Marketers Who Are Just Too Smart for Their Own Good (e.g. PLR)

71 replies
Greetings Fellow Warriors,

A couple of weeks back, I was looking through some of the WSOs. I saw one that, from my entrepreneurial point of view, spelled out a huge value.

It had only just started so I decided to skim through some of the initial comments/questions and I saw a comment that read:

This isn't some of that warmed over PLR crap, is it?

My initial impression was, "Is this some elitist snob?" but my experience from years of marketing online kicked less than a second later and I thought,

"This poor b*****d doesn't understand how this game works at all, does he?"
Game... business... call it what you want. I'm referring to a profit objective with a set of rules.

Personally, I think Private Label Rights (PLR) and Master Resale Rights (MRR) offer some of the quickest, most accessible, and time-proven ways for newbies and intermediate marketers to make money online. So, why is this guy asking, "That's not some of that warmed over PLR crap, is it?"

Let's take a look here for a second...

One of the most successful businessmen I ever met emphatically drove home the concept that I was to never reinvent the wheel.

Have you ever looked at the shelves of ANY bookstore and seen 100s and 100s of titles in each section that are all, pretty much, about the SAME EXACT THING? How many diet books are there? How many relationship books are there? They aren't all different.

Two tenets that are of value to me, in this regard, read like this:
  1. Duplicate, THEN innovate; and,
  2. Reconstitute and Reuse.
And here's why I'm perfectly comfortable with that:
  1. Timeless and Proven. It's what many have done, and continue to do, to get a good strong start in their online businesses;
  2. A Never-Ending Supply of Prospects. There are 100s of 1000s of wanna-be, work-at-home NEWBIES coming online every year. They can benefit from the solid, quality information in PLR/MMR, but there's a good chance they'll never buy it if it has yesteryear's graphics on it, or seems to be on every street corner;
  3. An Astronomical Amount of Niches, in General. People are always finding new phrases to search for things on the web. New words and phrases are being invented every day. Long tail keyword marketing has even created 1000s of niches within niches.
  4. Reconstituting Graphics and Packaging is a normal, valid, and even necessary, part of effective marketing. Being on every street corner does not mean a product is poor or cheap. It just means its either been over- or poorly-marketered.
  5. Perfectly Ethical. As long as the PLR/MRR does not make exaggerated claims, then it's a valid product. In fact, sometimes, there is perfectly new stuff that hypes or exaggerates potential.
Reusing PLR for the creation of MRR has no bearing on whether the information contained within is accurate, ethical or effective. Reconstituting PLR, in fact, comes down to the integrity, and skill of the marketer, and, selling such as MRR can be a GREAT way to get good, solid information back into the hands of the people who, actually, need it the most.

That, in my experience, is how an entrepreneur thinks. While, the complaint/question,

"That's not some of that warmed over PLR/MRR, is it?" how a consumer thinks. So, I have to ask...

You're not too smart for your own good, are you?
#good #marketers #mrr #nathan we're #newbie #plr #private label #smart #talkin bout you
  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    I think you're right..

    Good, solid information is what it is.. and if it comes in PLR form first, then so be it. I use a whole heap of PLR when publishing web content for traffic. If the content is worthy of reading then it is worthy of sharing, for whatever reason that may be.

    I like this;

    Two tenets that are of value to me, in this regard, read like this:

    Duplicate, THEN innovate; and,
    Reconstitute and Reuse.
    Kudos to ya.



    Bare Murkage.........

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[681671].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer

      You literally stole this message from my brain

      I totally agree and that area you quoted is one of the better quotes I've found from posts on WF recently.

      I vaguely remember my junior year "marketing" course at Penn State (lol I use "marketing" generously) and a fact that was published YEARS ago, way before the internet and computers that stated that

      "anything that is newer than 10% than the best product on the market will generally fail "

      That's not the exact quote but that was the point...

      People usually don't like super new things unless you're one of the "early adopters" who has to have all the new cool gadgets and toys. These people make up less than 10% of the population so you better not rock the boat too much.

      So, using PLR is a great way to teach newbies. In fact, most of the basic information is already in the common domain (AKA in PLR already) so reconstituting it is fully ethical, legal, and (in my opinion) should be encouraged to be shared.

      Business is business and as long as you under-promise and over-deliver w/o selling out your integrity then you should do whatever you want. Consumers who masquerade as "marketers" need to get out of this business.

      Let's face it, we are in this to make money. As long as you're not poisoning the well, there's no problem in taking a drink...


      Brad Spencer

      Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

      I think you're right..

      Good, solid information is what it is.. and if it comes in PLR form first, then so be it. I use a whole heap of PLR when publishing web content for traffic. If the content is worthy of reading then it is worthy of sharing, for whatever reason that may be.

      I like this;

      Kudos to ya.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[692076].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
        Originally Posted by Brad Spencer View Post


        You literally stole this message from my brain

        I totally agree and that area you quoted is one of the better quotes I've found from posts on WF recently.

        I vaguely remember my junior year "marketing" course at Penn State (lol I use "marketing" generously) and a fact that was published YEARS ago, way before the internet and computers that stated that

        "anything that is newer than 10% than the best product on the market will generally fail "

        That's not the exact quote but that was the point...

        People usually don't like super new things unless you're one of the "early adopters" who has to have all the new cool gadgets and toys. These people make up less than 10% of the population so you better not rock the boat too much.

        So, using PLR is a great way to teach newbies. In fact, most of the basic information is already in the common domain (AKA in PLR already) so reconstituting it is fully ethical, legal, and (in my opinion) should be encouraged to be shared.

        Business is business and as long as you under-promise and over-deliver w/o selling out your integrity then you should do whatever you want. Consumers who masquerade as "marketers" need to get out of this business.

        Let's face it, we are in this to make money. As long as you're not poisoning the well, there's no problem in taking a drink...


        Brad Spencer
        When did this become a discussion about new vs old?
        My problem is with uniqueness, not new vs old.
        I want to own my content, and I find it easier if I just create from scratch.
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        • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
          Originally Posted by Nathan Hangen View Post

          When did this become a discussion about new vs old?
          My problem is with uniqueness, not new vs old.
          I want to own my content, and I find it easier if I just create from scratch.
          Not every reply in this thread is talking directly about you/your points Nathan.. although you might like to think so

          I think Brad was replying with regard to the OP, not the pi***** contest that happened afterwards

          Bare Murkage.........

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[692228].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
            Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

            Not every reply in this thread is talking directly about you/your points Nathan.. although you might like to think so

            I think Brad was replying with regard to the OP, not the pi***** contest that happened afterwards
            Are you calling me an egomaniac? because there is only room for one
            opinion in here and its mine Anyway, no pissing contest here...just a healthy "intellectual debate"
            I'm off to go buy some PLR
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          • Profile picture of the author BizBoost
            Originally Posted by Ram View Post

            I've found the reverse to be true most of the time!

            A lot more marketers would be successful if they learned -- and applied -- the basics and quit trying to chase the ever-elusive next new thing, program, flashy gizmo, etc. that's supposed to magically transform their live.
            I think Jason was saying he differed with the idea that old=crap. In other words, you two actually agree.

            Originally Posted by Brad Spencer View Post

            So, using PLR is a great way to teach newbies. In fact, most of the basic information is already in the common domain (AKA in PLR already) so reconstituting it is fully ethical, legal, and (in my opinion) should be encouraged to be shared.

            Business is business and as long as you under-promise and over-deliver w/o selling out your integrity then you should do whatever you want. Consumers who masquerade as "marketers" need to get out of this business.

            Let's face it, we are in this to make money. As long as you're not poisoning the well, there's no problem in taking a drink...
            Bravo! Well said, Brad!

            Originally Posted by Nathan Hangen View Post

            When did this become a discussion about new vs old?
            My problem is with uniqueness, not new vs old.
            I want to own my content, and I find it easier if I just create from scratch.
            It was originally a discussion about someone referring to PLR as "warmed over crap" as if he was an elitist who was better than those who choose to use PLR. His characterization of it WITHIN someone else's WSO was, despite theoretically defendable, really misplaced and truly unkind.

            Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

            Not every reply in this thread is talking directly about you/your points Nathan.. although you might like to think so

            I think Brad was replying with regard to the OP, not the pi***** contest that happened afterwards
            You got the situation correctly, Jay. Nathan has a valid point to which he's entitled but I'm not exactly sure it was obvious to him, or anyone else really, when his point caused a kind of sub-thread to form. It went from PLR being perfectly viable and well-suited for a great many newcomers seeking to make solid money and get traffic, and became about his personal taste for original, fresh content. They are not mutually exclusive. He gave his opinion about the USE of PLR but it didn't really address the snottiness of the guy mentioned in the original post who referred to some "warmed over plr crap" in the middle of another warrior's WSO.

            No big deal... it's been a good healthy discussion, but, Jay, you ARE right, that IS what happened.

            Best to all,
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[693372].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
              And...that's what tends to happen when 60% of the posters take issue with what you have to say...I would have been happy making the first point and walking away...unfortunately for this thread, some were not.

              I didn't see you here steering it back in the right direction Jay.

              I took issue, and still do, with calling someone that is "anti-PLR" a consumer and not a marketer, as if there is only one way to do business.
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              • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
                Originally Posted by Nathan Hangen View Post

                I didn't see you here steering it back in the right direction Jay.
                I'm not here to "steer" anything Nathan, you're a big boy now. If you want to jump in here talkin' about yourself all day.. cool

                I just happened to see you turn Brad's interesting comment into an "attack" on you (which it wasn't) and I thought I would let you know it wasn't.

                There's nothing I can do to stop you thinking that people are "attacking" you, only share my thoughts...

                The thread went OT and from that point on, I didn't much care for it. I actually quite enjoyed your strong stance, it shows character..



                Bare Murkage.........

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[693900].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
                  Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

                  I'm not here to "steer" anything Nathan, you're a big boy now. If you want to jump in here talkin' about yourself all day.. cool

                  I just happened to see you turn Brad's interesting comment into an "attack" on you (which it wasn't) and I thought I would let you know it wasn't.

                  There's nothing I can do to stop you thinking that people are "attacking" you, only share my thoughts...

                  The thread went OT and from that point on, I didn't much care for it. I actually quite enjoyed your strong stance, it shows character..


                  Jay, if someone directly responds to you in a thread, it isn't uncommon to reply. I don't see how that can be considered talking about yourself all day. Regardless, I don't have any issue with you or anyone else in this thread...I just happen to enjoy discussing hot button topics, I just didn't realize this was one until the replies started coming in.

                  It happens sometimes when you get attacked so many times in a thread that your defenses go up and you can't see straight. That's what happened with Brad's post.

                  I do have a question for everyone that uses PLR...when you market it, do you advertise it as PLR or "cutting edge" or are you simply advertising "this is how you build a dog house?"

                  I remember reading some stuff in the Immediate Edge that talked about using reports like these in conjunction with a Squidoo lens to test a niche. There are so many ways to sell stuff online that I'm wondering if the application makes any difference? I mean, would you use PLR for how to make money online and sell it as a course? Or...are we just talking about repurposing content to save yourself the time of constantly coming up with new stuff (such as in a members area).
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  • Profile picture of the author SiteSeller52
    You've put into words what I have been thinking for a long time, you are absolutely right about "last years graphics" and "every street corner"

    A lot of the PLR products out there especially some of the older ones are jam-packed with solid information.

    But it seems that these days unless the title says you can "Make $500,000,000.00 In Two Minutes After Reading This Guide" then people don't want to buy it. And the worst part is that after reading it they complain that is does not work and now they want their money back because you failed to meet your claim.

    Yet they post all over the forums that are the "smartest person online" and you should bow down to them because if it.

    Good content repackaged is a great way to make $$$ online, especially for membership sites that teach new people to the IM world the basic building blocks of a successful IMer.

    Thanks for laying it out in such a perfect fashion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Riddle

    Your observations are on target.

    However you said the comments were in a WSO thread, and any purchased PLR or MRR products aren't allowed no matter how much you change the graphics or update the sales page, they simply aren't allowed.

    It makes it a perfectly valid question in context of where you saw it.

    After all the worlds best selling book in English has largely remained unchanged since 1611

    Today isn't Yesterday, - Products are everywhere if your eyes are Tuned!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[681790].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BizBoost
      Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

      I think you're right..

      Good, solid information is what it is.. and if it comes in PLR form first, then so be it. I use a whole heap of PLR when publishing web content for traffic. If the content is worthy of reading then it is worthy of sharing, for whatever reason that may be. Kudos to ya. Peace Jay
      There you go. Google will naturally take care of what it considers dupe content as it sees fit and, the rest, is more accessible to more people. As I said before, it comes down to the marketer as to whether they are publishing accurate, helpful, honest information. Peace to you, too.

      Originally Posted by SiteSeller52 View Post

      You've put into words what I have been thinking for a long time, you are absolutely right about "last years graphics" and "every street corner"
      Glad I could be of service!

      Originally Posted by SiteSeller52 View Post

      Good content repackaged is a great way to make $$$ online, especially for membership sites that teach new people to the IM world the basic building blocks of a successful IMer.

      Thanks for laying it out in such a perfect fashion.
      You're welcome, and you're right!

      Originally Posted by netmalls View Post


      Your observations are on target.

      However you said the comments were in a WSO thread, and any purchased PLR or MRR products aren't allowed no matter how much you change the graphics or update the sales page, they simply aren't allowed.

      It makes it a perfectly valid question in context of where you saw it.
      Valid is academic. In actuality, the question could have been asked privately so as to not, unnecessarily, sow the seeds of doubt in anyone else's mind.

      Originally Posted by netmalls View Post

      After all the worlds best selling book in English has largely remained unchanged since 1611 Mark
      Amen to that!

      Thanks to all,
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  • Profile picture of the author James A. Miller
    The problem with PLR is that PLR content is mostly of poor quality. It's about quantity most of the time.

    Why would the original author care about the quality if his/her name doesn't end up on the book's cover? Most of the PLR is outsourced and has to be of minimal quality so that the employer doesn't refuse the finished work.

    PLR is a great concept but lately it has become a synonym of trash.
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    • Profile picture of the author Robert Puddy
      Originally Posted by James A. Miller View Post

      The problem with PLR is that PLR content is mostly of poor quality. It's about quantity most of the time.

      Why would the original author care about the quality if his/her name doesn't end up on the book's cover? Most of the PLR is outsourced and has to be of minimal quality so that the employer doesn't refuse the finished work.

      PLR is a great concept but lately it has become a synonym of trash.
      Thats because people dont know how to leverage it...

      PLR is not about taking the product as is and marketing it, its about taking the PLR and leveraging it into another product. Or enhancing it by adding in other components, Successful users Of PLR products use it as a start point so you dont have to do all the work from scratch.

      A bag of chips is just a common potato, its what they did with the common potato that made it a marketable product.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[684078].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dellco
      Originally Posted by James A. Miller View Post

      The problem with PLR is that PLR content is mostly of poor quality. It's about quantity most of the time.

      Why would the original author care about the quality if his/her name doesn't end up on the book's cover? Most of the PLR is outsourced and has to be of minimal quality so that the employer doesn't refuse the finished work.

      PLR is a great concept but lately it has become a synonym of trash.
      True, it's the quality being the issue. Not PLR itself.

      I won't mind using quality PLR content, but I somehow find that my own articles do better with visitors almost all the time...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[684079].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author BizBoost
        Originally Posted by James A. Miller View Post

        The problem with PLR is that PLR content is mostly of poor quality. It's about quantity most of the time.
        Hi James, that's a very big statement to make considering I've got over 100G of PLR on my hard drive. Not only does that not even begin to approach what's constantly available and, a lot of what I've seen has actually been pretty good. Especially, as Robert Puddy says, later in this reply, for repurposing... tweaking, and adding, etc.

        Maybe you need to find a new source?

        Originally Posted by James A. Miller View Post

        Why would the original author care about the quality if his/her name doesn't end up on the book's cover? Most of the PLR is outsourced and has to be of minimal quality so that the employer doesn't refuse the finished work.
        That makes sense, to an extent, but remember, there's still a "sales chain". Someone has to be the first person to buy the PLR so, if the quality is low, or minimal, then that person won't buy from the source much longer. Or, else, that person's customers won't buy from him, or her, any more. You seem to be referring to crappy PLR from the point of view of someone way down the chain because, at the beginning of the chain, sales will grind to a halt if the stuff really doesn't produce, or pisses off a lot of buyers down the chain.

