CraigsList fo webtraffic and product sales?

by GavinLively Banned
3 replies
Has anyone here effectively and profitably posted to CraigsList for the sole purpose to drive traffic to their website and convert that traffic to sales?

Are there any recommended software tools or methods to make it worth ones wild?

I saw this promotion here (NOT AN AFFILIATE LINK NOT MY SITE)

It looks fairly convincing and when I say convincing I ean the stats are as recent as last month...So someone is at least updating the site regularly...

Any input?

#craigslist #product #sales #webtraffic
  • Profile picture of the author GavinLively
    please pardon my mispelling in the subject of this thread. My "r" key only works when it wants to...If it let me edit I would correct the mistake...The subect should read:

    CraigsList for webtraffic and product sales?

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    • Profile picture of the author GavinLively
      From the lack of response I guess not many here have used CraigsList to drive traffic to their site and convert it into sales... Huh?

      It just seems that it would be a great traffic source baseed on how the site is utilized...It seems some have capitalized on it...I wasjust hoping some fellow warriors have had some experience with CL.

      I have a friend that was actaully able to sell used Deep fryer grease from deep fying a thanksgiving turkey on CraigsList...This is NO lie...I mean come on...CL has to be a gold mine.

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  • Profile picture of the author VegasGreg
    I have not had much luck from the greyhat/blackhat methods of spamming the site with affiliate products (not that I have tried too much as I don't like those techniques), but one thing that works well is just posting a few ads here and there with keyword rich titles and ad content.

    These ads get indexed quickly on Google and can can filter traffic from Google to your Craigslist ad and then to your site.

    The ads last for 7-45 days depending on the section, so you don't have to over do it.

    Greg Schueler - Wordpress Fanatic... Living The Offline Marketing Dream...

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