Should I Quit? Help Getting Back to Basics!

39 replies
Hello all:

I am sitting here frustrated as I contemplate my adventures online. I have been dabbling in internet marketing for about 3 years. I have gotten quite good up building a website etc, but not making money. I have built about 20 websites or so on various topics (non of them IM related). My content has been fresh original and high quality; but ALAS no MONEY! (Well my best month was about $200 in revenues, about half that profit). I could list some of my sites if that would help and is allowed, but will hold off for now.

General descriptions of sites:
Personal Finance advice blog (2 of them) - Adsense revenue
Credit repair blog - has autoresponder with about 250 signups (makes almost nothing).
Worm Farms blog - SEO to Adsense revenue
Buffalo Nickle blog - SEO to Adsense revenue
Grow Taller site - PPC site (affiliate product)
Incentive surveys - free memership site getting paid to fill out surveys (extremely high quality graphics/operation).
Zip submit landing pages - PPC to CPA landing pages

I have had a few others mostly blogs...I'm sick of blogs!

I am frustrated because I'm not a beginner and I'm not stupid or anything; (I have a graduate level degree from a well respected university and I do well in my offline job). I know all the different techniques taught; including advanced PPC. I have even tried image ads using placement targeting in Adwords. I only mention this so you will know that I am familiar with the IM world.

So here is my question: Do I quit or do I go back to the basics? If you say I keep trying; what do you recommend as a way to restart my IM business? Here is what I can contribute to my business. I am willing to spend $500 per month, I have about 3 hours each day to spend on it. I will probably outsouce content creation as I am sick of writing my own stuff...very draining!

I am doing affiliate marketing. Is it possible for me to build an affiliate website up to $300 per month profit within a couple of months? (Which will then be basically on auto pilot after that so that I can go on and build other sites). If so, please share some step by step processes.

Thanks for reading my frustrations.
#back #basics #quit
  • Profile picture of the author Adaptive
    Hi Keyblast,

    Thanks for reading my frustrations.
    That's what the forum is for!

    If you say I keep trying; what do you recommend as a way to restart my IM business?
    Brainstorm 50 niches whose people you would find fascinating, compelling, fun, or personally satisfying to serve. Don't think at all about whether they are profitable.

    Review the list to find out if some go together into clusters.

    Research which niches are large enough to support 20% of your financial needs.

    Research which of those are proven by competition, yet open to your better offers.

    Pick five niches that are located at the intersection of your passion and market profitability.

    Find the top magazines, blogs, forums, and experts in those niches.
    What are the top ten complaints, problems, unsolved issues and growth opportunities in those niches?
    Which five of those top ten could you serve with superior, excellent products and services?

    Now apply all you've learned about implementation, and this time it will be three hours a day of fun and delight... well maybe not all fun, but at least not a tedious chore.

    Outsource everything that you don't like to do, such as writing content.

    Add your own life passion to your techniques.

    I think this approach will give you renewed pep.


    Success only requires four words.

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  • Profile picture of the author SiteSeller52
    Have you tried to monetize your sites with CPA, I am honestly making a killing with CPA right now, there is a chance that you could be to, especially if you have good traffic and the right demographic.

    Have you looked into cpa, and do you have any accounts with the cpa companies.

    What type of affiliate marketing are you talking about

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  • Profile picture of the author Allurre
    Try racking up some of you own products, and your own mini sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author ph1470
    Good Advice

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  • Profile picture of the author Spencer Haws
    Thanks all for the quick replys!
    I think you make a good point about finding an enjoyable niche. I originally chose financial niches because that is what I do professionally. However, I will consider your recommendations.

    Yes, I am an affiliate with numerous CPA networks: Neverblue (my fav), Clickbooth, Hydra, Copeac, and several others. I have had my most success with free credit reports. However, I have been experimenting with zip submits lately.