        Originally Posted by James A. Miller View Post

        PLR is a great concept but lately it has become a synonym of trash.
        Yes, because, rather than making inquiries and opening discussions, people who FAIL TO UNDERSTAND MARKETING, TRASH IT, with their consumer mindset.

        Originally Posted by Robert Puddy View Post

        Thats because people dont know how to leverage it...
        Correct. Which is because the people who don't know how to leverage are thinking like CONSUMERS rather than ENTREPRENEURS.

        Originally Posted by Robert Puddy View Post

        PLR is not about taking the product as is and marketing it, its about taking the PLR and leveraging it into another product. Or enhancing it by adding in other components, Successful users Of PLR products use it as a start point so you dont have to do all the work from scratch.

        A bag of chips is just a common potato, its what they did with the common potato that made it a marketable product. Robert
        Robert, you hit the nail right on the head. Does anyone know why? Because Robert is a seasoned entrepreneur.


        Originally Posted by Dellco View Post

        True, it's the quality being the issue. Not PLR itself.

        I won't mind using quality PLR content, but I somehow find that my own articles do better with visitors almost all the time...
        Glad to hear it. May I ask how you determine that?

        Thanks, and best wishes, to everyone,
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[684610].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
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          • Profile picture of the author BizBoost
            Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post

            From what I have seen, most of the people who complain about PLR not performing or not being written well are not taking the time to tweak it. While some people do take PLR and drop it into a blog or site as is, that isn't the best way to use it.

            Take some time to re-write it at least a bit and give it your own voice. For ebooks or reports, rearrange the chapters/sections - change or add images - change the cover - add some of your own content.

            No matter how well written and researched PLR is, you really need to add a personal touch to it for it to be at its most effective.

            Tina G
            Amen, Tina. That's about as direct as you can be with such sound advice.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[684896].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author edhan
            Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post

            From what I have seen, most of the people who complain about PLR not performing or not being written well are not taking the time to tweak it. While some people do take PLR and drop it into a blog or site as is, that isn't the best way to use it.

            Take some time to re-write it at least a bit and give it your own voice. For ebooks or reports, rearrange the chapters/sections - change or add images - change the cover - add some of your own content.

            No matter how well written and researched PLR is, you really need to add a personal touch to it for it to be at its most effective.

            Tina G
            Yes. I totally agreed. But the problem people are facing is when they buy the PLR articles, they are not good in writing. That's the reason why they are buying the PLR articles.

            Yes, I agreed that one has to take time to re-write a little with modification to make it different and again, people do not know how to do so. The problem facing these people are they do not know how to do it. So ended up dumping everything they bought into blogs or websites.

            Maybe it will be a good idea for them to hire someone to write unique PLR articles instead. That way, they will not need to do modification or changes. Hire someone to design web design or sale pages and it will be straight forward to publish online. Frankly, up to date, I am still facing the problem of writing good articles or doing sale pages.

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        • Profile picture of the author Dellco
          Originally Posted by BizBoost View Post


          Glad to hear it. May I ask how you determine that?

          Thanks, and best wishes, to everyone,
          Hi BizBoost,

          One of my sites has used mainly PLR content. The domain was originally banned by Google for years (I took over it) and started making the site "proper."

          The site is now getting good traffic from Google and could do a lot better if I had the time to put into it.

          I just rewrite the PLR like 90%, but here's the key, I ADD on to it a great deal. It's not just fluff and padded with extra flowery words. I actually get into the grind, do online and offline research and the article comes out - great!

          In fact, a PLR article of mine that I rewrote for the site was one of my most popular articles on EzineArticles and emailed around by other users.

          I view PLR as only a skeleton, and it's my job to add on the meat and seasoning
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    • Profile picture of the author Justin Jordan
      Originally Posted by James A. Miller View Post

      Why would the original author care about the quality if his/her name doesn't end up on the book's cover?

      All the writing I do is as good as I can possibly make it, within the constraints of the deadline. The same thing with PLR material.

      But even beyond that, there's a business incentive to produce quality work, because you can charge more and, crucially, have people buy PLR more than once.
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  • I have looked at some PLR ebooks and I was not impressed. Most of the PLR ebooks I have seen just contain general information on the niche.

    However, I have been able to take the outlines of those ebooks and create my own. Then use some of the general info as chapter openers, then go into more detail. So, PLR is a great resource to help create your own resource, by giving you a good outline.

    Also, I have come to REALLY love PLR articles. I use them in one niche as blog posts. I simply rewrite the titles and the first paragraph, and I am earning some pretty cool passive adsense income from this.

    PLR ROCKS, but only if you use it correctly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Droopy Dawg
    I thought the intent of PLR was to enhance the quality, then repackage as your own??

    Maybe I'm way offbase here... but to take PLR "as-is" then try to turn-around and leverage... that's "rep-suicide"... IMO anyway.

    Good stuff BizBoost and Tina.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[684995].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BizBoost
      Originally Posted by Droopy Dawg View Post

      I thought the intent of PLR was to enhance the quality, then repackage as your own??

      Maybe I'm way offbase here... but to take PLR "as-is" then try to turn-around and leverage... that's "rep-suicide"... IMO anyway.

      Good stuff BizBoost and Tina.
      Thanks Double-D!

      Thing is, rep-suicide can be circumvented via auto-blogging PLR under pennames to dozens of blogs. And yet, if one markets the PLR to newbies via PPC, newbies who don't use forums like this and, therefore, don't have our experience, how will they know that what they have isn't any good?

      As long as the original is informative and accurate, auto-blogged to dozens of places and marketed to newbies, or people buying in niches who don't care about IM or even know about PLR, is the marketer really headed toward rep-suicide? And, would it matter if they could just repurpose the stuff and sell it again under a different pen name.

      Remember, a lot of people buy stuff that ends up on the hard drive for 50 years... barely half-read in most cases.

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      • Profile picture of the author Bill Guthrie
        Biz Boost, is there ever a concern that PLR is like playing that old game of "Telephone"? In other words, the PLR being purchased could in itself be tweaked/rehashed PLR from another source?

        At what point does the quality of content become so deluded it's not worth the investment?

        Thanks, and great thread!
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  • Profile picture of the author James A. Miller
    Originally Posted by BillyD View Post

    I love PLR products, especially when you're using the content to generate "ideas" and then modifying from there, thus ending
    up with your own creation.

    I've taken an idea from an article and turned it into an entire ebook.
    You don't really need PLR content to get ideas. You can get them from any book and turn them into your own product because "ideas" aren't copyrightable.
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    • Profile picture of the author BillyD
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[685197].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sylviad
        Taking a line out of context doesn't really tell us the whole story.

        Why was this person asking? Is he/she looking for:
        new information?
        ready-to-use articles?
        articles that can easily be rewritten?

        What is his/her situation? A person who:
        has difficulty writing content?
        needs material for an auto responder?
        content for a newsletter?

        There are many questions that are not answered. Depending on how the articles are used, they might not need to be rewritten or reworked at all (ie: if used in auto responders). This could be why the person wants fairly fresh PLR.

        Other than that, some good points have been made here.

        Ideas come from somewhere. Information, once found, can be reused and
        that doesn't necessarily include the type of content that we've all seen in "...warmed over PLR/MRR...", which can be mediocre at best. The longer the material has been around, the more useless it is. At some point, little
        can be done to it without just starting over from scratch.

        My guess is that this is the person's point. But I could be wrong, of course.

        Just my 2 cents.

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        • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
          I rarely purchase PLR and I don't like to use it. I'd rather write my own or pay one of my writers to do it. It isn't an issue of quality, but of originality. Sure, you can spin it your own way, but that takes more time than writing it does (at least for me). It does work as an outline or to help flesh out other products, but something about it just doesn't feel right for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    I have a big package I put together of PLR stuff.. articles, software, ebooks, etc..

    I offer it as an oto on the thank you page of one of my squeeze pages. Now this isn't even in the IM niche (!) - it was a total accident using it for this list, yet I still made around 20 sales a month from it (at $27 each) for around 10 months (I just pulled it down a few months ago). Now, this is about the laziest use of PLR in the world, yet it still made me money!

