alternative of jvzoo?

13 replies

I do not have pypal account and I can not have JVzoo or Warrior Plus as those needs paypal account to receive payment for my WSO.

So I am facing really a big problem....

1. I can not let people buy my product easily.
2. I can not get affiliate

I am really upset as I could make much more money if I could have JVZOO or Warrior Plus.

At this moment I have only moneybookers and 2co payment mathod where I can get payment. I would love if you can share your experience wheter there is any other platform like JVZOO where I can get same facilities like JVZOO.

Your advice can change my life!

Thanks in advance
#alternative #jvzoo #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by wordpressmania View Post

    At this moment I have only moneybookers and 2co payment mathod where I can get payment.
    Isn't 2Checkout a good solution for you, then?

    Customers can even pay 2Checkout by PayPal without you needing to use PayPal yourself to collect the money.
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    • Profile picture of the author wordpressmania
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      Isn't 2Checkout a good solution for you, then?

      Customers can even pay 2Checkout by PayPal without you needing to use PayPal yourself to collect the money.
      You are right, I am using 2CO at this moment but it needs a lot of steps to collect payment using 2co....

      1. people will be sent to my product page from wso
      2. people will click add to cart and they will be sent to check out page
      3. after click checkout they will be moved to 2co
      4. after adding your billis address you will have to select paypal as payment
      5. then you will be redirected to paypal from 2co
      6. you pay
      7. redirected to 2co
      8. redirected to my website

      so it is complex and I am not happy. also the money is within the affiliates. I can not get people involved to promote my product as I do not have any option to pay their affiliate bills. So I need a better solution.

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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by wordpressmania View Post

        so it is complex and I am not happy.
        Yes, messy for a WSO - I see what you mean.

        Well, this is going to be a feature of the "non-PayPal systems", to some extent, perhaps?

        Originally Posted by wordpressmania View Post

        I can not get people involved to promote my product as I do not have any option to pay their affiliate bills.
        ClickBank? Plimus? Fastspring? (All allow people to pay by PayPal without you needing PayPal. You effectively have to allow payment by PayPal, for a WSO, otherwise you lose so many sales, I think?). At least with ClickBank, the affiliates don't have to worry about being paid? And you can certainly use CB for a WSO, as long as they'll approve the product.

        I don't know other options.
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        • Profile picture of the author wordpressmania
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          Yes, messy for a WSO - I see what you mean.

          Well, this is going to be a feature of the "non-PayPal systems", to some extent, perhaps?

          ClickBank? Plimus? Fastspring? (All allow people to pay by PayPal without you needing PayPal. You effectively have to allow payment by PayPal, for a WSO, otherwise you lose so many sales, I think?). At least with ClickBank, the affiliates don't have to worry about being paid? And you can certainly use CB for a WSO, as long as they'll approve the product.

          I don't know other options.
          Sadly, I can not have a Clickbank as my country is not listed in their website. I can get paypal using 2co and I think other services that receive paypal will be same as 2co, but I am much more curious about affiliates.

          Sometimes I think why there is so much limitation around me
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    • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
      I was about to say I agree but you can't put your 2c0 in jvzoo can you.
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      Isn't 2Checkout a good solution for you, then?

      Yeah looks like clickbank, harder to round up affiliates but doable and they pay by check or paypal.

      Customers can even pay 2Checkout by PayPal without you needing to use PayPal yourself to collect the money.
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  • Profile picture of the author kayfrank
    Is there a specific reason why you don't have paypal? It is certainly the easiest option and most well used and probably trusted online payment system.
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  • Profile picture of the author DanielleDeHann
    Clickbank allows accounts from almost any country as far as I know. I mean, no offense to anyone but they allow people from YEMEN to get an account. If they allow that, they allow pretty much anything.

    Anyway, If you can't get Clickbank why not use your own merchant and hook it up to something like Infusion or even E-Junkie. I don't know if you have a shot at getting a merchant since you can't get paypal or clickbank but it's worth the suggestion at least.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    I do have quite a few but I won't tell you them cause to get affiliates you really need to use jvzoo, warriorplus or zaxxa in fact they may do non paypal.

    You ever heard of networking, now might be a good time to do it.

    You will need paypal for instant commissions to your products. If you do land a big affiliate or even a seasoned small one, they are going to turn and walk away when they find out paypal is not an option and instant payments don't come. Wso affiliates like the instant commissions.
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    • Profile picture of the author majeemm
      Same problem here. After few days of research and asking some people it seems the best way is to use a PayPal account from a foreign friend preferable in the USA.

      Zaxaa now offers integration with and 2CO. Still Affiliates would need PayPal to receive Instant commissions. Its kinda tricky running a launch without Paypal involved.
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  • Profile picture of the author wordpressmania
    Update: 7/11/14

    I still did not find a affiliate platform where Paypal is not require from my end to open a account.
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