    I think my main issue is traffic and monetizing that traffic (I GUESS that's the whole point!). My sites only get a few hundred uniques apiece, even after lots of article marketing. I make next to nothing on a per visitor basis. Maybe I need to start setting up more sales pages and taking a more direct approach (as opposed to adsense and regular blog posts?).
    Get Long Tail Pro, My Ultimate Keyword Research Software - Quickly Find Profitable Keywords, Check for EMDs, and Analyze the Competition

    My Blog -
    - Learn Step by Step How to Build Successful Niche Websites (from someone who has actually done it)!
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    • Profile picture of the author SiteSeller52
      Originally Posted by keyblast5 View Post

      Thanks all for the quick replys!
      I think you make a good point about finding an enjoyable niche. I originally chose financial niches because that is what I do professionally. However, I will consider your recommendations.

      Yes, I am an affiliate with numerous CPA networks: Neverblue (my fav), Clickbooth, Hydra, Copeac, and several others. I have had my most success with free credit reports. However, I have been experimenting with zip submits lately.

      I think my main issue is traffic and monetizing that traffic (I GUESS that's the whole point!). My sites only get a few hundred uniques apiece, even after lots of article marketing. I make next to nothing on a per visitor basis. Maybe I need to start setting up more sales pages and taking a more direct approach (as opposed to adsense and regular blog posts?).
      Do you have any surveys on your site? Do you collect Email Addresses

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      • Profile picture of the author Spencer Haws
        Originally Posted by SiteSeller52 View Post

        Do you have any surveys on your site? Do you collect Email Addresses
        Not sure if this is what you are asking: But yes I do have a landing page with an American Idol related survey; then they are taken to a CPA offer upon answering. I am not collecting email addresses. Is this the model you are referring to?
        Get Long Tail Pro, My Ultimate Keyword Research Software - Quickly Find Profitable Keywords, Check for EMDs, and Analyze the Competition

        My Blog -
        - Learn Step by Step How to Build Successful Niche Websites (from someone who has actually done it)!
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        • Profile picture of the author SiteSeller52
          Originally Posted by keyblast5 View Post

          Not sure if this is what you are asking: But yes I do have a landing page with an American Idol related survey; then they are taken to a CPA offer upon answering. I am not collecting email addresses. Is this the model you are referring to?
          To follow a link, remove the space after the http:// and change the [dot] to a .

          Here is one of the methods I use to make money with CPA offers, This works like a charm everytime and is only one of the methods I use. Please take the time to go over this information as it could change your outlook on the way you market and the income you generate online

          Wufoo [dot] com offers free forms and surveys and they are super easy to build.

          You can see one that I use here
          http:// consensus2.wufoo[dot]com/forms/we-are-here-to-help

          These surveys can be embedded in your own site if you dont want to use the wufoo site address. This form is used to gather information and to collect email addresses. The end user gets to this page either from following a link on one of my sites or from an ad that I have a outsourced. I pay these people to post my ads all over the place online (in a non spam way of course)

          Here is an example of some of the ads I use:


          Are you overweight? Do you need help figuring out what to do about it?
          The Weight Loss Team can help you. Go <a
          href="http:// consensus2.wufoo[dot]com/forms/we-are-here-to-help"
          target="_blank">here </a> and fill out our confidential survey.

          Are you sick and tired of being made fun of because of your weight?
          We can help you! The <a
          href="http:// consensus2.wufoo[dot]com/forms/we-are-here-to-help"
          target="_blank">Weight Loss Team</a> is here to help. Free Advice!

          Lose weight fast with the <a
          href="http:// consensus2.wufoo[dot]com/forms/we-are-here-to-help"
          target="_blank">Weight Loss Team</a>

          Help us to help you loose weight. Take the <a
          href="http:// consensus2.wufoo[dot]com/forms/we-are-here-to-help"
          target="_blank">survey</a> now. Brought to you by The Weight Loss Team

          Get help with your families weight problem. Visit <a
          href="http:// consensus2.wufoo[dot]com/forms/we-are-here-to-help"
          target="_blank">Weight Loss Team</a>

          The estimated 300000 Americans who die prematurely each year as a result of
          being overweight never
          sought out help. Stop the cycle NOW! Visit The <a
          href="http:// consensus2.wufoo[dot]com/forms/we-are-here-to-help"
          target="_blank">Weight Loss Team</a> Today.

          Once the end user clicks on one of these ads, they are taken to a survey, and once the survey is completed I get their email address.