    I also have found plr great for filling up my autoresponders with content (in niches I have no desire to make a name for myself in). Heck, leveraging plr has been great for me..


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  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    Originally Posted by BillyD View Post

    Absolutely true, but the cool thing with PLR is you have the idea,
    the outline, and the MEAT of your product before you ever get
    started. Then you can modify from there, which you CANNOT do
    with just books off the shelf (unless you're a crook =)

    The bulk of what I often hear people saying about how to use plr (like it's their research material), is in fact legal to do with 'real' books, etc.

    You can take something that's copyrighted, put it into your own words, and sell it. It's the actual words used to explain an idea/concept that is protected under copyright law. It's patent law that protects ideas/concepts.


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  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    The longer the material has been around, the more useless it is.
    The bulk of my income comes from simple text squeeze pages, using an autoresponder for promoting affiliate products.

    This is pretty darn basic (I actually learned it from articles at EA!), and there's plenty of years-old plr around talkng about it.. yet it still makes me thousands of dollars every month. The funny thing is this: I could make a wso about it, and would get slammed by people (who don't make money, or very little) that it was old rehashed stuff they already knew

    These old worn-out tactics will probably make me over 10k this month..

    So, not everything that is old is worthless

    edit: sorry, I got pulled off topic. But my point is old info does not always mean useless or bad info.


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  • Profile picture of the author Bev Clement
    It seems that some people who buy PLR only buy unrestricted PLR which comes from wholesalers, and yes a lot of that isn't good quality.

    But, there are a lot of writers who produce good quality PLR because they care about what they write and sell.

    To say that a producer of PLR never cares because they don't put their name on it is totally false. That is another one of the myth that surround PLR. The other is that all PLR is crap.

    How many writers have people asked if they use the PLR material they produce? How many different places have people bought from to say ALL PLR is crap?

    Normally, these people have assumed that writers don't use their material.

    Normally, these people have bought cheap, unrestricted rights PLR from wholesalers which has been on the market for years.

    Yesterday, I saw some PLR which was claimed to be brand new, never before seen and it was first released over 2 years ago, and I can point you to a site where you can get it for $0.99.

    Some of us understand about PLR and how it works.

    We had a membership site for PLR report (it's closed so don't ask about it) we did a weekly PLR for our members and then sold the remaining licences.

    We did indepth research into the subjects.

    We wrote a 4,000+ word report on the subject and then sold it.

    We kept 1 licence for ourselves for each set of PLR article and reports written.

    We then using that research changed the report into a book of at least 6,000 words some being 10,000 + words.

    We then created the graphics, sales page etc and sold it with personal rights.

    If a writer understands the niche from the research they did, they are in a far better position to change a PLR they have written to create a product they can sell to the non-IM world.
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  • Profile picture of the author BizBoost
    Originally Posted by Charles Montgomery View Post

    (cut) However, I have been able to take the outlines of those ebooks and create my own. Then use some of the general info as chapter openers, then go into more detail. So, PLR is a great resource to help create your own resource, by giving you a good outline.

    Also, I have come to REALLY love PLR articles. I use them in one niche as blog posts. I simply rewrite the titles and the first paragraph, and I am earning some pretty cool passive adsense income from this.

    PLR ROCKS, but only if you use it correctly.
    Good testimonial, Charles. Thank you.

    Originally Posted by Justin Jordan View Post

    But even beyond that, there's a business incentive to produce quality work, because you can charge more and, crucially, have people buy PLR more than once.
    Ah, thinking like a true businessman, Justin. Great point. Better PLR leads to better word of mouth (affiliates, etc), greater longevity.

    Originally Posted by BillyD View Post

    I love PLR products, especially when you're using the content to generate "ideas" and then modifying from there, thus ending up with your own creation.

    I've taken an idea from an article and turned it into an entire ebook.

    Right now I'm working on breaking an ebook into articles to publish on a website, then from another ebook creating an ecourse as an incentive to capture visitor info


    Again, your imagination is the only limit. But it still helps to have a step by step...
    Truly stated. Although one can get ideas from anywhere, it sometimes helps to have the flow of the whole original article/ebook, etc around as guidance. Thank you.

    Originally Posted by James A. Miller View Post

    You don't really need PLR content to get ideas. You can get them from any book and turn them into your own product because "ideas" aren't copyrightable.
    This is true, however, I think, because this was in the context of PLR, he was just sharing his experience and passion for reconstituting it. But, you are definitely right and it's good for others to think about what you said. Thank you.

    Originally Posted by Bill Guthrie View Post

    Biz Boost, is there ever a concern that PLR is like playing that old game of "Telephone"? In other words, the PLR being purchased could in itself be tweaked/rehashed PLR from another source?

    At what point does the quality of content become so deluded it's not worth the investment?

    Thanks, and great thread!
    You're welcome, Bill. And what a GREAT question you just asked. I'm willing to bet that your point of concern can happen right from the start. After all, how do we know if an original author is an expert in the topic at all? It could just be a high school kid with some writing skill who, though technically accurate, could pump out some very generic, boring, tasteless PLR. Like, a person with no connection to the topic at all.

    But, more along the spirit of what you ask for, once again, I think it's incumbent upon each marketer to take responsibility for what they product/reconstitute and make sure that the information is accurate and, as promised.

    What you have just struck upon, perhaps unwittingly, but due to your great question, is that there might very well be a market for helping people reconstitute PLR in ways that will give them an edge over others.

    Rather than just spinning PLR by replacing phrase X with phrase Y, or rewriting the first paragraph, you could teach people how to inject some personality, some key attention-holding phrases, and stuff that makes people WANT to buy more from you.

    Give it some thought. I think you're onto something! Thanks to you, too!

    Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post

    If you are going to spend money on PLR, the smart thing is to know who you are dealing with. I get tons of PLR completely free and in a couple of membership sites so I only pay for the good stuff.

    The good stuff to me is by people that I know and have good reputations for creating high quality work.

    Tina G
    Hi Tina... what an excellent piece of advice. However, it's not always possible for people to know from whom they are getting PLR. Some of it is so inexpensive that people are willing to take the risk and then its up to them to repurpose it well. However, if one should find some high-quality, reliable sources, as have you, then that is something to definitely cherish. Thank you.

    Originally Posted by sylviad View Post

    Taking a line out of context doesn't really tell us the whole story.
    So true, Sylvia. Fortunately, however, the respondents, so far, have taken it the way in which I'd intended for them.

    Originally Posted by sylviad View Post

    Other than that, some good points have been made here.

    Ideas come from somewhere. Information, once found, can be reused and that doesn't necessarily include the type of content that we've all seen in "...warmed over PLR/MRR...", which can be mediocre at best. The longer the material has been around, the more useless it is. At some point, little can be done to it without just starting over from scratch.

    My guess is that this is the person's point. But I could be wrong, of course. Just my 2 cents. Sylvia
    That's ok, Sylvia, I get your point. I think what matters most is that, even if somewhat bland, true PLR, done sincerely, can always be reconstituted. "Bad PLR", however, really shouldn't even be called PLR. It should be called "crap" and the nature of the "free market" will eventually cull the purveyor of such crap out of the long-term flow of a decent living. Thanks much for your thoughts on the matter.
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  • Profile picture of the author freudianslip27
    I think that "spinning" PLR and making it out to be something its not is wrong, but the bottom line is that if you are offering your customers valuable information that they need and will benefit from, what does it matter where it came from?


    WarriorForum Rules!

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    • Profile picture of the author BizBoost
      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      I Disagree

      I think innovation is where the juice is and regurgitating other peoples stuff is just plain lazy and prone to reduce poorer results too.
      My friend, with all due respect, I must reject your characterization of your comment as "disagreement."

      For, one of the tenets to which I instantly apply, was stated in my original post as, "Duplicate, then innovate." So, you seem to subscribe to part of the tenet and, therefore, cannot be in complete disagreement. We just have to come to terms on the issue of innovation's "timing."

      Originally Posted by edhan View Post

      Yes. I totally agreed. But the problem people are facing is when they buy the PLR articles, they are not good in writing. That's the reason why they are buying the PLR articles.
      What a very good point, Ed. That thought hasn't surfaced yet here so it's good you bring it up. Thanks.

