mymobilemoneypages or Profit Storm?
I am new to IM and new to Warrior - infact, this is my very first posting on Warrior, but before joining, I had been silently reading all of your very useful and insightful discussions on this forum and have a whole lot of respect for the collective wealth of knowledge that's nesting here! So I'm hoping someone can take me by the hand and guide me to the easiest and cheapest way to get started making money on the internet.
I would really like to build websites in different niches, but I'm as illeterate as they come, when it comes to web page building, coding, html etc.
I've read about two products - mymobilemoneypages and profit storm and would appreciate answers to a few questions:
1. mymobilemoneypages or Profit Storm - which product is better?
2. Or should I simply buy both? (If they offer different strategies and are both not too expensive, I wouldn't mind trying out both...)
3. What is the cost for each of these products?
4. Where/how can I buy?
5. I know its a long shot in such a busy world, but anyone out there willing to mentor me?
Thanks in advance for your help!
'Newbie' Wowbizness
Mark Andrews Banned-
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