Single opt in VS Double Conformation
This is not a real test as I didn't measure actual traffic but actual signups and open rate and it kind of told me what I needed to know.
I did 200 signups in the WF and also the same number outside of the WF.
100 were single opt in 100 were double conformation for each group.
The single conformation group outside the WF had an open rate (average between 3 broadcast) of 72%. The double conformation group had 12 people not confirm. Their open rate was 68%. No Unsubs
The WF single opt in group opened at a little over 80%. The double opt in group had 31 non confirms. Yeah ... 31.The open rate was almost 49%. 1 unsub.
Pretty much identical campaign on all phases. There was no buy buttons presented in any emails.
The outside WF groups took 6 days to reach 200 signups. The WF group only took 4. No paid traffic was used outside the WF and only answers and no threads inside the WF. All campaigns were run 45 days ago. In other words .. no tricks or anything special in either campaign. Everything was content based campaigns .. no affiliates.
I was rather surprised at the WF results. Out of the 31 no confirms, the majority of them came from the same general area. After talking with some WSO sellers here .. it is the same area a lot of the serial returns come from.
I knew from past experience outside the WF is more responsive but I just never thought that the WF numbers would be so different. This is just a guess but I do not think it would have made a difference to those who did not confirm if they had been the ones going into the single opt in. The WF single opt in group opened at almost 100% for the first email but when they saw they were going to need to open more emails to get the information .. the next two email opens dropped considerably ... like I said .. to an average of 49%.
Once again those who were not opening the 2nd and 3rd emails were mostly from the same region.
My conclusions ... Single opt in or double opt in does not make a huge difference here. If you build your list strictly from the WF you probably are better off trimming that list every 7 days or so.
The list you do glean from the WF, after trimming the no opens and no confirms is a very responsive list. Like I said .. I never offered a buy button to any list member. I had 3 non WF members contact me and ask to be mentored for a fee.
I had 11 WF members contact me and request the same mentoring.
The fully trimmed non WF list now stands at 147 members. The trimmed WF group 107. If I had something to sell today .. I would contact the WF group first.
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