      Originally Posted by edhan View Post

      Yes, I agreed that one has to take time to re-write a little with modification to make it different and again, people do not know how to do so. The problem facing these people are they do not know how to do it. So ended up dumping everything they bought into blogs or websites.
      This is funny, actually, in the sense that this opens up a new possibility of repurposing peoples PLR for them rather than either disappearing amidst the copy/pasters, or mechanically spinning it into something like Frankenstein's article.

      Originally Posted by edhan View Post

      Maybe it will be a good idea for them to hire someone to write unique PLR articles instead. That way, they will not need to do modification or changes. Hire someone to design web design or sale pages and it will be straight forward to publish online. Frankly, up to date, I am still facing the problem of writing good articles or doing sale pages.
      Question is, do they want to spend $15-$25/mo for the PLR memberships and slap up tons of PLR month after month, hoping to see what sticks... or will they want to seem to go backwards to paying more for less with no way of determing just how successful such unique content will really be. lol, I'm liking all these replies and the considerations they produce. Thanks.

      Originally Posted by freudianslip27 View Post

      I think that "spinning" PLR and making it out to be something its not is wrong, but the bottom line is that if you are offering your customers valuable information that they need and will benefit from, what does it matter where it came from? Matt
      Bingo, Matt! As I said, as long as the marketer doesn't make false promises or exaggerate claims, then as long as it reaches its target audience, those who need it, what's the big deal, eh? Good point, Matt, thanks.

      Thanks again, to all my Warrior Compadres
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  • Profile picture of the author BizBoost
    Originally Posted by ProductCreator View Post

    Calling PLR crap is not being an "elitist snob". If the guy is successful at selling in that way then he obviously strikes a chord with many who agree him.

    Some PLR is good but I would say that most of it is lacking. I wish people would just refuse to buy or get refunds on the crap PLR because this would force writers to increase their quality overall.
    Exactly! That's one of the points I put forth that the "free market" will, ultimately, decide whether crappy PLR-creation will leave people so starved for quality that the places KNOWN for quality PLR will gain more followers and more quality-based PLR places will pop up to answer the call.

    So, anyways, if you re-read my original post, accurately, you'll see that I did not suggest the quoted person was an elitist snob. Only that it was my initial impression which was immediately rectified. However, there are going to be those who don't get beyond that initial impression.

    So, why is an entrepreneur worrying himself as to whether something is "warmed over PLR" when it's only $17 and, supposedly, as an entrepreneur, he should be able to turn water into wine. Perhaps because he is not an entrepreneur... but only someone who IMAGINES he is.

    Because, he certainly wasn't thinking like one.

    Originally Posted by Nathan Hangen View Post

    I rarely purchase PLR and I don't like to use it. I'd rather write my own or pay one of my writers to do it. It isn't an issue of quality, but of originality. Sure, you can spin it your own way, but that takes more time than writing it does (at least for me). It does work as an outline or to help flesh out other products, but something about it just doesn't feel right for me.
    I understand. However, considering the 100s of 1000s of new people coming on every year, do you really think it's both necessary, and feasible, to write all kinds of new stuff?

    If that's the case, then I think you'd be an author... someone self-employed. Because, the only business an entrepreneur has in writing original material is when he wants to do his, or her, own bio.

    Originally Posted by jasonl70 View Post

    The bulk of my income comes from simple text squeeze pages, using an autoresponder for promoting affiliate products.

    This is pretty darn basic (I actually learned it from articles at EA!), and there's plenty of years-old plr around talkng about it.. yet it still makes me thousands of dollars every month. The funny thing is this: I could make a wso about it, and would get slammed by people (who don't make money, or very little) that it was old rehashed stuff they already knew

    These old worn-out tactics will probably make me over 10k this month..

    So, not everything that is old is worthless

    edit: sorry, I got pulled off topic. But my point is old info does not always mean useless or bad info.
    My friend, you did not get pulled off topic... not at all. What you just did was the mark of a VERY happy, satisfied entrepreneur who has learned how to use, or find, PLR and put it to immediate, profitable use. You weren't, for example, asking a notable marketer if their MRR was "warmed over PLR".... Kudos, Jason.

    Originally Posted by Bev Clement View Post

    It seems that some people who buy PLR only buy unrestricted PLR which comes from wholesalers, and yes a lot of that isn't good quality.
    But, what are you referring to as "not good quality?" Because, there's true crap which should not even be called PLR but should, instead, be called a "crime" because of its misleading nature; and, which should, eventually, die away by the free market choosing to go in different directions seeking quality.

    But, don't you think that even bland PLR, could be nicely reconstituted, and shored up, with a very small amount of work?

    Originally Posted by Bev Clement View Post

    But, there are a lot of writers who produce good quality PLR because they care about what they write and sell.
    What if the target audience doesn't need a caring writer but just a strong foundation in something that doesn't overwhelm them? Believe me, beekeepers, for instance, don't need the kind of crap rewrites from PLR no matter how good they are because, for example, they belong to institutions and associations which turn them on to the best resources. So, when working PLR, we aren't talking about Herculean feats.

    Originally Posted by Bev Clement View Post

    To say that a producer of PLR never cares because they don't put their name on it is totally false. That is another one of the myth that surround PLR. The other is that all PLR is crap.
    These are both true. Good points, Bev.

    Originally Posted by Bev Clement View Post

    Normally, these people have bought cheap, unrestricted rights PLR from wholesalers which has been on the market for years.

    Yesterday, I saw some PLR which was claimed to be brand new, never before seen and it was first released over 2 years ago, and I can point you to a site where you can get it for $0.99.
    As long as it's updated, this stuff can still be of great value. It just takes a little more than copy/paste, is all... but it doesn't have to be new PLR. The new PLR could cost $50 to have written, or take a few days to write. But that $.99 could serve the purpose just as well if someone took a couple of hours to spruce it up.

    Originally Posted by Bev Clement View Post

    Some of us understand about PLR and how it works.

    We had a membership site for PLR report (it's closed so don't ask about it) we did a weekly PLR for our members and then sold the remaining licences.

    We did indepth research into the subjects.

    We wrote a 4,000+ word report on the subject and then sold it.

    We kept 1 licence for ourselves for each set of PLR article and reports written.

    We then using that research changed the report into a book of at least 6,000 words some being 10,000 + words.

    We then created the graphics, sales page etc and sold it with personal rights.

    If a writer understands the niche from the research they did, they are in a far better position to change a PLR they have written to create a product they can sell to the non-IM world.
    Absolutely, Bev, and, undoubtedly, you seem to represent the "Golden Example" of how PLR can be used to maximum effect. And yet, most PLR is not written, or used, for that. I maintain you are the exception and that others can also reach your level but that the nature of PLR makes your situation the exception rather than the rule.

    Originally Posted by fan994 View Post

    Wow!! You hit the nail on the head. There are so many old PLR articles and reports out there that are a diamond in the rough when it comes to quality information. Actually a lot of the old books that are in the public domain are still being used today.
    Yes, there you go. The information in some public domain books is timeless and priceless. But who wants to take the time to find it and reconstitute it when there's a PLR club that paid $2k to a top-notch copywriter to press all your buttons with a sense of urgency unlike anything you've felt since that time you ate a bad order of Egg Foo Yung?

    Thanks again, to everyone, for all your responses,
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    • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
      Originally Posted by BizBoost View Post

      I understand. However, considering the 100s of 1000s of new people coming on every year, do you really think it's both necessary, and feasible, to write all kinds of new stuff?

      If that's the case, then I think you'd be an author... someone self-employed. Because, the only business an entrepreneur has in writing original material is when he wants to do his, or her, own bio.

      Absolutely untrue...just because I work for myself doesn't mean I shouldn't write my own stuff. Hell, that's half the problem in this industry is that people are recycling the same old shit and then calling it the hottest new whatever that will make you millions, solve your health problems, and help you get your ex back immediately.

      I take pride in using my own experiences and my own methods and putting them into digital form. I'm sorry, but I like to do honest work for a living and I'm in it to contribute, not just make a buck.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[686070].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dellco
        Originally Posted by Nathan Hangen View Post

        Absolutely untrue...just because I work for myself doesn't mean I shouldn't write my own stuff. Hell, that's half the problem in this industry is that people are recycling the same old shit and then calling it the hottest new whatever that will make you millions, solve your health problems, and help you get your ex back immediately.