          Then I send out an email to them with

          Thanks for completing this survey, and I list multiple offers for them to check out, I also tell them that based on the survey they took our team has come up with a few things we think might help them and their sittuation, I tell them to please check all of them out and see which ones work for them.

          Here is a copy of one of the emails I tested before I went and blew this campaign out of the water:

          http:// internetlandreport[dot]com/hot-offer.htm

          This gives you an idea of the type of email we use, however the new email does not use hotspots for the links, the content has changed somewhat and we use text links because they convert better and most email addresses considered this form of email as spam because of the format, and more than half the emails came back as "not delivered because it was rejected by the host as spam". (This is the trial and error everyone talks about and it is well worth it especially if you are new to something or are doing it for the first time).

          This email should give you the basic idea of what I mean by multiple offers, also be sure to let you AM (affiliate manager) know that you are going to be sending out emails with multiple offers (again with the trial and error) because you will have multiple offers being completed by the same person and If they aren't expecting it, it will look like you are doing something wrong.

          Hope this helps and I hope that you can model something like this for your existing user-base.


          Wufoo only lets you have something like 500 completions for free, so multiple surveys are advised (I have somewhere around 32 surveys and a few hundred ads).

          You should test different surveys with the tracking IDs (sub-id) provided by the cpa companies when you are getting your links together.

          Ads should match the offer (one set of ads per survey) and those people who are outsourcing for you should note the URL's an ad was placed on so that you know where your traffic is coming from.

          There are some other things to consider when and if you decide to go this route. If you do and you run into any problems along the way just pm me and I'll help you all I can.

          Good Luck & Best Wishes

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          • Profile picture of the author Spencer Haws
            Originally Posted by SiteSeller52 View Post

            The end user gets to this page either from following a link on one of my sites or from an ad that I have a outsourced. I pay these people to post my ads all over the place online (in a non spam way of course)
            Are you talking about craigslist or Yahoo answers or something? What kind of ad are you talking about?

            I will have some more questions for you Matt, will send PM.


            Where do you stand in that? Would I see your blog somewhere in the first 3 pages? What am I googling to see your site come up above the fold?
            I do rank for several related keywords on the first page. For "worm farms" I am like 24 or 25. So, I do rank for some keywords on the first page; but that's it; apparently not enough to do much for the pocketbook.

            500$/month is around 100 articles outsourced. Make a general site on a niche (general so you aren't tied to any one product) submit 2 articles a day to ezinearticles and other directories, and posy 1 article on your own site. Make a free report to give away to build a list(either do it yourself or use 10 of the articles, just means you'l have to submit 5 articles every 3 days to ezine instead of 6)
            This seems like sound advice, I have never done this size of article marketing, maybe this is all I was missing was the AMOUNT of articles; worth considering.


            Take my advice.

            Focus on mastering just 1 traffic getting method.

            And make it be PPC.
            I agree PPC is great for traffic, but very expensive. If I am doing PPC do you recommend I capture the lead so that I can market to them from time to time? Or do you recommend just selling a one time offer via affiliate products?

            Wow! So much information and maybe that's the problem. I have tried SO much already, but never really stuck with one thing. I really need to find something that works and stick with it.
            Get Long Tail Pro, My Ultimate Keyword Research Software - Quickly Find Profitable Keywords, Check for EMDs, and Analyze the Competition

            My Blog -
            - Learn Step by Step How to Build Successful Niche Websites (from someone who has actually done it)!
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            • Profile picture of the author crazyheart
              Hi everyone!Keyblast problem is about the getting sales.I think you may try to think back of the times you got your first sale.Then think of the strategy you've done to have the sale.Can you remember now?
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  • Profile picture of the author Charlie Parker
    You have been at it 3 years? How many products have you created? How many people are on your lists?

    That is what you shuld be concentrating on, making money as an affiliate becomes a lot easier when you have your own products and lists too.
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    • Profile picture of the author Spencer Haws
      Originally Posted by Charlie Parker View Post

      You have been at it 3 years? How many products have you created? How many people are on your lists?

