Help Me With Branding Please!

6 replies
So this is my dilemma,

I have finally decided to take some ACTION regarding my offline internet marketing biz... But im not sure how to brand myself or the business, I thought i would by a domain as my own name and brand myself on a wordpress blog as an online marketer recommending biz ops, online marketing tools and ebooks, who amongst marketing online can consult small business´s and offer online marketing services.

Or to create a brand. i have a wicked idea for a domain and business name online that can offer online marketing services for any business large or small.

But im caught between the two really. And in actual fact i could probably do both, but which first?

My goal is to help business owners get their existing site online and generating quality traffic, leads and of course sales.

I plan to do this by back linking their sites offering re-design consultation, ppc, directories, articles, and of course Web 2.0 techniques.

What do you all think would be better as a starting point?

And by the way this is in reference to a website, i guess i dont really need it but considering im going to be in this niche i figure getting a well designed site up and running will be better sooner rather then later.
  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    I would make up a different name for the business and start there. Why? I think it will give you a better opportunity to sell the business down the road if you wanted to, and after you leave your name is not damaged should something go amuck.

    Then develop the site that is your name, and add this business as one of your many references.

    Also, with branding that is not just your name, you can give the appearance that you are a bigger outfit than you are.

    "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author n7 Studios
    I would register both domain names, and name your services under your proposed business name. I'm assuming your business name will assist with telling people what you do, which is a great aid when starting out.

    When branding your business, ensure it is personable and based around you. It helps people see that you're not a faceless business, and puts some confidence in them to go with you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
      Like others have said, create both and brand both. Use the business as part of your personal brand. Brand yourself as the CEO or owner of "xyz startup" and then add more to your overall personal brand while building your business at the same time. If you do it right, you can build them together while doing only half the work.
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    • Profile picture of the author edhan
      With all that said, you have to focus and take action.

      Many times we do a lot of thinking and planning but without taking action. Everything is good and you can start getting your domain name (consider what you want to brand) and build it up. The sooner you get start the better as it will take a while before everything get moving. I have seen many people have good thoughts and planning but lack of taking action.

      Success is what you focus on and taking action will be the result!

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      • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
        You have the advantage like me Andre of having a name
        probably nobody has grabbed a .COM for - but unfortunately
        like me you have a name most people will not be able to
        spell or type-in accurately.

        When choosing domain names for anything other than online
        CLICK-THROUGH traffic, consider how poorly many people
        type and how badly they spell. IF you use commonly mis-spelled
        words or run words together in the wrong way you are begging
        for your prospects to have trouble finding your site.
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