        I take pride in using my own experiences and my own methods and putting them into digital form. I'm sorry, but I like to do honest work for a living and I'm in it to contribute, not just make a buck.
        That's good to hear. My blog where I write myself is actually still my highest visited site.

        But at the same time, we can learn a thing or two, from Taiwan and Japan, which you can think of as essentially taking "PLR" to a very high level and actually improving upon it.
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      • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
        Originally Posted by Nathan Hangen View Post

        Absolutely untrue...just because I work for myself doesn't mean I shouldn't write my own stuff. Hell, that's half the problem in this industry is that people are recycling the same old shit and then calling it the hottest new whatever that will make you millions, solve your health problems, and help you get your ex back immediately.

        I take pride in using my own experiences and my own methods and putting them into digital form. I'm sorry, but I like to do honest work for a living and I'm in it to contribute, not just make a buck.
        I don't think I've taken issue with anything you've posted before, so don't take it the wrong way when I take issue with this

        If I ask you how to make a doghouse, you think you would be doing me a dis-service by teaching me how to build a good-ole doghouse out of 2x4's and plywood using hand tools? It's a solid, fundemantaly sound solution that fits my needs.. the solution does not need to offer any new or groundbreaking twist - it needs to work. It doesn't need to contribute anything new to the field of doghouse building to be a valid and rock solid solution.

        Nor is it dishonest work for the guy who teaches it.

        I for one don't need new solutions.. I need effective solutions.

        And it seems more often then not, effective solutions are simple and well known.

        Heck - I built a pretty good business based on what I learned from old articles at ezinearticles! LOL I think we would all agree that EA is hardly a source for learning cutting edge techniques, and is usually of lower perceived quality and usefullness then PLR


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        • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
          Originally Posted by jasonl70 View Post

          I don't think I've taken issue with anything you've posted before, so don't take it the wrong way when I take issue with this

          If I ask you how to make a doghouse, you think you would be doing me a dis-service by teaching me how to build a good-ole doghouse out of 2x4's and plywood using hand tools? It's a solid, fundemantaly sound solution that fits my needs.. the solution does not need to offer any new or groundbreaking twist - it needs to work. It doesn't need to contribute anything new to the field of doghouse building to be a valid and rock solid solution.

          Nor is it dishonest work for the guy who teaches it.

          I for one don't need new solutions.. I need effective solutions.

          And it seems more often then not, effective solutions are simple and well known.

          Heck - I built a pretty good business based on what I learned from old articles at ezinearticles! LOL I think we would all agree that EA is hardly a source for learning cutting edge techniques, and is usually of lower perceived quality and usefullness then PLR

          Well there is a difference between building a dog house and teaching people how to make money online. I also wouldn't sell any other tactic I haven't tried on my own, whether in the health niche, IM niche, or any other niche. I just don't like teaching something I haven't done or learned on my own. It feels sleazy to me.

          Another issue is trying to stand out...tough to do if you use recycled material. If I want to sell a book on building a doghouse, I'd do something that is slightly different or better than what everyone else is doing.

          Sure, might cost more or take more work, but I'm willing to accept that.

          Oh, and btw, no offense taken
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      • Profile picture of the author Robert Puddy
        Originally Posted by Nathan Hangen View Post

        Absolutely untrue...just because I work for myself doesn't mean I shouldn't write my own stuff. Hell, that's half the problem in this industry is that people are recycling the same old shit and then calling it the hottest new whatever that will make you millions, solve your health problems, and help you get your ex back immediately.

        I take pride in using my own experiences and my own methods and putting them into digital form. I'm sorry, but I like to do honest work for a living and I'm in it to contribute, not just make a buck.
        This makes you a big part of the reason why people fail online...

        If your new (even if your not new) you need to learn and implement the basics first. Replace the phrase rehashed crap with time tested and proven.

        Biggest pit fall I see in coaching students is this crap idea they have to be innovative, pulls them all over the internet playing catch up and never succeeding at anything.

        BASICS FIRST LAST AND EVRYTHING IN BETWEEN will earn you far more than innovative. only when you have completely mastered the basics time tested solutions so they work like clockwork do you look for innovation.

        Its an argument i have with Andy all the time. got to learn the basics first and get really good at it before looking to branch out, or all your doing is dooming people to fail.


        PS: I can say something in a coaching call I dont think is significant, its an old time tested piece of information, and thats usually the point i get asked to expand on. When you give them the innovation sexy stuff they very often cant make it work because they dont have the basic knowledge thats the glue that binds it together
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        • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
          Originally Posted by Robert Puddy View Post

          This makes you a big part of the reason why people fail online...

          I am responsible only for my own results...I'm doing just fine

          If your new (even if your not new) you need to learn and implement the basics first. Replace the phrase rehashed crap with time tested and proven.

          Basics of understanding marketing, getting traffic, using opt-ins, and creating offers - yes that is all basics. I don't think you can lump PLR in with that. PLR might be time tested and proven, but for me it is a question of ethics.

          Biggest pit fall I see in coaching students is this crap idea they have to be innovative, pulls them all over the internet playing catch up and never succeeding at anything.

          Being innovative and original can launch you over your competition if done right...however, being there does have to be a need that your product fills.

          BASICS FIRST LAST AND EVRYTHING IN BETWEEN will earn you far more than innovative. only when you have completely mastered the basics time tested solutions so they work like clockwork do you look for innovation.

          Again, I don't see how selling the same recycled info has anything to do with basics.

          Its an argument i have with Andy all the time. got to learn the basics first and get really good at it before looking to branch out, or all your doing is dooming people to fail.

          Again...I rarely use PLR and I'm doing just fine. I'd rather pay someone to research and write a book than I would sell one that is the same as everything else.

          Now, in my mind there is a difference between PLR and public information. I don't see a problem with researching public information and then creating a product from it. There is a difference between originality and innovation.


          PS: I can say something in a coaching call I dont think is significant, its an old time tested piece of information, and thats usually the point i get asked to expand on. When you give them the innovation sexy stuff they very often cant make it work because they dont have the basic knowledge thats the glue that binds it together
          My response is in bold.
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          • Profile picture of the author Robert_Rand
            Anyone who understands Business knows the power of Licensing.

            Smart business owners certainly do.

            It happens in the "REAL world" all time.

            For example, when Ted Turner bought Hannah Barbera, which gave them all the content they needed for the Cartoon Network.

            It's the exact same thing online - you buy a couple of resale rights products and brand them into your own new product that will be of value to someone.


            It's called making deals vs. "trying to do it all yourself"

            Isn't that what business is all about?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[687162].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
              Originally Posted by Robert_Rand View Post

              Anyone who understands Business knows the power of Licensing.

              Smart business owners certainly do.

              It happens in the "REAL world" all time.

              For example, when Ted Turner bought Hannah Barbera, which gave them all the content they needed for the Cartoon Network.

              It's the exact same thing online - you buy a couple of resale rights products and brand them into your own new product that will be of value to someone.


              It's called making deals vs. "trying to do it all yourself"

              Isn't that what business is all about?

              The difference is that in your example, Turner owned the rights to that content, so it wasn't being used by anyone else. I guess the distinction, which is something that others have said, is that you still have to use the content to create your own. I can use PLR for ideas, but honestly I find it easier to create from scratch rather than rewriting PLR.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[687179].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Robert_Rand
                Originally Posted by Nathan Hangen View Post

                The difference is that in your example, Turner owned the rights to that content, so it wasn't being used by anyone else. I guess the distinction, which is something that others have said, is that you still have to use the content to create your own. I can use PLR for ideas, but honestly I find it easier to create from scratch rather than rewriting PLR.
                The bottom line is it's all about the marketing.

                That's the skill that trumps "originality or content"

                Of course you should have a high quality product - but to me that just goes without saying. Whether it's "100% original" is completely irrelevant to someone who simply wants a solution to a problem.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[687229].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
                  Originally Posted by Robert_Rand View Post

                  The bottom line is it's all about the marketing.

                  That's the skill that trumps "originality or content"

                  Of course you should have a high quality product - but to me that just goes without saying. Whether it's "100% original" is completely irrelevant to someone who simply wants a solution to a problem.