      That is what you shuld be concentrating on, making money as an affiliate becomes a lot easier when you have your own products and lists too.
      Yep, pretty sad huh?? I sold a couple of my own ebooks on eBay once upon a time, but nothing else. Just a couple hundred people on my credit repair list. Nobody seems to buy affiliate products though on that list.

      So, your model is?
      1. create a product for sale (or for free)
      2. Build an email list
      3. Monetize that list with affiliate products
      I suppose I have done similar with my credit repair list, but didnt see much income; I havent tried it other than that though. Any hints on how to monetize the list better?
      Get Long Tail Pro, My Ultimate Keyword Research Software - Quickly Find Profitable Keywords, Check for EMDs, and Analyze the Competition

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      - Learn Step by Step How to Build Successful Niche Websites (from someone who has actually done it)!
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  • Profile picture of the author cmbwealth
    I'm new so I don't know that my advice will help, but as I was reading I kept coming back to...."What are you selling?" I sort of noticed you are giving a lot of advice, but I didn't actually see anything on a product.

    As a person who is new, I spent a lot of time just looking around before making any kind of decisions, and the overwhelming thing I kept seeing was have a product or service that people want.

    It sounds like you have a lot of ability why not tap into some of it.

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    • Profile picture of the author Spencer Haws
      Originally Posted by cmbwealth View Post

      I'm new so I don't know that my advice will help, but as I was reading I kept coming back to...."What are you selling?" I sort of noticed you are giving a lot of advice, but I didn't actually see anything on a product.

      As a person who is new, I spent a lot of time just looking around before making any kind of decisions, and the overwhelming thing I kept seeing was have a product or service that people want.

      It sounds like you have a lot of ability why not tap into some of it.

      Thanks Mark. I think you are absolutely right. I somehow got sucked into believing that I could do well with blogs that have free information and make money on adsense and the occasional affiliate banner.

      So do you guys/gals recommend I create my OWN product or find an 1 affiliate product to push and build a site around it? Sorry if this is repetitive, but I am appreciating the help VERY much.
      Get Long Tail Pro, My Ultimate Keyword Research Software - Quickly Find Profitable Keywords, Check for EMDs, and Analyze the Competition

      My Blog -
      - Learn Step by Step How to Build Successful Niche Websites (from someone who has actually done it)!
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  • Profile picture of the author Desmond Ong
    You can always try to do some site flipping. ;-)

    Since you have experiences and some established sites under you, you should try to convert them into cash.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adaptive
    I originally chose financial niches because that is what I do professionally.
    That's great. It gives you several opportunities.

    You probably know what are the top 5 to 10 questions that consumers have these days with the news about economic recession.

    For each of those questions, you probably know the top 3 to 5 scams that people need to avoid. And the top 3 to 5 things that people must do now to protect their financial future. And the top 5 questions people should ask to make their protective plan.

    You're in a great position to evaluate financial information products, and to make a blog or articles about these issues to build a list of people eager for financial information.


    Success only requires four words.

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  • Profile picture of the author Charlie Parker
    I'd definitely recommend creating your own product, then a backend system selling higher priced products.

    The you can work on recruiting affiliates and improving conversions.

    One way many people recommend starting this is find a product you like, promote it as an affiliate and if you are successful, create a better version of that product yourself.

    Another way, if you have been at this 3 years, is there any tool, software or script you wish existed that doesn't? Create it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Spencer Haws
      Yes it does put me in a good situation; which is what I thought. However, I have tried it. I have a couple of high quality blogs; and about 250 email list subcribers on one of them. Apparently I dont know how to monetize a list though. Frustrating. I am a very soft sell kinda guy. It sounds like I need to be developing Sales pages with the big red headlines like everyone else; maybe thats my problem.

      What do you think about giving away a report for free to build a list, and then selling an affiliate product on the back end? Plus follow up promotions (all based on exceptional content of course).
      Get Long Tail Pro, My Ultimate Keyword Research Software - Quickly Find Profitable Keywords, Check for EMDs, and Analyze the Competition

      My Blog -
      - Learn Step by Step How to Build Successful Niche Websites (from someone who has actually done it)!
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Stop the presses.

      Here's a question - of your sites how many of them are you ranking #1 in on your key words? How much behind the sites have you done?

