Guidance Needed - Is it profitable to launch a great WSO product without JV

15 replies
Still wondering if its profitable to develop a great product (which sells itself), without having JV (affiliates on hand ready to promote your stuff).

Lets say that I have the following:
1- A very good product
2- Great reviews
3- A very good sales copy
4- Price $9+
5- Totally worth the price (if compared to competition, features and so on)

Just wondering, and this will help a lot.
Waiting your help
#great #guidance #launch #needed #product #profitable
  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    it can be but you had better have one hell of a good size list to get the ball rolling

    and you better have a great marketing strategy in order to make plenty of sales

    having affiliates on board for launches are the back bone of any successful product launch

    when these products that sell 3000 copies they don't make all those sales themselves. 90% of them are more than likely from affiliates/jv partners
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  • Profile picture of the author Captain Kent
    yeah, I know that. What if you have a great offer and put it as a wso, would it make a killing or anything from it without aff but only % 75 share?
    When I say I don't love You, it kills me, its a lie that sets You free!

    PR6 backlinks only 49$/month via liberty reserve only
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    • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
      Originally Posted by lietuvis002 View Post

      yeah, I know that. What if you have a great offer and put it as a wso, would it make a killing or anything from it?
      yeah it could do, but the chances are very low unless you have a big following and you are known well within your industry

      if you have released any other wso's previously then your buyers will get an email anyway informing them of your new wso

      i don't know why you are so concerned with not using affiliates to help with your launch because they are important for generating tonnes more exposure and sales and it's also all part of marketing
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      • Profile picture of the author Captain Kent
        Originally Posted by paul nicholls View Post

        yeah it could do, but the chances are very low unless you have a big following and you are known well within your industry

        if you have released any other wso's previously then your buyers will get an email anyway informing them of your new wso

        i don't know why you are so concerned with not using affiliates to help with your launch because they are important for generating tonnes more exposure and sales and it's also all part of marketing
        the problem is that I dont know where to find affiliates, what to do, and have never done it before. Any guidance on that?
        When I say I don't love You, it kills me, its a lie that sets You free!

        PR6 backlinks only 49$/month via liberty reserve only
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        • Profile picture of the author benzwm02
          Originally Posted by lietuvis002 View Post

          the problem is that I dont know where to find affiliates, what to do, and have never done it before. Any guidance on that?
          I have found it best to seek out 5-10 affiliates you know have a large customer base and promote similar products in your industry. It is better to have one large business owner promote for you who is well respected with a large list than a million or so smaller ones you can find on launch pages.

          Of course, getting these affiliates to agree to promote for you is a different story and often times much harder than attracting thousands of lower quality affiliates. You will have to talk to them personally, develop a relationship, and submit a real business proposal of how your launch will help their business.
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          • Profile picture of the author Captain Kent
            Originally Posted by benzwm02 View Post

            I have found it best to seek out 5-10 affiliates you know have a large customer base and promote similar products in your industry. It is better to have one large business owner promote for you who is well respected with a large list than a million or so smaller ones you can find on launch pages.

            Of course, getting these affiliates to agree to promote for you is a different story and often times much harder than attracting thousands of lower quality affiliates.
            Benz, where to look for them, where to find them and how to talk to them (I need a little guidance with this part )
            thank you!
            When I say I don't love You, it kills me, its a lie that sets You free!

            PR6 backlinks only 49$/month via liberty reserve only
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Finding affiliates is just like developing relationships in the offline world. It takes time. If you turn up expecting people to promote for you and they have never heard from you before, you are not likely to get a very warm response. I hate it when people contact me out of the blue expecting me to promote for them -- it's just rude, I think. Don't ask favors unless you have already done something for them.

    In answer to your main question here, yes, affiliates are VERY important for the success of a launch. If your only promotion plan is to stick your WSO in the forum and hope for the best, you won't have a very successful WSO unfortunately. That's just the reality of the situation.

    So, start recognizing who are the key partners you need on your side and find ways you can help them first and get on their radar.

    It takes time. Many of the best WSO sellers here have been doing this for years. It's not just something that happens overnight, although a lot of people would like to believe that. 90% + of all WSO's would probably sell less than 50 copies, it's only the very few that are wildly successful.
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    • Profile picture of the author Captain Kent
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Finding affiliates is just like developing relationships in the offline world. It takes time. If you turn up expecting people to promote for you and they have never heard from you before, you are not likely to get a very warm response. I hate it when people contact me out of the blue expecting me to promote for them -- it's just rude, I think. Don't ask favors unless you have already done something for them.

      In answer to your main question here, yes, affiliates are VERY important for the success of a launch. If your only promotion plan is to stick your WSO in the forum and hope for the best, you won't have a very successful WSO unfortunately. That's just the reality of the situation.

      So, start recognizing who are the key partners you need on your side and find ways you can help them first and get on their radar.

      It takes time. Many of the best WSO sellers here have been doing this for years. It's not just something that happens overnight, although a lot of people would like to believe that. 90% + of all WSO's would probably sell less than 50 copies, it's only the very few that are wildly successful.
      this is quite eye opening! What should I do for you, in order for you to view me as someone that is not profiting from you or just want to build a honest relationship? A gift maybe?

      and maybe I am asking how to promote my wso for I really would like to
      When I say I don't love You, it kills me, its a lie that sets You free!

      PR6 backlinks only 49$/month via liberty reserve only
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7513783].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by lietuvis002 View Post

        this is quite eye opening! What should I do for you, in order for you to view me as someone that is not profiting from you or just want to build a honest relationship? A gift maybe?

        and maybe I am asking how to promote my wso for I really would like to
        A gift isn't really what I am talking about. I'm referring to building relationships over time. It's not something that can just be rushed a week or two before your launch. If you want people to do things for you, just like in the offline world, you need to do them favors first. But not a few weeks before you want them to promote something otherwise they will see straight through it.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Micheal
    Affiliate can bring you a new leads and customer for your future product.

    To find affiliate that will work for you,
    1. you can create affiliate contest
    2. offer JV to people that have list. You can open thread at joint venture section.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyler S
    You need affiliates in order to generate sales. Personally, I don't think you should launch the product without affiliates.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tenzho
    Most of my sales comes from affiliates.
    You don't need hundreds of affiliates to make your product launch a success.
    All you need is 1-3 affiliates with a big list.

    Yeap, finding affiliate is just like building relationships in the offline world.
    You need to help them first, then only ask for their help.

    Offering 100% commission and has many OTOs in your funnel using
    Warriorplus works well to attrach affiliates too.
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  • Profile picture of the author DeanJames
    Lietuvis is essentially asking how to get affiliates on board for his WSO. Better to ask that question outright (in my humble opinion). Start a new thread
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  • Profile picture of the author J. Barry Mandel
    Hi Kent,

    If you don't have your own affiliates and if you don't already know then the best thing you can do is use JVzoo or WarriorPLUS to help get brand new affiliates on board

    Affiliates regularly look through new offers on their sites and will be attracted to your offer if it's a good fit for their list(s).

    If you want the best fighting chance to make as much as possible then you don't want to leave this stone unturned - my last super successful WSO became that way because almost 50% of all sales came from...affiliates

    Best of Luck,


    P.S. It's cool to see that you live on Broadway, I went to school on Broadway downtown in the early 20's
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