Before you buy another PLR ebook READ THIS
After a search yesterday, my analysis of it has been downgraded to just "ok."
I'm usually pretty good about searching out the product and seeing if it is being listed anywhere - and finding the lowest price. On my first tries, I didn't seem to come up with anything, but yesterday I did.
I went looking to see if I could spot the item being sold to see what others might be charging for it.
I was a bit upset to see it listed at Barnes and Noble - for only 2.99

This massively changes how I intend to use the content.
Also, there were some bonuses included with this content.
One was a list of links to particular services. I decided to click a few of those yesterday and found I'd be pulling my subscribers away from me if I included this list.
Not only should you edit PLR, but don't be afraid to go and search parts of it after you've purchased so you can see who else might be using it and what they're doing with it.
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