      Because here is the thing. If you are not on page one for at least a couple of those sites, then you will not fix the problem by creating a product.

      I say take each of your existing sites one at a time and figure out what is wrong with them and why they are not performing.

      Results 1 - 10 of about 427,000 for worm farm. (0.16 seconds)

      Where do you stand in that? Would I see your blog somewhere in the first 3 pages? What am I googling to see your site come up above the fold?

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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      • Profile picture of the author J smith
        Go back to basic imo.

        500$/month is around 100 articles outsourced. Make a general site on a niche (general so you aren't tied to any one product) submit 2 articles a day to ezinearticles and other directories, and posy 1 article on your own site. Make a free report to give away to build a list(either do it yourself or use 10 of the articles, just means you'l have to submit 5 articles every 3 days to ezine instead of 6)

        Sell either affiliate or cpa (or even adsense) on your site. Market to your list and send them an offer now and then. In a few month you should have a decently sized list as well as your site would start ranking and bringing in some serp traffic.

        If you are willing to lose that 500$ for a few months you should be able to get a nice foothold in whatever niche you choose.
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        • Profile picture of the author Anthony Wee

          Take my advice.

          Focus on mastering just 1 traffic getting method.

          And make it be PPC.
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  • Profile picture of the author BigBenForCanton
    Here's a sports coaching line that is applicable here: "If you're thinking about retiring/quitting, you've already retired."

    Pack it up because your head is already there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adaptive
    Apparently I dont know how to monetize a list though. Frustrating. I am a very soft sell kinda guy.
    What do you send to those people? There have been some good threads here about what to put into autoresponders. Consensus view seems to be that a short helpful article or two plus a link or two to a sales page is a nice way to go. If you're a soft sell guy, you could provide the soft sell articles and link to well-done sales pages that send you affiliate commissions.


    Success only requires four words.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gilbert714
    I am new here so I don't know what is the proper edicate. I have a couple of products that could work for your credit repair list.(no its not credit repair) If you are interested in hearing about them PM me.

    I am your opposite......I have products but don't have any idea how to market them online.
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  • Profile picture of the author nichebreakers
    Focus focus focus. Build a rep or amass a great number of articles at a site like EzineArticles.

    Or you could make lenses on Squidoo, hubs on Hubpages, ads on usfreeads, videos on youtube, or make knol pages on google.. Pick a popular site and leverage it for traffic.

    Don't get caught up in too many sites though or you will lose your focus. "Chase two rabbits and both will escape."

    Develop a simple system and stick to it.
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  • Profile picture of the author locke
    If you're trying to get into site flipping and digitalpoint are great places to sell websites and market your products...
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  • Profile picture of the author MeTellYou

    Flip the sites you already have, and focus on one market. you can also sell the sites on this forum or DP to get some instant cash. Reinvest what you get and remember to focus.

    [UPDATED] FREE 1-ON-1 MENTORSHIP: Student Makes $12,000 His First Week Of Running Ads
    Skype Me! Skype: yourebookwriter
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  • Profile picture of the author dean_holland

    quick question.... you say you have made no money but yet you then state you know how to build websites ....

    Money maker alert !! Money maker alert !!

    LOL, excuse my humour...

    Honestly if you have a skill that you can use, why not use that skill to offer it as a paid service ?!

    Go for it, you can make money !!

    Good luck

    Follow My Journey To Online Success >
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  • Profile picture of the author Aj Wilson
    Throw cake at me for saying this...

    But have you tried selling something on ebay?

    I honestly believe this is truly a great starting place...

    There's already "cash in hand" TRAFFIC.
    You learn the basics of crafting sales copy...
    You can see how much traffic you're getting and coverting them from visitor->watcher-> buyer
    You can learn keyword research
    Market research (using completed listings)

    and the big one...

    EXPERIENCE Getting Sales!

    Wondering what to sell?


    Your old junk, friends old junk, neighbours old junk, garage sales,
    consignment (profit share)...

    lots of work?

    So is banging your head against a brick wall for 3 years...
    (I've been there before too!)

    You'll be suprised once you start... the opportunities seem to pop up everywhere...

    hope you find your pathway buddy, we're all different here and only
    you can know what will work good for you

    all the best!

