5 replies
When is gravity to low to consider it a good product to promote?

#clickbank #gravity
  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    It's a bit late for Alexa to be here, but she's the one to talk to about CB gravity. In short, there is a lot more to consider and weigh other than gravity. Although it does deserve attention if it's very high, etc.

    Anyway... check out this post. Alexa has commented in it, and I believe it will answer your question.


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    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

      It's a bit late for Alexa to be here, but she's the one to talk to about CB gravity. In short, there is a lot more to consider and weigh other than gravity. Although it does deserve attention if it's very high, etc.

      Anyway... check out this post. Alexa has commented in it, and I believe it will answer your question.


      I checked that out. She provides a GOOD explanation, and reason, in:


      Yeah, one irony in ANY item sold or offered based on statistics is that the statistics can encourage behaviour that will SKEW the statistics and make them near worthless.

      Ironically, though she only ALUDES to it, the idea of a page that converts well and a refund rate that is low, is a better combination. THAT is harder to fake or skew.

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  • Profile picture of the author Noah Schettini
    thank you for the information, that helped alot
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Marcoux
    Gravity doesn't matter imo, its content & serp rank.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Gravity is useless.

    Worry about how much money you are making from a product -- that's all that really matters.
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