Since When Did This Forum Become A Sad Story Forum?
People telling sad stories about their life or someone in their life, ect... on and on..
Again, I do not want to sound insensitive towards others but honestly, this is not the place to be posting sad stories.
Lets just be logical and honest about this. What if everyone on this forum did that, what then? I mean we all have sad stories to tell, life is rough for all people at times. At this point in time in my life I could post a sad story also. And I am sure that many if not all on this forum could do the same. But should I? Why? What's the motivation behind it?
I believe that these type of posts should be removed and moved to another part of the forum.
We cannot help everyone that is having a hard time. Once you begin to let these types of post become the norm, you will see more of these.
I believe that almost all of these are true stories but I also believe that in an environment like this, it is very possible to fake a sad story with ulterior motives.
I want nothing but the best for those in need, but spilling a sad negative story to the whole world on an open forum, in my opinion is just not loving at all.
Just my opinion, and I am sure I will probably get flack about it, but I do not think that many other people will have the courage to say what I just said, even though they may think it. For fear of not being liked, or being branded as someone who does not care about others. But I believe it needs to be said. So, I will take the brunt of any negative responses from those who disagree with me.
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