12 replies
So I think ive finally figured something out! The duplicate content penality for the most part is a bunch of crap!

So now im sitting here and have realized that I have left dozens of my ezinearticles unused. If I create 20 new pages with each new page containing one of my articles I really think I will see alot more traffic from search engines per site.

So lets say I have 20 articles on weight loss right? Well I need to create a new page on my site per article, im thinking I will see a good bit more SE traffic within days to weeks

The whole duplicate content issue has kept me scared of doing this and using my articles for my sites content. Im sure I have missed out on alot of search engine traffic because of this
#content #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
    Corey, here's the way I look at it.

    If you're not getting any significant traffic from the articles that are at the
    directories now, it's not going to hurt you to put them up on your sites as
    well. If you're still concerned, just modify them slightly.

    I've never been convinced of the duplicate content penalty and have heard
    both sides of the argument.

    I have no doubt that this argument will go on forever.
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    • Profile picture of the author coreytucker
      Thanks Steven. I noticed you said if I dont have good traffic to my articles right now add them to my site. So your suggesting that adding them to my site could possibly effect the actual article rank on Google?

      Also do you think I wouild notice a increase in traffic from search engines with all these new articles on my site? It seems like I would and I tested it on a new site with 3 articles and have gotton a little extra traffic from Google because of it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Originally Posted by coreytucker View Post

        Thanks Steve. I noticed you said if I dont have good traffic to my articles right now add them to my site. So your suggesting that adding them to my site could possibly effect the actual article rank on Google?

        Also do you think I wouild notice a increase in traffic from search engines with all these new articles on my site? It seems like I would and I tested it on a new site with 3 articles and have gotton a little extra traffic from Google because of it.
        Corey, all I'm saying is that if you're not getting sufficient traffic to your
        articles now, putting them on your own site can't hurt. I can't say for
        certain that it will make any difference at all. The only thing you can do is
        try it and see what kind of results you get.

        It's called testing. It's how I figured out that, for me at least, it didn't
        pay to submit to any other directories other than EZA. So in addition to
        that, I only submit articles to my own blogs and blogs of other marketers
        as a guest author.

        Bottom line: Test it and see what results you get. I can't make any
        guarantees either way.
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    • Profile picture of the author Angela V. Edwards
      That it will, Steven. Someone on another forum said this earlier today:

      Also think about this, AP news stories are posted over and over again by dozens of websites and blogs, where are their duplicate penalties? How can newspaper sites, t.v station websites, yahoo, msn, and everyone's news related blogs post the exact same AP wire stories? If the duplicate content theory held true all of these sites would be banished from the internet.
      I don't know where this "duplicate content" thing began, but it's sure gotten a lot of people afraid to use perfectly good articles on their websites. That's what article directories are for!! That's their point! If "duplicate content" were such a problem, then the first time someone syndicated one of Ezinearticle's articles, that website would have bit the dust.

      Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

      Corey, here's the way I look at it.

      If you're not getting any significant traffic from the articles that are at the
      directories now, it's not going to hurt you to put them up on your sites as
      well. If you're still concerned, just modify them slightly.

      I've never been convinced of the duplicate content penalty and have heard
      both sides of the argument.

      I have no doubt that this argument will go on forever.
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      • Profile picture of the author coreytucker
        Thanks Steven And Angela! Thats been one of my biggest problems, im always lacking content on my site because im too busy writing the ezine articles. Then once I write the ezine articles ive always been too afraid to add them to my site because of the duplicate content penality. So im happy to say that nearly all my sites are about to make a huge increase in size/content
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        • Profile picture of the author joshbond
          I've never really bought into the "duplicate content" theory either. I'm sure there is a little to it but not anything even close to what a lot of people would have you belive.

          Hell, the internet was built on duplicate content.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    I don't claim to "KNOW," but I think the problem is a common misconception about what is meant by duplicate content. It refers to having the same content on your own site, not multiple instances of it on other sites. I don't think there's any danger in posting the same article you have at the article directories on your own site.

    And really, it's easy to lose sight of what we create content for in the first place. It's so other humans can read it and hopefully learn something or be swayed to buy something from you, right? So, hey, if you've created a real masterpiece, you do yourself a disservice by not posting it on your site.

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    • Profile picture of the author JFrost
      I'm with Angela, Put your articles all over the place. The more exposure the better I say.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeannie Crabtree
    Cory, Don't be afraid of putting your articles on your site too. I have a site
    that is 10 years old. PR 4

    Most of the articles I have on there have been posted on ezine articles and
    distributed, along with about dozen on another site that requests my articles.
    Most of the articles on that site are also on other sites.

    Example: An article on Cranberry juice. 109 instances in google of it being
    published on others sites, but it is one of my top traffic producers. I just
    wish I would have thought to monitize it better when I wrote it! There is
    nothing much to send people to. I was just publishing for my clients to
    read back years ago. I didn't know better.

    I think over the next few months you will see a build up of traffic.

    You might think of just publishing one per day per site. This will train the
    spiders to come back daily for a while, as you will have something fresh
    each day.

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    • Profile picture of the author lakshaybehl
      Most people think that the search engines are the ultimate Gods... they are not. They are just 1 source of traffic... be it or be not is not the case at all....

      You have an article at 1 directory, then you have just one doorway to your site, however if you have the same content on 100 directories then the probabilty of getting more clicks directly from the visitors of those directories is definitely high. 99 more chances that a webmaster looking for content will find and like yours. 99 more chances that some other search engine will find that content first before even ezine articles.com

      So submit the content everywhere and keep a flurry of it going.

      We are talking content factory here.
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