    - aj


    Then you might like to branch off for bigger & better things...
    (and have some "creation capital" to help with outsourcing projects etc)
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  • Profile picture of the author Adaptive
    But have you tried selling something on ebay?

    I honestly believe this is truly a great starting place...
    AJ, I think this is an awesome point and I hope you will start a new thread about it: something like "Beginners, why should start with eBay!"


    Success only requires four words.

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    • Profile picture of the author Spencer Haws
      Wow! Thank you all for the advice!!

      I am trying to take all the suggestions into consideration. Here is what I am thinking my action plan will be, let me know what you think.
      1. Sell the websites I have for some cash.

      2. I am half way done doing a weight loss product review site. I am going to finish this site and use PPC to drive traffic initially. As I start to see some conversions, I will add more content and do lots of article marketing (probably outsourced). I will focus on making this an authority site on the specific product or two that I am reviewing.

      3. At the same time as step 2, I am going to create my own product and start building a list in the IM world. I know lots about building websites and tools that can be used. So, I can create some product related to this that will be useful for new people. I will try to do interviews and teleconferences with other internet marketers and offer it as free content for my members. Then of course I will promote affiliate products that I have reviewed. I can actually think of a few cheap $7 to $10 reports/products that I could create that would be very useful to people starting out. I can create an affiliate program for my users to promote these.

      What do you think? I would go straight to option 3, but I really want to have a successful site OUTSIDE of the IM niche. Plus I have made the most sales I have ever had using PPC in the past couple of months (they just have not been profitable yet).

      Anyway, what are your thoughts on my 3 part action plan?
      Get Long Tail Pro, My Ultimate Keyword Research Software - Quickly Find Profitable Keywords, Check for EMDs, and Analyze the Competition

      My Blog -
      - Learn Step by Step How to Build Successful Niche Websites (from someone who has actually done it)!
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  • Profile picture of the author Adaptive
    That sounds like a realistic action plan.

    I agree that after you have your successes from steps 1 and 2, you'll have more experience to give other people good information in step 3. A different step 3 would be to do more weight loss, diet, health and fitness projects, rather than trying to become an IM guru.

    Whichever way you go, you now have a step by step recipe so that you don't have to be overwhelmed. Way to go!


    P.S. Do check out the thread in my signature.

    Success only requires four words.

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  • Profile picture of the author kkchoon
    All Good Advice, but I think keyblast5 is F***

    I think the problem of most newbie - unfocused.

    Fix this with 1 Niche, 1 Site and follow 1 Guru, forget the rest and you will be successful.

    Just follow 1 method on 1 niche on 1 Guru and work till you see result, that's the fastest way. Whenever you see result, scale it up, don't put away your small little tiny result and start over again with other things ... or you are ****...

    Keep up the good spirit and work!

    Powerful Indexer That Makes Your Backlinks Count ==> Nuclear Link Indexer

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  • Profile picture of the author Spencer Haws
    Thanks again for all the advice! Even to kkchoon who said I was F***!! (It was a good slap back to reality).

    This reflective post has made me realize my mistakes. I think my biggest mistake is that I have been trying to do EVERYTHING on my own. Web design, graphic design, article writing, blog posts, marketing, PPC, you name it...I have been doing it. So, as a result I would get burned out on one website and then after a while would turn to a new project. Now I realize that I need to be outsourcing and focus on one project.

    Anyway, I appreciate the words of wisdom and listening in my moment of weakness. But I am far from quitting now! In fact I have a new project planned which implements much of the advice given here. If you are interested in hearing about it, let me know!
    Get Long Tail Pro, My Ultimate Keyword Research Software - Quickly Find Profitable Keywords, Check for EMDs, and Analyze the Competition

    My Blog -
    - Learn Step by Step How to Build Successful Niche Websites (from someone who has actually done it)!
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    • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
      Originally Posted by keyblast5 View Post

      Thanks Mark. I think you are absolutely right. I somehow got sucked into believing that I could do well with blogs that have free information and make money on adsense and the occasional affiliate banner.
      I see alot of people end up going down this route, and rarely hear of any serious success with it. I have a few content sites, built for backlinking purposes, and while I generate some money with them, it's a pitance compared to 'normal' direct marketing style IM. I often find people who are afraid to actually try to directly sell something seem to gravitate towards this model.