                  Sure, you can sell ice to Eskimos with good marketing, but that doesn't mean you should. High quality is very least for me.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Hililuud
                    Originally Posted by Nathan Hangen View Post

                    Sure, you can sell ice to Eskimos with good marketing, but that doesn't mean you should. High quality is very least for me.
                    orignality doesn't always increase quality, nor does taking a plr and just extending it.

                    Great marketing can get you a sell regaurdless, so it doesn't matter how many times a plr is sold. Caring about the content more than the sale is the difference between an entreprenuer and a writer.
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                    • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
                      Originally Posted by Hililuud View Post

                      orignality doesn't always increase quality, nor does taking a plr and just extending it.

                      Great marketing can get you a sell regaurdless, so it doesn't matter how many times a plr is sold. Caring about the content more than the sale is the difference between an entreprenuer and a writer.

                      Like I said, great marketing can get you a sale, but that doesn't make it right. I don't sell junk, maybe some people feel comfortable with that, but I don't.

                      Now, I'm not saying PLR is junk, and I'm not trying to be a PLR nazi, but that's just my business model. You don't have to like it, but it works for me.

                      I personally don't feel comfortable selling anything that isn't a quality product.
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  • Profile picture of the author StageREM
    Being a "newbie" I have tried several PLR/MRR products without much success but it was my fault because I did not look at the product as a starting point...I looked at the PLR/MRR products as packages and just added a new bow. I have now found that if you do some research and make some updates and in my case employ a seasoned writer you can take a proven product and make it a winner once again!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    I need to build a doghouse.

    Don't sell me any crap that says to buy some 2x4's and plywood! That junk has been around for ages, there's no way it would work anymore.

    Everyone know's that in todays world, you need to build a prototype, make a mold of it, and then make it out of carbon fiber and other composites, coated with the latest water repellant, and impregnated with k9 phermones and feline dander.

    Of course, it also requires lots of super-secret underground ninja techniques to build a dog house that actually works.

    If you send me some schematics and require the use of lumber, you are just trying to scam me and my poor cold and wet dog!


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    • Profile picture of the author BizBoost
      Originally Posted by jasonl70 View Post

      I need to build a doghouse.

      Don't sell me any crap that says to buy some 2x4's and plywood! That junk has been around for ages, there's no way it would work anymore.

      Everyone know's that in todays world, you need to build a prototype, make a mold of it, and then make it out of carbon fiber and other composites, coated with the latest water repellant, and impregnated with k9 phermones and feline dander.

      Of course, it also requires lots of super-secret underground ninja techniques to build a dog house that actually works.

      If you send me some schematics and require the use of lumbar, you are just trying to scam me and my poor cold and wet dog!
      Wouldn't you just ask for a refund and then, the marketer would get the idea that maybe they aren't using their PLR properly? Eventually, the "free market", which is ALWAYS accompanied by the phrase, "buyer beware", would cull out the purveyors of yesteryears plans. Which is why I stated earlier, that it really comes down to the skills and integrity of the marketer using the PLR.

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  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    lol - that was my attempt at sarcasm... obviously a normal dog house works just fine


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  • Profile picture of the author Alvina Torres
    I am a huge fan of PLR...I didn't get into it but a couple months ago and i must admit I started out but just slapping them up as is. Then i was accussed of being a plagarist on another forum and got all kings of mad..I still do that from time to time but my own creative juices have been flowing so much that I mostly use them as swipe files now. My most recent article was so good it has been plagarissed over the net I am soo flattered and pizzed at the same time. What part of keep author box intack do they not understand...thank goodness for copyscape.

    what you were saying about titles is soo true. I was looking for the lyrics to porcelain doll earlier today and was suprised at how many artist have the same was confusing for a sec but i found it yeah! i love that song gonna do a cover of it on day

    elitist...yeah people at just plain snotty. yeah so your prefer to work hard and not outsource good for you what you want a cookie? *rolls eyes*

    nite ya'll

    -ps sorry for any sp? i'm tooo sleepy to care.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alminc
    I give my vote to PLR products.
    If you look at PLR content as first 'draft'
    for your product based on it, then you
    have the right attityde.

    PLR content is raw material that needs
    to be improved. It's easier to start with
    something on the screen than write
    everything from scratch.
    No links :)
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  • Profile picture of the author SiteSeller52
    You know I mainly use PLR for articles, newsletters, and blog posts.

    I find an interesting story, or some solid content that teaches one method or another and then I use each chapter as a different article, newsletter, or post.

    Now I obviously rewrite the articles with dragon dictate to make the content more like me and my style, but it works, and the value it gives my viewers, subscribers, and those who happen across my blog is tremendous.

    We are all crunched for time and if we all took the time to write a new article, newsletter, or blog post every time we needed one, we would all be writing articles all day long and we would never have the time to do the things that are more important.

    I think that some people would be surprised to see the sheer amount of people who don't want to wait for part 2 or 3 or 4 and so on.

    It's like a television series that always leaves you wanting more, that's the emotion I cater to when I want to keep them coming back, and I do it with PLR content and books.

    To top it all off I give them what they want without pitching to them every other paragraph.

    I do however use CPA lead and a few other methods every other chapter or two and it makes me some money, but money isn't the focus for who I target with this, these people are used to being pitched to and can see it a mile away, just like all of us can.

    I use the PLR to:

    1.) Warm them up.

    2.) Establish Myself as an Authority (Using "How To" PLR)

    3.) Answer Questions Presented on the Blog and/or Through Email (Its good to see what people still need help with or have the hardest time comprehending even when everything they need is right there in front of them. Its good info for future marketing)

    4.) Build and Establish Trust

    It seems some people just "flip" the PLR content as is with no change whatsoever (except usually the graphics), this is what ends up giving PLR a bad name, especially when it is bad content to begin with, outdated, washed out, written horribly, or the method just doesn't work.

    Those who care about their customers and subscribers would never pass "Warmed Over PLR Crap" to them. We want them to succeed with what we theach them, we want them to have a solid foundation in the basics, we want to give them an answer/solution to their biggest obstacle/problem. If they do good, we do better.

    Its a let me help you help me type of sittuation. My point with all of this is PLR if used in the right way can help you skyrocket conversions, build a great reputation, help others to succeed, and overall it can help you grow your business while leaving more time for things that require a lot more attention than adding content, writing articles, or posting on your blog does/should.

    Thanks to all of you for giving me a place to let all of this out, keep an eye open for more posts from me because I have been holding a lot in for a long time, and I think it's about time I let it out.

    To Our Success,
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  • Profile picture of the author dndoseller
    I agree, and hiring someone to do your PLR rewrites is an even faster route to unique content, since it is usually cheaper.
    Signature - Royalty Free Music for Marketing Videos

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    • Profile picture of the author BizBoost
      Originally Posted by Nathan Hangen View Post

      Like I said, great marketing can get you a sale, but that doesn't make it right. I don't sell junk, maybe some people feel comfortable with that, but I don't.

      Now, I'm not saying PLR is junk, and I'm not trying to be a PLR nazi, but that's just my business model. You don't have to like it, but it works for me.

      I personally don't feel comfortable selling anything that isn't a quality product.
      Hi Nathan, for most people, a baseball is a baseball. For all the kids playing pick-me-up games, or catch, in their neighborhoods and local parks, a generic baseball will do just fine.

      A purist could argue that an "official ball" will have a more realistic feel and throw more accurately and so on, but it has absolutely no bearing on the target audience. So, why shouldn't a company order the same baseballs from the same Philliphine company that 90% of all other baseball vendors do and just repackage it differently?

      If Joe's Baseballs fails to put on the box, "Made with 100% aerodynamic slipcover for smooth sailing!" but Mike's Baseball does... then Mike is the better marketer and mikes makes the bigger sales.

      Same baseball... Same quality... Kids are still happy. But, Mike's happier than Joe.

      Originally Posted by SiteSeller52 View Post

      It's like a television series that always leaves you wanting more, that's the emotion I cater to when I want to keep them coming back, and I do it with PLR content and books.

      To top it all off I give them what they want without pitching to them every other paragraph.

      I do however use CPA lead and a few other methods every other chapter or two and it makes me some money, but money isn't the focus for who I target with this, these people are used to being pitched to and can see it a mile away, just like all of us can.

