First "Free Report" help

9 replies
I'm in the process of creating my first free report for my list building efforts and one of the things that I'm seeking some guidance on is how to go about finding a popular need in my niche?
Which is internet marketing. Even though this will be a give away I'd still like to treat it as though it's something I would purchase myself, so how do you go about finding something that people need help with to create my free report?
#finding #free report #niche #witin
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Falzone
    People are always in need of something that has new ideas and is innovative as well.

    Got any SEO knowledge? designing skills? anything else that you might think would be useful to your audience?
    Well... just make it!!
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  • Profile picture of the author FreeMeal
    Have a look at what people are asking for here on this forum. Or, think back to the sort of things you were confused about when you first started off, but that you're now fairly familiar with now. You might think it's common knowledge now, but to someone else, especially someone starting out, it could be helpful information.

    Giving it a snappy title and nice looking cover is half the battle too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    Originally Posted by RogerzWorld View Post

    I'm in the process of creating my first free report for my list building efforts and one of the things that I'm seeking some guidance on is how to go about finding a popular need in my niche?
    Which is internet marketing. Even though this will be a give away I'd still like to treat it as though it's something I would purchase myself, so how do you go about finding something that people need help with to create my free report?
    No offense, but if you're trying to create a report on an aspect of internet marketing and YOU don't know where to start, then you're simply unqualified to do so. Spend more time in the trenches before striking out on your own.
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    • Profile picture of the author RogerzWorld
      Originally Posted by TheRealDudeman View Post

      No offense, but if you're trying to create a report on an aspect of internet marketing and YOU don't know where to start, then you're simply unqualified to do so. Spend more time in the trenches before striking out on your own.
      Maybe I should be more clear in my post. I never said the words I "didn't know where to start" point here is to get some suggestions on a direction on finding a need in the IM niche.

      Not necessarily a how to or even what to do...

      One of the great things about this forum is the wealth of experience that can be leveraged and accessed. Why wouldn't I ask a question with so much value and experience constantly on display.

      Isn't that the point of a forum?

      By the way the moment a chose to become an entrepreneur I struck out on my own my mindset is what qualifies me...not my skill set.

      One thing I am and will always be is a student of life as well as IM, I will never hold the title of know it all.

      Thanks for your input though.
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      Using a 100% FR'EE System
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Are you building a list for general marketing purposes, or is there a specific product you eventually want to promote? And who are you targeting? Newbies? Hobbyists? People wanting to market other businesses?

        Simply asking what you should give away to build an IM list is way, way too broad to get a useful answer (although I'm going to guess that you will get plenty of answers, anyway).

        For example, if you want to target newbies who want part-time income, you might write a report on the options available and the pros/cons of each.

        If you have a specific product you want to promote to this group, you could do an analysis of the problem/challenge the product is meant to solve. You'll be educating your list to think about the problem a certain way, which might help them lean in the direction you want to take them. If they trust your analysis of the problem, they will also likely trust your solution.

        Of course, if you are building yet another churn-and-burn list to hammer with every cockamamie affiliate offer around, I suggest a simple one page PDF with the word "Sucker" in large type...
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    • Profile picture of the author footballfreak
      Absolulely agree - lots to learn before getting started.
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  • Profile picture of the author Beverley Boorer
    One thing that is always popular is how to get traffic. You could drill down into this topic by mentioning free traffic sources, paid traffic sources, which sources work best for which niches, what scams to watch out for in 'offers' and so on.
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  • Profile picture of the author SFM Champ
    I think that it would be good to discuss the basics of IM in a clear and concise way for your subscribers.
    I would be happy to share a few example "free reports" if you need inspiration.

    I have been an active member of The Six Figure Mentors since early 2011 where I actively mentor others in the promotion and sales of high ticket products using the latest online and offline marketing strategies in addition to tried and tested classic strategies.

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    • Profile picture of the author ferdmag
      The Warrior Forum is enough to give you that direction. Depending on the part of IM you want to build a list in, say CPA, product creation, adsense, writing, etc.., you can get fresh, handy ideas by looking through what people are asking on the threads in that section.
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