      Originally Posted by keyblast5 View Post

      2. I am half way done doing a weight loss product review site. I am going to finish this site and use PPC to drive traffic initially. As I start to see some conversions, I will add more content and do lots of article marketing (probably outsourced). I will focus on making this an authority site on the specific product or two that I am reviewing.
      There you are getting sucked into the whole content thing again

      All you need is targeted traffic and a converting offer.. at that point, additoinal content can just be a distraction from getting the sale. Are you a publisher, or a marketer?

      I quickly built a handfull of 1 page review sites last month. I was able to get some decent traffic and a few sales on 2 of them (ppc), so I polished them up with video,etc (they are still only 1 pagers). One I use ppc on, and now average almost $200 a day in new sales of a continuity program with it (and never spend more then $50 in ppc); and the other makes me $47 every other day from organic search traffic.

      This was my first attempt at review sites - so it's not like I have this down to any sort of science, nor am I an expert at it. I think you are simply following a model that's harder to work, and with a low success rate.


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      • Profile picture of the author Spencer Haws
        Originally Posted by jasonl70 View Post

        There you are getting sucked into the whole content thing again

        All you need is targeted traffic and a converting offer.. at that point, additoinal content can just be a distraction from getting the sale. Are you a publisher, or a marketer?
        The only difference about my need for content this time, is that I plan on having it outsourced. This will get rid of the huge headache of creating new content, but still allow me to reap the natural SEO and targeted search traffic that is free.

        I am inspired by your success with PPC! As explained, I will be doing PPC as well (with a specific review/sales page). I hope that I can generate profits from PPC FIRST, and use that money to outsource my content. I believe this is the better long term strategy.
        Get Long Tail Pro, My Ultimate Keyword Research Software - Quickly Find Profitable Keywords, Check for EMDs, and Analyze the Competition

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        - Learn Step by Step How to Build Successful Niche Websites (from someone who has actually done it)!
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I use a combination of things

    1. My own product - starting on my second one now.

    2. I build niche sites and flip them or buy cheap ones, rehab them and flip them. This has been very profitable for me. I'm sure you have a talent you can sell or try flipping sites, since you know how to build them.

    3. I build niche sites that are hot niches that people actually want to go to and use made for Adsense templates for Adsense income, plus a banner ad on each of those. Traffic normally comes very quickly for these ... they have a lot of photos and a lot of Google images traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author millionairemoney
    1. Join the War Room if you haven't already. Read up on the stuff in there if you haven't already. This will inspire and educate you.

    2. Pick 2 websites to focus on from two seperate niches and hammer them with development and SEO.

    3. Monetize them with your own ebooks or whatever else you would want to sell and Adsense.

    4. Put your heart and soul into these 2 sites for 4 months applying techniques from the War Room.

    5. You should start seeing results.

    If you need any back links or banner advertising, let me know. I probably have a few 100 uniques I can throw to you every month for free from different niches. This might help get those wheels turning faster.

    If you want to partner up on a project, send me a pm.

    Don't give up. Just keep trying and educating yourself and you will win the battle and start making real money online.

    What you hardly ever hear is how people laid the foundation down years before they ever had any success. This is what you're doing right now.
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    • Profile picture of the author Spencer Haws
      Originally Posted by legitimatefreestuff View Post

      If you need any back links or banner advertising, let me know. I probably have a few 100 uniques I can throw to you every month for free from different niches. This might help get those wheels turning faster.

      What you hardly ever hear is how people laid the foundation down years before they ever had any success. This is what you're doing right now.
      Thanks for this! I will be checking out the War room. Also, I will get back to you on your offer...I am interested.

      Also, its good to hear that there are probably many other people that struggled for years before the light bulb went on. Thanks for that!
      Get Long Tail Pro, My Ultimate Keyword Research Software - Quickly Find Profitable Keywords, Check for EMDs, and Analyze the Competition

      My Blog -
      - Learn Step by Step How to Build Successful Niche Websites (from someone who has actually done it)!
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