learning time and achieve your goals faster.

    Same goes for internet marketing. Sure you can learn everything on your own - or you could get some help in save you several months or even a years worth of time!
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  • Profile picture of the author CalinDan
    Even the best athletes get coaches, right? Every successful person has (or had at one point) a coach or a mentor to keep him on the right track.

    The difference between sports and business is that a sports coach doesn't necessarily have to be a great player... well, when it comes to business they definitely have to walk the walk.

    My $0.02 is that you don't necessarily have to get a mentor, but it definitely helps if you can find the right one.

    Kind regards,
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  • Profile picture of the author marketingmaniac
    Get a mentor!

    I am using one for the first time and the difference in my work is like night and day. My "mentor" focuses me where I should be working, keeps me accountable and absolutely helps me by taking the mystique out of Internet Marketing. Also helps by keeping me focused on money making activities! If you get the right one, he/she can be an invaluable asset!
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    To those people saying that they have mentors.

    Out of interest, what are you guys paying? And what are you getting for that?

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
      Originally Posted by John Romaine View Post

      To those people saying that they have mentors.

      Out of interest, what are you guys paying? And what are you getting for that?
      I paid $500 for my coaching and I found that it still goes on today. I do the work!!! Every now and then I have a question so I ask and it is answered. The key is not wasting time asking every question under the sun. Figure some things out yourself. That is the only way you will ever make it.
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      • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
        Originally Posted by bilkat19 View Post

        I paid $500 for my coaching and I found that it still goes on today. I do the work!!! Every now and then I have a question so I ask and it is answered. The key is not wasting time asking every question under the sun. Figure some things out yourself. That is the only way you will ever make it.
        Thanks dude.

        Was that $500 a month or a once off fee?

        BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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      • Profile picture of the author etimiss
        Originally Posted by bilkat19 View Post

        I paid $500 for my coaching and I found that it still goes on today. I do the work!!! Every now and then I have a question so I ask and it is answered. The key is not wasting time asking every question under the sun. Figure some things out yourself. That is the only way you will ever make it.
        Hi Bill,
        Am a newbie in this internet marketing biz, I definitely need a Mentor, from the statistic about you.I need to learn under your guidance
        Please want you to be my Mentor,
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  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    Yes, getting a mentor is an excellent idea.

    Just make sure he or she is not just blowing smoke up your back.

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  • Profile picture of the author ymest
    Hi there!

    I started off without a mentor, and found some great people along the way! I don't know whether I can call them "mentors" as such, but HUGE HELPS and people with ethics, most certainly!

    I can give you two names and there is no hyperlink so you can check for yourself. The first one is Tiffany Dow! She is beyond great! She has a series of course, all of them affordable, but most importantly, she write daily and reading her posts are FREE! And, it's not like you're going to waste your time; she thrives on delivering and she talks business and her life, how the business can impact on her life sometimes, what changes are needed, what she thinks of the gurus etc! But hang on, she is not a magician, you'll need to work! I guess that's what most people expect from mentors...

    So,that's Tiffany Dow! Look it up! No hyperlink here :! Just a good suggestion.

    Another really good person to follow is David Boozer! I stumbled upon him last week and he has PLENTY of free tutorials on youtube! Same here! He is not going to try and sell anything to you. He does mentoring but I don't know his fees etc! Just have a look around!

    Anyway, hope you get some help from this little post!

    Good luck

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  • Profile picture of the author Waiora
    Mentors are the way to go! Just do your background checks on them first
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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    Getting a mentor is honestly invaluable... it will increase your chance of success exponentially and will help you to focus on the important parts of creating an online business.
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  • Profile picture of the author DeanJames
    Getting the right mentor cuts down your learning curve and helps you avoid pitfalls, but you still need to do the work necessary to succeed. I have witnessed people getting caught up in the 'excitement' of having a mentor, attending all coaching classes and sessions with great enthusiasm and then not actually taking any action after the event. Without ACTION, nothing... and I repeat "Nothing", ever happens materially that will change your life or your business (online or offline).
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    It depends on you.

    Are you capable of learning on your own?
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  • Profile picture of the author thetrafficguy2
    It is is quicker way to sucess, because people that know how to make a lot of money online already , will help you a lot in general. Lot less guess and check , you know an actually thing that works.
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanLow
    With a mentor, you will definitely shorten your learning curve
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    You need many mentors. Each one will help you in a certain way. However, you also need to learn many things by yourself because many mentors are too theoretical and they try to make you follow their recipe.

    You have to adapt this knowledge to your business if it fits with what you are trying to do.

    A mentor won't organize your business for you. A mentor will teach you how to do things to organize your business.

    You can learn these things at the Warrior forum without spending anything, especially because you are a War Room member.

    Of course, if you are lucky you may find mentors who will teach you important secrets. Otherwise, you will simply waste your money with them. You have to judge and decide everything. You must be your business’ manager.

    If you can spend some money with a few mentors this may help you arrive faster to your purpose or not. Nothing is guaranteed.

    If you don’t have money, study the lessons you’ll find here, and you will surely learn what you need.

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    A mentor isn't necessary, but they're definitely a great help. I had a mentor when i first got started, and he did everything in his power to help me to succeed. I will never forget him because of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author jadodo
    i need a mentor, who will be my mentor, PM
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  • Profile picture of the author WarrenPeterson
    One of the best things a mentor can bring is something you can not 'learn', and that is accountability. Having another person hold you accountable is very powerful. For many people (not all, of course), that single function of a mentor is actually the most important function.
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