      I use the PLR to:

      1.) Warm them up.

      2.) Establish Myself as an Authority (Using "How To" PLR)

      3.) Answer Questions Presented on the Blog and/or Through Email (Its good to see what people still need help with or have the hardest time comprehending even when everything they need is right there in front of them. Its good info for future marketing)

      4.) Build and Establish Trust

      It seems some people just "flip" the PLR content as is with no change whatsoever (except usually the graphics), this is what ends up giving PLR a bad name, especially when it is bad content to begin with, outdated, washed out, written horribly, or the method just doesn't work.

      Those who care about their customers and subscribers would never pass "Warmed Over PLR Crap" to them. We want them to succeed with what we theach them, we want them to have a solid foundation in the basics, we want to give them an answer/solution to their biggest obstacle/problem. If they do good, we do better.

      Its a let me help you help me type of sittuation. My point with all of this is PLR if used in the right way can help you skyrocket conversions, build a great reputation, help others to succeed, and overall it can help you grow your business while leaving more time for things that require a lot more attention than adding content, writing articles, or posting on your blog does/should.
      Hi Matt, good formula to follow.

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      • Profile picture of the author bellis160
        I'm relatively new to internet marketing and find this thread facinating. What I can't understand is why anyone would have a prejudice against private label content. Stores are filled with these kinds of products. I'd go so far to say there are more private label products on the market than original products.

        My first job while in high school was working for a company that made pickles. I would be packing pickle jars in boxes and see jar after jar of the same exact product being labeled and marketed by at least a dozen different companies. All were selling the exact same pickles out the exact same vat.

        Walk through any book store and look for a book for counting calories. You should be able to find about 6 or so and every one of them will be selling the exact same information. Repackaged, relabeled but otherwise essentially the same.

        I don't see any real difference between what these companies are doing and what an internet marketer does when he spins PLR. You offer the same (presumably good) content and try to market it better than the next guy.

        If the product is crap (doesn't meet the market's need) they won't be successful. If the product does meet the customers need then who has the right to say the marketer shouldn't sell it?

        This is something that should be determined strictly by the marketplace.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bev Clement
    Nathan I have to say, you seem to have a closed mind when it comes to PLR. I would be the first to agree that most of it is total rubbish, but not all is.

    This is where I have a problem with what you say. You are happy to pay a writer to write a report/articles/book for you to sell. You are happy because you believe they will do indepth research and give you quality. Why does the same writer then write junk because they make it PLR? Don't you think they can and do the same amount of research as they did for your request? Don't you think they can and do write the same quality whether they write for a client or creating PLR?

    Some writers take a pride in their work, and they don't care who the client is, they research the topic/niche to the same extent for whatever they write about.

    I write for 2 types of clients, one is a client who comes with a request to write on a specific topic, the other is for myself, and I may sell that report with personal rights only, or I might make it available as a PLR.

    I'm not saying you should or shouldn't use PLR but to say that it is junk just because it has a PLR label is crazy.

    I have seen as many crap reports written by people and sold with personal rights.

    The bottom line is a crap report is a crap report and has nothing to do with the rights given to it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
      Originally Posted by Bev Clement View Post

      Nathan I have to say, you seem to have a closed mind when it comes to PLR. I would be the first to agree that most of it is total rubbish, but not all is.

      Yes I do, but I'm entitled to having one

      This is where I have a problem with what you say. You are happy to pay a writer to write a report/articles/book for you to sell. You are happy because you believe they will do indepth research and give you quality. Why does the same writer then write junk because they make it PLR? Don't you think they can and do the same amount of research as they did for your request? Don't you think they can and do write the same quality whether they write for a client or creating PLR?

      I have a very small group of writers that I pay and I know exactly what they do to create articles for me. They are given detailed instruction. I didn't say all PLR is junk...I said most of it is. The difference between paying someone to write fresh content and using PLR is that I am the only one that has a license to that content. It is mine and unless someone steals it, you won't find it anywhere else. Small price to pay for uniqueness.

      Some writers take a pride in their work, and they don't care who the client is, they research the topic/niche to the same extent for whatever they write about.

      I agree...I've found many of them here.

      I write for 2 types of clients, one is a client who comes with a request to write on a specific topic, the other is for myself, and I may sell that report with personal rights only, or I might make it available as a PLR.

      I'm not saying you should or shouldn't use PLR but to say that it is junk just because it has a PLR label is crazy.

      I don't think I said that...but I'll take a 2nd look.

      I have seen as many crap reports written by people and sold with personal rights.

      The bottom line is a crap report is a crap report and has nothing to do with the rights given to it.

      Again, I don't disagree, but I prefer not to use PLR and I don't understand why people can't accept that? I've purchased it before and I will probably purchase it in the future, but it just doesn't fit with my business model.

      I don't mind taking the position of the anti-PLR guy, but really it amazes me by how many people feel this strongly about it.
      My reponses are in bold within yours
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    My only real difference of opinion was that old=crap And that very often the fundamentals are often covered somewhere in plr. My business is based on some fundemental and well known strategies, albeit sometimes with some 'tricks' on the tactical side when it comes to implementing them (which I have shared with you recently )

    I've seen a lot of bad plr, that was obviously written by people just going through the motions, but I've also come across some that was really good.

    As an expirement, I'm actually trying to put an entire sales funnel together using plr (well, except a big ticket item). Too bad the saless letters for everything I find seems to to suck


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    • Profile picture of the author Ram
      Originally Posted by jasonl70 View Post

      My only real difference of opinion was that old=crap (

      I've found the reverse to be true most of the time!

      A lot more marketers would be successful if they learned -- and applied -- the basics and quit trying to chase the ever-elusive next new thing, program, flashy gizmo, etc. that's supposed to magically transform their lives.

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      • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
        Originally Posted by Ram View Post

        I've found the reverse to be true most of the time!

        A lot more marketers would be successful if they learned -- and applied -- the basics and quit trying to chase the ever-elusive next new thing, program, flashy gizmo, etc. that's supposed to magically transform their lives.

        I was the one saying that old did not equal crap

        Simple squeeze pages & email marketing is 'old', yet it still works like gang-busters for me


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        • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
          Originally Posted by jasonl70 View Post

          I was the one saying that old did not equal crap

          Simple squeeze pages & email marketing is 'old', yet it still works like gang-busters for me
          I 2nd that and you'll have to forgive me, as I told BizBoost privately, a lot of what I say is intended to keep me from being bored until I return to the states...I enjoy "healthy" discussion
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          • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
            Originally Posted by Nathan Hangen View Post

            I 2nd that and you'll have to forgive me, as I told BizBoost privately, a lot of what I say is intended to keep me from being bored until I return to the states...I enjoy "healthy" discussion
            I grew up with a dad who's a lawyer - I learned to 'debate' things w/o taking it personal As he once told me when I was still just a kid - "we aren't arguing, we're just having an 'intellectual debate' ".


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  • Profile picture of the author Mark .W. James
    I sure as hell am glad that some marketers think PLR is crap.
    The more idiots out there, the lesser genuine competition I have.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
      Originally Posted by amudara View Post

      I sure as hell am glad that some marketers think PLR is crap.
      The more idiots out there, the lesser genuine competition I have.
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  • Profile picture of the author Peggy Baron
    This is an interesting thread and many good points have been made.

    I think that the people who sing the praises of PLR have actually taken PLR, changed it, added value, and gone on to have profitable success with it.

    PLR is not something you should buy willy nilly and stock up on your hard drive for some day when you might need it.

    Buy from a known quality PLR producer who stands by her/his name. Yes, there are quite a few of us here on the WF who do quality work. Buy knowing ahead of time what you want it for and what you intend to do with it. Then actually do what you set out to do.

    Your decision to use PLR or not is up to you. But don't slam it if you haven't tried to do more than slap it up, unchanged, on a website.

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  • Profile picture of the author tommygadget
    I write content for my members and I take quality VERY SERIOUSLY. I do the writing myself. It does not matter where the final product goes, I am not going to add to the web pollution that lots of people complain about. I also limit the quantity of distribution so it does not become tired and old. Having said that, the money is in the right niches and having the right backlinks. That is where your efforts should be focused if you want to make money.

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